Pope Says Trump Not A Christian

Trump can't win, he can only lose.
In your marxist dreams.
Nope. No third-party can win in a rigged two-party system.
Well, sit back and start crying. Because Trump won't just win, he'll win HUGE. This country is fed up with mediocrity.

Trump is the definition of mediocre
Yep, a billionaire is obviously just mediocre...

Considering he managed to go bankrupt four times in a business where people literally give you money for nothing and he couldn't even make it without his daddy's help, yeah that's mediocre
trump is a bigger hypocrite

How did you figure? Trump is not leading a massive church and claiming to be the "vicar of Christ."

Nah, Borgia is a FAR bigger hypocrite - and I am no fan of Trump.

No. He is just claiming to be the man who is going to save Christianity. And his faux outrage at the Pope for doing the same thing he did to Ted Cruz less than a week ago is just not very genuine.

It doesn't matter. Trump is WINNING!!

Debatable but does winning make him less of a hypocrite?

Who cares if he is winning if he is going to be just as bad as losing?

You and the rest of the low IQ Liberal loons on here care a great deal that he is winning. LOL!! Pathetic.
In your marxist dreams.
Nope. No third-party can win in a rigged two-party system.
Well, sit back and start crying. Because Trump won't just win, he'll win HUGE. This country is fed up with mediocrity.

Trump is the definition of mediocre
Yep, a billionaire is obviously just mediocre...

Considering he managed to go bankrupt four times in a business where people literally give you money for nothing and he couldn't even make it without his daddy's help, yeah that's mediocre

How many billion do you claim to be worth?
Here is one of Trump's temples to his god, built with the generous donations of the devoted flock who religiously attend these cathedrals:


You know how many people will change their vote because of your post?

That's right . . . . zero.
In your marxist dreams.
Nope. No third-party can win in a rigged two-party system.
Well, sit back and start crying. Because Trump won't just win, he'll win HUGE. This country is fed up with mediocrity.

Trump is the definition of mediocre
Yep, a billionaire is obviously just mediocre...

Considering he managed to go bankrupt four times in a business where people literally give you money for nothing and he couldn't even make it without his daddy's help, yeah that's mediocre
Why aren't you a billionaire then?

Why haven't you turned a few thousand dollars into millions?

You are a moron.
"Judge not for you shall be judged". The pope is looking too political. How about he orders all those walls at his Vatican be taken down. This guy is contradicting himself like a fool.

Why doesn't the Pope invite 10,000 Muslim refugees to stay at the Vatican?

The Pope should really know better. It is inappropriate and sinful for ANY human, even the Pope, to presume to know and speak to the state of another person's heart and/or their relationship with God.

You can speak to someone's actions all day long, if you like, but it is hubris to make statements like this.
Trump just responded to the Pope. He said for any religious leader to remark about another man's faith is disgraceful especially since he has not remarked against Obama's faith. Trump is absolutely correct on this. The only one who knows about any man's faith is God. The Pope is not God.
Pretty much Trump's standard response to any criticism.

Really? I can't recall ever saying anything similar. Furthermore, he's right. That's what really sticks in your craw. The Pope is a colossal hypocrite.
Here are the traditional pews kindly provided by Trump at his temple, where the faithful can be found 24 hours a day, cleansing their filthy lucre in highly refined ministrations. Some congregants are known to develop obsessive rituals which they believe, if violated, will bring down the wrath of fate on their heads. In this way, Saint Trump has been credited for creating tens of millions of worshipers of his god:


Do you know how many people will change their vote because of your post?

That's right . . . . zero.
The Pope does not have the authority to declare Trump is or isn't a Christian. It's not the Pope's job to judge people and determine their true heart. Whether one is a Christian or not is between God and that person. The Pope needs to stop trying to be a political figure.
Your right, it isn't the Pope's job.....it's my job. And I say Donald Trump has no foundation in any kind of religion. He is clearly an atheist.

It most certainly is NOT your job.
I figured as much, you have lost the plot...
I showed you a farmer, you were unable to show me a carpenter. We're done.

Look in the Yellow Pages.
Way more truthful than the Bible...

Just trying to help. I saw you were looking for a carpenter or blacksmith or something and realizing you were a Liberal and probably uneducated, I offered my assistance. You're completely welcome.
The uneducated believe that Jesus was a carpenter, who came back from the dead, to save the gentiles he never bothered to even preach to...
Jesus would be the first to forgive you for your ignorance, it's all good. Lol

Trump announced today that he is also suing the-human-being....

He's going to appoint me to the Supreme Court. I'll learn Law as I go. Meanwhile, Law will be whatever I say it is.
Nope, Trump;s going to appoint the head of his legal team. He just might have sue someone.

I can't imagine what it's like to be so insecure that you need to threaten to sue everyone who says a bad thing about you.

And I can't imagine why we would want someone that insecure in charge of our military

You really are one stupid dude. You can't even distinguish one poster from another.

What exactly was wrong with what I replied to flopper? Who exactly did you think I was replying to?

And at least I'm not stupid enough to vote for Trump
I showed you a farmer, you were unable to show me a carpenter. We're done.

Look in the Yellow Pages.
Way more truthful than the Bible...

Just trying to help. I saw you were looking for a carpenter or blacksmith or something and realizing you were a Liberal and probably uneducated, I offered my assistance. You're completely welcome.
The uneducated believe that Jesus was a carpenter, who came back from the dead, to save the gentiles he never bothered to even preach to...
Jesus would be the first to forgive you for your ignorance, it's all good. Lol

That's not ignorance, little man. If you actually study the faith, that is who your Lord is...

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