Pope has a wall around the Vatican, right?

Like most liberal/progressives, well the Pope is actually a Communist, he's a huge hypocrite.
Like most conservatives you are an idiot if you think a wall around the Vatican is being hypocritical.
Pope Francis says 'builders of walls' sow fear and divide - CNN

This is typical leftist hypocrisy, a Pope who is protected by high walls and an army of security guards, telling Trump that walls are "immoral"....

The current Pope didn't build the wall, didn't hire the Swiss Guards and flies in a commercial plane, as explained here:

Fun facts and more about life aboard the papal plane
The Pope HAS a wall and HAS armed guards, so he HAS NO LEG TO STAND ON in condemning Trump.
Most famous people have walls for privacy and armed guards for their personal residence. I bet Drumpf has armed guards and walls.

When he plays golf the secret service has to hire golf carts to follow him, on his own course where he earns $$$ from their rent.

Secret Service has spent nearly $150k on golf cart rentals since Trump took office: report
Pope Francis says 'builders of walls' sow fear and divide - CNN

This is typical leftist hypocrisy, a Pope who is protected by high walls and an army of security guards, telling Trump that walls are "immoral"....

The current Pope didn't build the wall, didn't hire the Swiss Guards and flies in a commercial plane, as explained here:

Fun facts and more about life aboard the papal plane
The Pope HAS a wall and HAS armed guards, so he HAS NO LEG TO STAND ON in condemning Trump.
Most famous people have walls for privacy and armed guards for their personal residence. I bet Drumpf has armed guards and walls.

When he plays golf the secret service has to hire golf carts to follow him, on his own course where he earns $$$ from their rent.

Secret Service has spent nearly $150k on golf cart rentals since Trump took office: report
He charges the US populace to rent golf carts from his own golf course so he can play?
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are also well protected by walls and guns, which they say they don't believe in.
Like most liberal/progressives, well the Pope is actually a Communist, he's a huge hypocrite.

Pope Francis is not a Communist; claiming he is proves only that you are ignorant and can only echo the meme of other biddable fools.
Pope Francis says 'builders of walls' sow fear and divide - CNN

This is typical leftist hypocrisy, a Pope who is protected by high walls and an army of security guards, telling Trump that walls are "immoral"....
He's a fraud without the slightest bit of moral authority. He lives like pampered royalty while many of his followers wallow in poverty. His priests are often child molesting pedophiles protected by his "holiness". And as you point out he isolates himself behind walls with armed guards while he demands others ignore their borders place their country in chaotic peril.

A fat, lying fraud!
As a recovering Catholic (nothing against those who are), I double down on my belief the Pope IS a Communist, or at least has Communist leanings.
As a recovering Catholic (nothing against those who are), I double down on my belief the Pope IS a Communist, or at least has Communist leanings.
As a practicing Catholic, I agree, this Pope is a Communist, or at least a fellow traveler.
Yeah cause the Vatican is about the size of a very small ranch. Its like having a fence around your house.


"It may be difficult to imagine, but there is a country in the world smaller than New York City’s Central Park and one with a population smaller than a typical high-school class. Based on landmass, Vatican City is the smallest country in the world, measuring just 0.2 square miles, almost 120 times smaller than the island of Manhattan. Situated on the western bank of the Tiber River, Vatican City’s 2-mile border is landlocked by Italy."

Do you have a fence like this around your house?

View attachment 242119
Nothing says 'welcome my children' like a 30 foot brick wall. The Pope a Dope sticks his foot in it again.
You know, the walls were originally built to keep out pirates. And, when the threat from pirates and Muslims faded, they decided to keep the walls as a symbol of papal power. Interestingly enough, it's easier to get into the Vatican than it is to go through airport security at JFK.

Why Are There Walls Around the Vatican?

During the 9th century, Saracen pirates were pillaging much of southern Italy. When they sacked St. Peter’s in 846, Pope Leo IV decided he needed a little extra protection. A 39-foot-tall wall was constructed around Leonine City, an area which included the current Vatican territory.

“Gradually the Muslim threat receded and many gates were opened in the walls,” says Thomas Noble, a papal history expert at Notre Dame University. But then came the 16th century and a new pope, Pius IV, who proclaimed, “Nah! Close ‘em up, boys.” (We’re paraphrasing.) “The problem in those later times was that political violence in Rome sometimes threatened the papacy,” says Noble. It wasn’t pirates this time, but Roman Emperors looking to pick a fight (and maybe steal some of the church’s sweet art.)


“A Sign of Papal Power”

The Vatican walls stayed even when the threats disappeared, because a wall isn’t always about keeping out bad guys. Ancient walls look cool. “Remember that the great Renaissance Popes sought to restore Rome and the Vatican Area to be the glory of the civilized world,” says Diane Apostolos-Cappadona, a Catholic studies professor at Georgetown. St. Peter’s Basilica Church was built to be “the largest church in Christendom and the center of pilgrimage in Europe,” she says. Surrounding it all with a wall was a “sign of papal power.”

But it’s a symbolic power more than an oppressive “keep the hell out” power. “Building walls, whether in China or the north of Britain or anywhere else, have always been political statements,” says Noble. “They have never served as effective barriers.”

The Vatican walls are anything but effective. It’s more difficult to get through airport security at JFK than to get into Vatican City. Once you’re through the metal detectors, well, that’s it. As for identification, it doesn’t take much. Ken Pennington, a professor of medieval history at Washington’s Catholic University of America, frequently visits Vatican City, and he says the only I.D. he’s ever needed is his Vatican library card. “It’s true,” he laughs. “Have library card; will travel.”

Why are you guys holding the current pope responsible for the actions of a pope over 1,000 years ago?
Yeah cause the Vatican is about the size of a very small ranch. Its like having a fence around your house.


"It may be difficult to imagine, but there is a country in the world smaller than New York City’s Central Park and one with a population smaller than a typical high-school class. Based on landmass, Vatican City is the smallest country in the world, measuring just 0.2 square miles, almost 120 times smaller than the island of Manhattan. Situated on the western bank of the Tiber River, Vatican City’s 2-mile border is landlocked by Italy."

Do you have a fence like this around your house?

View attachment 242119
Nothing says 'welcome my children' like a 30 foot brick wall. The Pope a Dope sticks his foot in it again.

Hey it’s not a wall. Asslips said it’s a fence.
Pope Francis says 'builders of walls' sow fear and divide - CNN

This is typical leftist hypocrisy, a Pope who is protected by high walls and an army of security guards, telling Trump that walls are "immoral"....
And you have a wall of brainwash around your brain, super duper duper. The Vatican wall is designed to stop armies invading and attacking, anybody who wants to can walk into Vatican City, dumbass. The wall is stupid and won't do a damn thing. Pass an ID card like Democrats have tried to for years.
Pope Francis says 'builders of walls' sow fear and divide - CNN

This is typical leftist hypocrisy, a Pope who is protected by high walls and an army of security guards, telling Trump that walls are "immoral"....
And you have a wall of brainwash around your brain, super duper duper. The Vatican wall is designed to stop armies invading and attacking, anybody who wants to can walk into Vatican City, dumbass. The wall is stupid and won't do a damn thing. Pass an ID card like Democrats have tried to for years.
You can use it for your imaginary illegal voting problem...
Dictionary result for fence
  1. 1.
    a barrier, railing, or other upright structure, typically of wood or wire, enclosing an area of ground to mark a boundary, control access, or prevent escape.
    synonyms: barrier, paling, railing, rail, bar, hurdle, enclosure; More
  2. 2.
    a guard or guide on a plane, saw, or other tool.

  1. 1.
    surround or protect with a fence.
    "our garden was not fully fenced"
    synonyms: enclose, surround, circumscribe, encircle, circle, encompass, bound, form a barrier around, form a ring round; More

It ain't no wall, bozo, and Mexico will not pay a dime for it. You ought to grow up and embrace reality.

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