Pope Pushes a World Government

Wow. I guess those Jesuit conspiracy theories about them wanting world domination and world government can't be said to be tin foil hat stuff anymore.

Pope Francis is the first Jesuit Pope, and he is pretty much just shoving it in the face of the U.S.

Yep, world control is the agenda. . . you found them out. :71:


We used to drink some of them under the table while debating at The Tombs in Georgetown back in the 70s. They'd get loaded (apparently they didn't get out much) and spew all kinds of odd scary shit, each trying to be more Machiavellian than the other. It was great fun.
This clown says the US has a distorted world view and Americans must be ruled by a World Government....Ever wonder what happened to the last Pope, you know the one that "retired" six years ago. Ever hear of a Pope retiring before. There is something strange going on in Vatican City

“Pope Pushes a World Government”

This a lie.
Unfortunately no it is not
https://www.proclaimingthegospel.org/site/blogview2.asp? sec_id=180014816&forum_id=180003854&message_id=180068078&topic_id=180021176
Pope Backs Plan for World Government; Sees It as a Means to Establish Peace
Did Pope Francis Just Call for a One-World Government?
The Vatican Calls for World Government
he puts his pants on like everyone else....he aint nothing special...

Popes don't wear pants. They were cassocks, which is the same as what they wore before pants were invented.

In any event, the popes really shouldn't get this involved in politics. Francis should really should be concerning himself with proclaiming new teachings, holy water supplies, church construction, rewriting the prayers, that kind of thing. Not politics.
he puts his pants on like everyone else....he aint nothing special...

Popes don't wear pants. They were cassocks, which is the same as what they wore before pants were invented.

In any event, the popes really shouldn't get this involved in politics. Francis should really should be concerning himself with proclaiming new teachings, holy water supplies, church construction, rewriting the prayers, that kind of thing. Not politics.
Or perhaps weighing in on Chinese oppression In. Hong Kong.....
The ANTICHRIST rearing its ugly head...
I do not believe that the Pope is THE AntiChrist, that was Nero whose name in Latin and Greek totaled to 666 and 606 respectively, as I understand it, and whose nickname was 'The Beast'.

But I do think that St John gave us some archetypes that reappear in times of moral decadence and impending Judgement, AKA coming social collapse.

The 13th chapter of the book of Revelations speaks of two beasts, the Best of the Sea and the Beast of the Earth. I believe that vrs 18 is a reference tot he Beast of the Sea. The chapter I think shows us the archetype of two imposing leaders, the first is a temporal ruler who has governmental power, the Second Beast of the Earth is a religious leader who affirms and promotes the government leader as a thing to worship; i.e. will make everyone safe, happy, healthy, wealthy and I think it was literally a reference to the ancient Roman College of Pontiffs.

The Cult of the Emperor

  • The Romans began the practice of deifying their dead rulers with Julius Caesar. This was not as bizarre as it sounds to us. Ruler cult had been an instrumental part of Hellenistic religion and rule since Alexander the Great and a number of cultures in the world believe that their temporal rulers have a special relationship with the divine. Before he died Ceasar received the right to have a flamen for a cult in his honor, to mark his house like a temple and to place his imago in the procession of the gods that featured in Roman parades and festivals. After he died, the Senate passed a decree formally deifying Ceasar, and altars and tempes were erected to him.
  • Scholars have shed much ink and Romans some blood on how to understand Caesar's deification. While his assimilation to divine status would have seemed ordinary to inhabitants of the eastern parts of Roman empire, accustomed to Hellenistic ruler cults, it was a novel (and therefore frightening) and foreign (and therefore bad) gesture from the point of view of ordinary Roman citizens in the western part of the empire. Romans, nevertheless, did not draw as sharp a distinction between the mortal and divine as we do. They clearly believed, for example, that Romulus had become a god. Roman rites in honor of the dead clearly ascribed divine attributes to their dead ancestors. The Roman triumph clearly elevated the successful general to almost divine status.

  • By the third century BCE, moreover, prominent Roman politicians and generals had begun to claim that their families were descended from the gods (Scipio Africanus, Aemilius Paullus and Julius Caesar). Similarly, by the end of the Republic dominant figures like Marius and Pompey received honors "like those received by the gods." In the eastern part of the Roman empire, conquering Roman governors and generals since the second century BCE had been honored by the defeated with divine honors (again a normal gesture in the context of Hellenistic ruler cult).
  • In a sense, the only innovation that Caesar's deification represents, is that divine honors were paid to him in Rome. The distinction the honor provided, moreover, coincided with the fall of the Roman republic, whose political structure was premised on an ideal of libertas (or equality, at least among members of the political elite). Divine status indicated that, at least in ideological terms, the power of the princeps (a son of a god who would be deified upon his death) was distinct and better than that enjoyed by members of the senatorial elite. Augustus, the first successful sole ruler of Rome since the days of the monarchy, moreover, consciously associated himself with the authority Romans granted to religion. He became (as Julius Caesar had) pontifex maximus. Augustus was brilliant in the way he aligned religious authority with political. While there were numerous rites and cult activities associated with the emperor, there was no single ceremony that clearly marked his special status or in which he participated as the dominant actor (e.g. a coronation). Instead, worship of the emperor was incorporated into the pre-existing structures of Roman religion (e.g., the assumption of duties by the Fratres Arvales in imperial cults).
  • Augustus, moreover, never personally claimed divine status within his lifetime. Rather, he permitted the worship of his genius and numen. For the Romans, everyone (and every being) had a genius. It was the vital energy and generative power inherent in life. When Romans celebrated their birthdays, for example, they celebrated their genius. Augustus also instituted public worship of his family's Lares and of his numen. The nod that Jupiter gave assenting to an action was his numen. The term signifies divine will. It is the immortal equivalent to genius. Unlike genius, most folks don't have a numen. By organizing cult worship of his numen Augustus walked a fine line. On the one hand, the worship signalled that there wasn't much difference between himself and a god. On the other hand, Augustus wasn't explicitly saying he was a god.
  • After Augustus died, his successor and adopted son, Tiberius, arranged to have him deified. A senator announced (and took an oath) that he had seen Augustus ascend into heaven. The senate ordered a temple built, designated a flamen and instituted a college of priests. It became the practice of Rome to deify its emperors after their death. The rhetoric of these actions always suggested that the emperor, because of his achievements in his lifetime, had earned the recognition. Occassionally a "bad" emperor didn't follow the rules. Caligula, for example, claimed to be a god while he was alive. The Roman historians and biographers of Caligula found this outrageous and proof of Caligula's dementia.
  • The imperial cult became a useful way for Rome to integrate the increasingly large numbers of different types of peoples within its empire into a single cultural identity. Outside of Italy, for example, worship of the emperor was usually linked to worship of the goddess, Roma. Members of local elites could be recognized by their nomination to membership in the college of priests devoted to Augustus and Rome. Men of newfound wealth but very poor antecedents (freedmen) could be assimiliated into the power structure by such priesthoods.
In any event, the popes really shouldn't get this involved in politics. Francis should really should be concerning himself with proclaiming new teachings, holy water supplies, church construction, rewriting the prayers, that kind of thing. Not politics.
The Pope needs to clean his own house before preaching to others about how to clean theirs.
Catholics are not real Christians anyway....


Why the liberal hatred for Roman Catholics, Biff?

Is it the fact that homos can't get married in the Catholic Church? Or the fact that the Catholic Church stands against the abortuary business?
Conservatives have a long history of hating Catholics...still to this day....but if you want to blame it on liberals, have at it....

I wonder if conservatives have finally come to terms with a Catholic being elected president...….
I think the Pope will make a great leader of the world
Catholics are not real Christians anyway....


Why the liberal hatred for Roman Catholics, Biff?

Is it the fact that homos can't get married in the Catholic Church? Or the fact that the Catholic Church stands against the abortuary business?
Conservatives have a long history of hating Catholics...still to this day....but if you want to blame it on liberals, have at it....

I wonder if conservatives have finally come to terms with a Catholic being elected president...….
They did kill Kennedy and no Catholic has been elected since
Catholics are not real Christians anyway....


Why the liberal hatred for Roman Catholics, Biff?

Is it the fact that homos can't get married in the Catholic Church? Or the fact that the Catholic Church stands against the abortuary business?
Conservatives have a long history of hating Catholics...still to this day....but if you want to blame it on liberals, have at it....

I wonder if conservatives have finally come to terms with a Catholic being elected president...….
They did kill Kennedy and no Catholic has been elected since

Oswald was a liberal, defected to the USSR and was a devout leader of a pro-Castro group.
Catholics are not real Christians anyway....


Why the liberal hatred for Roman Catholics, Biff?

Is it the fact that homos can't get married in the Catholic Church? Or the fact that the Catholic Church stands against the abortuary business?
Conservatives have a long history of hating Catholics...still to this day....but if you want to blame it on liberals, have at it....

I wonder if conservatives have finally come to terms with a Catholic being elected president...….
They did kill Kennedy and no Catholic has been elected since

Oswald was a liberal, defected to the USSR and was a devout leader of a pro-Castro group.

LOL...what a moron
Everyone knows Oswald didn’t do it.
JFK was killed by a secret cabal of John Birchers who hated Catholics
Catholics are not real Christians anyway....


Why the liberal hatred for Roman Catholics, Biff?

Is it the fact that homos can't get married in the Catholic Church? Or the fact that the Catholic Church stands against the abortuary business?
Conservatives have a long history of hating Catholics...still to this day....but if you want to blame it on liberals, have at it....

I wonder if conservatives have finally come to terms with a Catholic being elected president...….
They did kill Kennedy and no Catholic has been elected since

Oswald was a liberal, defected to the USSR and was a devout leader of a pro-Castro group.

LOL...what a moron
Everyone knows Oswald didn’t do it.
JFK was killed by a secret cabal of John Birchers who hated Catholics

Where did you get the idea that the Birch Society hates Catholics?

Further, the whole plan was foiled if it was a scheme against the Catholic Church. Lyndon Johnson was the first and only President not to be sworn in with a bible. LBJ took the oath of office on the Most Holy Missal of the Catholic Church, which JFK had on Air Force One.
Why the liberal hatred for Roman Catholics, Biff?

Is it the fact that homos can't get married in the Catholic Church? Or the fact that the Catholic Church stands against the abortuary business?
Conservatives have a long history of hating Catholics...still to this day....but if you want to blame it on liberals, have at it....

I wonder if conservatives have finally come to terms with a Catholic being elected president...….
They did kill Kennedy and no Catholic has been elected since

Oswald was a liberal, defected to the USSR and was a devout leader of a pro-Castro group.

LOL...what a moron
Everyone knows Oswald didn’t do it.
JFK was killed by a secret cabal of John Birchers who hated Catholics

Where did you get the idea that the Birch Society hates Catholics?

Further, the whole plan was foiled if it was a scheme against the Catholic Church. Lyndon Johnson was the first and only President not to be sworn in with a bible. LBJ took the oath of office on the Most Holy Missal of the Catholic Church, which JFK had on Air Force One.

The Catholic Bible is the only one actually written by God
The Pope is God’s living disciple, that is why he will be leader of the world

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