Pope Francis Joins American Conservatives in Getting it Wrong on Abortion


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
Pope Francis says abortion is never OK and equates it to "hiring a hitman" - CBS News

“Is it licit to hire a hitman to resolve a problem?”

Pope Francis has committed a false comparison fallacy, and his argument fails as a consequence.

Conspiring with someone to kill a person entitled to Constitutional protections is murder.

But in the United States, as a fact of law, an embryo/fetus is not a person, and not entitled to Constitutional protections, where a woman’s right to privacy is paramount.

The Pope’s reasoning might have merit on religious or subjective moral grounds, but as an argument justifying the state compelling a woman to give birth against her will through force of law, it is completely devoid of merit.
Pope Francis says abortion is never OK and equates it to "hiring a hitman" - CBS News

“Is it licit to hire a hitman to resolve a problem?”

Pope Francis has committed a false comparison fallacy, and his argument fails as a consequence.

Conspiring with someone to kill a person entitled to Constitutional protections is murder.

But in the United States, as a fact of law, an embryo/fetus is not a person, and not entitled to Constitutional protections, where a woman’s right to privacy is paramount.

The Pope’s reasoning might have merit on religious or subjective moral grounds, but as an argument justifying the state compelling a woman to give birth against her will through force of law, it is completely devoid of merit.

If you actually expect the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church to endorse abortion you are a bigger idiot than I've given you credit for.
Pope Francis has committed a false comparison fallacy, and his argument fails as a consequence. But in the United States, as a fact of law, an embryo/fetus is not a person, and not entitled to Constitutional protections, where a woman’s right to privacy is paramount.
Incorrect Poindexter. ... :cool:

If a man punches a pregnant woman in the stomach and causes her to miscarry the fetus. He will be charged with murder and sent to prison if convicted.
I couldn't care less what the pope thinks... about... well, anything!

But if he's against abortion, then maybe he finally got something right.
I'm kinda surprised. The only part of liberalism he hasn't supported so far is pedophilia, I figured he'd make room for infanticide.
Pope Francis says abortion is never OK and equates it to "hiring a hitman" - CBS News

“Is it licit to hire a hitman to resolve a problem?”

Pope Francis has committed a false comparison fallacy, and his argument fails as a consequence.

Conspiring with someone to kill a person entitled to Constitutional protections is murder.

But in the United States, as a fact of law, an embryo/fetus is not a person, and not entitled to Constitutional protections, where a woman’s right to privacy is paramount.

The Pope’s reasoning might have merit on religious or subjective moral grounds, but as an argument justifying the state compelling a woman to give birth against her will through force of law, it is completely devoid of merit.

But the Hitman gets Absolution from Confession right? Ave Maria! Wave around a little voodoo doll? I'm just playing, or not, whatever.

Have they thought of the Presbyterian Blue-Light Elder system? Maybe the Pope could use a saber and less Popery, I mean funny hats. By George, Longstreet is caught in an ugly gorge, we'll win , the way out is ball and blade. That's Stonewall Jackson's Way!
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"But in the United States, as a fact of law, an embryo/fetus is not a person, and not entitled to Constitutional protections, where a woman’s right to privacy is paramount."

A "fact of law"? What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Facts are facts. Laws are laws. The expression is nonsense.

The basis of this stupidity is generally considered to be one of the worst Supreme Court decisions since Dred Scott. It is based on absolutely nothing, encapsulated in the insidious, non-existent, "right to privacy." The same "right" that courts used to overturn thousands of years of accepted marriage law.

Although there is no way to predict exactly how the house of cards known as "Roe v. Wade" will crumble to the ground, but it will inevitably do so. Even based on medical science it is total nonsense. The DNA of a developing human is FIXED AND KNOWN from the moment of fertilization, and to pretend that it is nothing but "tissue," is an insult to science.

Although I am a life-long Catholic I have no regard for Pope Frank. Nevertheless, he is absolutely right on abortion. Hopefully the United States will adopt his position presently. Maybe people will start taking their reproductive activity a little more seriously...CHOOSE whether to have a child before pregnancy occurs, perhaps.
The RCC has always been against abortion. The courts realize the Separation of Church and State in the US so pro choice it the only way to be, being pro choice is not for pro abortion.

Now take Israel or the Jewish thought, after all the NT follows the OT.
Not only is the precise time of the birth of paramount importance in adjudicating whether aborting the fetus is permissible to save the mother’s life, but the viability of the fetus must also be taken into account. The newborn child is not considered fully viable until it has survived thirty days following birth, as is stated in the Talmud:

Rabban Simeon ben Gamliel said: Any human being who lives 30 days is not a nephel [abortus] because it is stated: ‘And those that are to be redeemed of them from a month old shalt thou redeem (Numbers 18:16),’ since prior to thirty days it is not certain that he will survive.”
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