Pope Says Trump Not A Christian

The Pope threw the first punch. He is the aggressor in this exchange. I hope people recognize this fact.
This is what the Pope said:
"And then, a person who thinks only about building walls, wherever they may be, and not building bridges, is not Christian. This is not in the gospel. As far as what you said about whether I would advise to vote or not to vote, I am not going to get involved in that. I say only that this man is not Christian if he said things like that. We must see if he said things in that way and in this I give the benefit of the doubt."
This is an ATTACK? A punch? The Pope is an Aggressor? Who's being a candy assed whiner this time?

Oh, that would be Trump. That's ALWAYS Trump.
Trump's Nuns:


Do you know how many people will change their vote because of your post?

That's right . . . . zero.
You have to be a special kind of retard to bleev Trump is a religious man. He is a deceiver, and not even a great one.
Ugh he doesn't claim to be a prophet. Nor does he get preachy like the pope does.
Here we see a high mass in one of Trump's temples. This one makes the hayseeds feel closer to to Trump's god:

Do you know how many people will change their vote because of your post?

That's right . . . . zero.
If you think that's proof? you had better call the X-Files then...
I'm not alone...Was Jesus a Carpenter? | Theology for Real Life
Bible says he was a carpenter, if you can refute that, fine. Does it make any difference if it's true...

The Bible says a lot of crap and why it says that is because they didn't get it right even then. Most things said of Jesus, are nonsense.

Tell me, do you know what a gentile is?
Duh, not Jew

Matthew 10 New International Version (NIV)
Jesus Sends Out the Twelve
10 Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out impure spirits and to heal every disease and sickness.

2 These are the names of the twelve apostles: first, Simon (who is called Peter) and his brother Andrew; James son of Zebedee, and his brother John; 3 Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; James son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus; 4 Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him.

5 These twelve Jesus sent out with the following instructions: “Do not go among the Gentiles or enter any town of the Samaritans. 6 Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel. 7 As you go, proclaim this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ 8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy,a]">[a] drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.
So, Gentile, why do you call this Jew your God? He didn't come to save your kind eh?
You have to take the whole Bible into context with such things sorry, it's most likely way beyond ya...
Yeah, that's me. Dwelling on the recent past. Trump had a conversion while he was gliding down his golden escalator to tell us how rich he is and that's why he should be President.

Yep. Sure. Okay. He's a good, holy Christian now because he can read from "Two Corinthians" and use that as a reason to increase the size of our military. BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

I don't know why the willful blindness of the rubes still amazes me. I should be accustomed to it by now.

So when did Obama have his conversion?
Dwelling on the past there, sport
Says the guy who made this post a couple days ago:

Remember when Al Sharpton got his ignorant ass tipped over on live TV?

Yeah and Sharpton is still a crook. If you haven't noticed Trump is a republican now. Sooooo you're still dwelling on the past, sport.
You deserve to be lied to, retard.

Now that's bold of you to say that, big guy. Keep dwelling!
Sharpton is still a crook, Trump is still a huckster. But you keep on bleeving in his lies and his holiness, rube. Because you get the government you deserve. :lol:

You deserve to be lied to.

But Hillary is honest and credible, right?
Ugh he doesn't claim to be a prophet. Nor does he get preachy like the pope does.
Here we see a high mass in one of Trump's temples. This one makes the hayseeds feel closer to to Trump's god:


Dwelling on the past there, sport
Says the guy who made this post a couple days ago:

Remember when Al Sharpton got his ignorant ass tipped over on live TV?

Yeah and Sharpton is still a crook. If you haven't noticed Trump is a republican now. Sooooo you're still dwelling on the past, sport.
You deserve to be lied to, retard.

You deserve to be told the truth, and that's what really stings.
We don't want to forget that American POWs are losers too........because Donald Trump says so.

Since when did Liberal queers begin supporting veterans and the Pope? Today?
Perhaps you can find a website dedicated to Catholic veteran POW losers.

McCain was being an asshole and Trump insulted him BACK.

THat's the end of it, unless you're an dishonest asshole.

YOu don't hear McCain still going on about this.

I bet when McCain discusses the Republican primaries with his friends, he does.

Yeah I figured that would rile up the rest of the fake 'Kristians' in conservative land in the US. They claim to be something they aren't and their position is they whatever the claim to be, even if they don't live by the tenets of Christs.

Uh no, if you claim to be a follower of Christ then you have to live by his tenets, or your aren't a follower.
Obama claims to be a Christian, doesn't he? How about Bill and Hillary?
My question is, is the Pope a Christian? Only God knows.

As a Protestant Evangelical might say...

No, the Pope isn't a Christian; he's a Catholic!

Wrong. I'm an Evangelical Protestant, and I have no problem with the self-evident fact that Catholicism is a Christian religion.
Self evident?
It's a religion, we will leave it at that...

Unless you'd care to dispute that Catholics recognize the deity of Jesus Christ, it's self-evident.

Doesn't mean I agree with the way they practice their religion, but I have no issue with the fact that their core beliefs are Christian.
Look in the Yellow Pages.
Way more truthful than the Bible...

Just trying to help. I saw you were looking for a carpenter or blacksmith or something and realizing you were a Liberal and probably uneducated, I offered my assistance. You're completely welcome.
The uneducated believe that Jesus was a carpenter, who came back from the dead, to save the gentiles he never bothered to even preach to...
Jesus would be the first to forgive you for your ignorance, it's all good. Lol

That's not ignorance, little man. If you actually study the faith, that is who your Lord is...

Says who... Lol
The Marxist has spoken!

His main reason seems to be Trump's stance on illegal immigration and taking in Syrian Muslim refugees. "Christians don't build walls", according to the Pope. Well, except for that big one around the Vatican. Safety is always an issue for the important people but the rest of us don't matter so much.

So sick of everyone pandering to the Syrian "refugees." Mostly young males who should be fighting for their own country instead of other countries risking our troops. If we armed them, would they fight against or just join ISIS, if they aren't members already. Look at them. They all look well fed and able-bodied. Few woman and children among them. They are loud and demanding. They all have fancy cell phones and countries are hurrying to set up charging stations for their phones. Some actually went back home after complaining about the accommodations and food.

And we can't properly vet them. The ones pouring into European countries are overwhelming the cities and aren't kind to the native people. Incidents of sexual assaults are higher with the refugee population than the native population. Pedophiles are common and children have been attacked in public places.

They seem to resent having to stay in refugee housing while the vetting process takes place. Of course, it's slow considering how many of them are there. They should be glad to be safe and have food and housing. That isn't enough, and it would be enough for people who actually fled their homeland to save their lives. I guess the woman, children and elderly aren't worth saving since the vast majority just happen to be jihadi- age males. Hell of a coincidence, don't you think. Neighboring Muslim countries refuse to take them. No one is preaching to them about building walls.

It's one thing to help those in need, but it shouldn't be done when it poses a risk to the population.

It's been pointed out by many that we could help them faster and more efficiently by sending aid to them instead of having them spread out all over the globe. It's downright creepy the way it's happening because it definitely feels more like an invasion than a humanitarian act. Help them by sending aid there. And there is no need to evenly distribute them among the states either. Why the need to have them in all corners of the world to help them? Makes no sense at all. Only thing that does make sense is that ISIS and radical Muslims want to be everywhere. Even the so-called moderates claim that Islam will rule the world and IMAMs call for Muslims to breed with whites. It's sick and nothing more than their plan to eventually rid the world of infidels.

The Pope is liberal on many things and not as trustworthy as past ones. He's the first one I can think of that was appointed because the previous one quit instead of dying. Obama was all too happy about the new Pope, which made me suspicious from the start. All part of the plan to get Christians to bow to Muslims.

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