Pope Says Trump Not A Christian

I support Trump for one reason - he can, and will, beat Pantsuit. Hell, I'd vote for a sack full of burning dogshit before I'd vote for that bus stop rat bag old hag.

So you are voting for Trump because he can beat someone who won't be the Democrat nominee, you are crazy. Especially since everyone can beat her
FOOL. Both of you.
Tonto diction bad. You talk Kemosabe, him teach.
You get job, learn to think for self.
As if further demonstration of your somewhat modest intellectual endowment were actually needed. Have you ever wondered why Trump followers are statistically the least educated constituency?

Apparently you are one of those uninformed low information folks. In New Hampshire, Trump voters included the highly educated as well as those considered less educated. Nice try though but it actually shows your lack of knowledge.
So why have the overwhelming majority of Trump followers failed to graduate from college? Are they too stupid? Are they just lazy and unmotivated?

If you can't fathom my post perhaps you need some education. You continue to attempt to make all Trump supporters appear ignorant when it has widely been reported that in New Hampshire, Trump garnered the votes from voters of all educational levels. You are indeed an ignorant bigot yourself.
To you, I'm sure he was. And I have no interest in creeds.

Ever met a carpenter who didn't talk about wood and tools? I never have...

Don't say I didn't give you a chance, because I did...

I figured as much, you have lost the plot...

I showed you a farmer, you were unable to show me a carpenter. We're done.

If you think that's proof? you had better call the X-Files then...

I'm not alone...Was Jesus a Carpenter? | Theology for Real Life
Tonto diction bad. You talk Kemosabe, him teach.
You get job, learn to think for self.
As if further demonstration of your somewhat modest intellectual endowment were actually needed. Have you ever wondered why Trump followers are statistically the least educated constituency?

Apparently you are one of those uninformed low information folks. In New Hampshire, Trump voters included the highly educated as well as those considered less educated. Nice try though but it actually shows your lack of knowledge.
So why have the overwhelming majority of Trump followers failed to graduate from college? Are they too stupid? Are they just lazy and unmotivated?

If you can't fathom my post perhaps you need some education. You continue to attempt to make all Trump supporters appear ignorant when it has widely been reported that in New Hampshire, Trump garnered the votes from voters of all educational levels. You are indeed an ignorant bigot yourself.
Barry is too stupid to release his school records...
The Pope did not say that Trump was not a Christian. He said that Trump's building a wall was not Christian. Big difference, one word a noun and one a adjective.

Yet God Himself commissioned Nehemiah to go to Jerusalem to rebuild the wall. Do you infer that the Pope has not actually read the Bible or is it your claim that the Pope does not believe the Bible?

Don't say I didn't give you a chance, because I did...

I figured as much, you have lost the plot...

I showed you a farmer, you were unable to show me a carpenter. We're done.

If you think that's proof? you had better call the X-Files then...

I'm not alone...Was Jesus a Carpenter? | Theology for Real Life

Bible says he was a carpenter, if you can refute that, fine. Does it make any difference if it's true...

Your argument quite weak, in fact it's delusional. Next you're going to say he was Robin Hood??

To you, I'm sure he was. And I have no interest in creeds.

Ever met a carpenter who didn't talk about wood and tools? I never have...

Don't say I didn't give you a chance, because I did...

I figured as much, you have lost the plot...

I showed you a farmer, you were unable to show me a carpenter. We're done.

Look in the Yellow Pages.
Of course he is. He's done for ----AGAIN! LOL!!
Only with people who have any sense of moral principles......people like you will remain uneffected.

That will include most all American voters then. Suck it up or crawl off into a corner and sulk.

yah... just like Romney is president.

Actually, you Liberals are persistent. You have attacked Trump from the get-go. You have attacked what he's said about Bush, about Cruz, about Megan Kelly, about the wall, about illegal immigrants, about attending a gay wedding, and now about the Pope. Your ploy now is to attempt to turn Catholics and Christians against voting for him. I suppose absolute desperation is the cause. The problem is that we are wise to you fools. Your own alternatives are far more stinky than is Donald Trump. I mean really? Hillary and Bernie? LOL!! Keep bashing the man and continue to watch him march right past you and into the White House. But you folks do serve to amuse us.

They are trying to turn Catholics against Trump? And you fellow Trump supporters urging Trump to sue the Catholic Church over this are reaching out to Catholics?

This blind loyalty to Trump is insane.

The only one I saw that suggested that was another one of you Liberal loons.

Don't say I didn't give you a chance, because I did...

I figured as much, you have lost the plot...

I showed you a farmer, you were unable to show me a carpenter. We're done.

If you think that's proof? you had better call the X-Files then...

I'm not alone...Was Jesus a Carpenter? | Theology for Real Life

Don't say I didn't give you a chance, because I did...
I figured as much, you have lost the plot...
I showed you a farmer, you were unable to show me a carpenter. We're done.
If you think that's proof? you had better call the X-Files then...
I'm not alone...Was Jesus a Carpenter? | Theology for Real Life
Bible says he was a carpenter, if you can refute that, fine. Does it make any difference if it's true...

The Bible says a lot of crap and why it says that is because they didn't get it right even then. Most things said of Jesus, are nonsense.

Tell me, do you know what a gentile is?
Tonto diction bad. You talk Kemosabe, him teach.
You get job, learn to think for self.
As if further demonstration of your somewhat modest intellectual endowment were actually needed. Have you ever wondered why Trump followers are statistically the least educated constituency?

Apparently you are one of those uninformed low information folks. In New Hampshire, Trump voters included the highly educated as well as those considered less educated. Nice try though but it actually shows your lack of knowledge.
So why have the overwhelming majority of Trump followers failed to graduate from college? Are they too stupid? Are they just lazy and unmotivated?
Why do you Dims need a huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government to think and do everything for you? Lazy? Unmotivated? Stupid? You Takers Crack me up.

Based solely on the posts on this thread alone I would venture a lack of any formal education.
To you, I'm sure he was. And I have no interest in creeds.

Ever met a carpenter who didn't talk about wood and tools? I never have...

Don't say I didn't give you a chance, because I did...

I figured as much, you have lost the plot...

I showed you a farmer, you were unable to show me a carpenter. We're done.

Look in the Yellow Pages.

Way more truthful than the Bible...
trump is a bigger hypocrite

How did you figure? Trump is not leading a massive church and claiming to be the "vicar of Christ."

Nah, Borgia is a FAR bigger hypocrite - and I am no fan of Trump.

No. He is just claiming to be the man who is going to save Christianity. And his faux outrage at the Pope for doing the same thing he did to Ted Cruz less than a week ago is just not very genuine.

It doesn't matter. Trump is WINNING!!

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