Pope Says Trump Not A Christian

Of course it IS Christian to hoard Vatican Treasures which could be auctioned off and the proceeds used to alleviate the suffering of so many who won't work.
So why isn't the Vatican doing that? Why are their churches adorned with gold and expensive statues with red carpeting and such? Do they care about appearances rather than the needy?

God has never required that His churches be shabby, rundown shacks. Quite the opposite, in fact. And in all fairness to the Catholics, they run and fund more aid organizations for the poor around the world than any other group I can name.
Way more truthful than the Bible...

Just trying to help. I saw you were looking for a carpenter or blacksmith or something and realizing you were a Liberal and probably uneducated, I offered my assistance. You're completely welcome.
The uneducated believe that Jesus was a carpenter, who came back from the dead, to save the gentiles he never bothered to even preach to...
Jesus would be the first to forgive you for your ignorance, it's all good. Lol

That's not ignorance, little man. If you actually study the faith, that is who your Lord is...

Says who... Lol
Those of us who study the faith, of course, and you, have not.

Start here, all you have to do is watch TV. That I know you can do: From Jesus To Christ - The First Christians | FRONTLINE | PBS
Something was wrong with this pope from day one. He picked his own name, refused to wear the tradional vestments, refused to eat food prepared by the Vatican cook, and refused to sleep in the tradional living quarters.

He said ,"Who am I to judge" in regards to gay marriage. But now he's judging a man's faith who wants to protect his people.

And isn't it odd that this Pope admonishes the US for not taking in tens of thousands of fighting age men from Syria - yet the Vatican has done nothing? Well, to be honest, I do believe that one Priest took in a family.
The VAtican took in two Syrian refugees "to set an example."
Do you agree with him?
It's fucking hilarious to watch all these pious cock suckers protest that no man can know what's in Donald Trump's heart.......when they've spent so much of the past eight years proclaiming to know what Barrack Obama truly believes. What a bunch of assholes.
You asshole...we judge them by their deeds...what they've done. Obabble failed his mission. Trump fulfilled his.
And what might that mission be? Making 9 billion dollars selling condos to millionaires, running casinos, having a string ex-wives, and sex scandals, not exactly evidence of one's devotion to Christ. Yet Trump says, "I'm an evangelical". " I'm a Christian." He also says he doesn't have time to go to church but tries to go on Christmas and Easter.

He has devoted his entire life to making money often at the expense of his creditors and investors. Donald Trump has not served God, his country, his fellowman, or anyone except Donald Trump. A Christian? hardly.
Wow, you are quite good at judging. A string of ex wives?=2. Does that disqualify him from the presidency? How many people in this country made wrong choices for marriage partners?
Sex scandals didn't stop Kennedy from being a decent president, nor Clinton. There are plenty if Christians who do not attend church regularly. They, as I, feel man has desecrated the church and it's nothing more than hypocrites than get a rush with church politics and talk badly about other church members. Hardly Christ like.
Yes, we've had presidents with ex-wives and presidents with sex scandals, and Christmas Easter Christians, and presidents that never served their country, and presidents, that never held political office, and presidents that have had no education or experience in government, or politics, but never have we had a president we so many faults in his character and qualifications.

Some people think Trump as president will shake Washington to it's foundation, sweeping away our immigration, terrorism, foreign policy, and financial problems with as Trump claims, his secret power.

I for one think Trump as president would do exactly what he is doing now, slinging mud at his adversaries, talking the big talk, and telling people how great the country is become, and of course, threatening to sue all that mistreat him.

I hate to ever agree with you, but you're almost certainly correct on Trump in office.
My question is, is the Pope a Christian? Only God knows.

As a Protestant Evangelical might say...

No, the Pope isn't a Christian; he's a Catholic!

Wrong. I'm an Evangelical Protestant, and I have no problem with the self-evident fact that Catholicism is a Christian religion.
Self evident?
It's a religion, we will leave it at that...

Unless you'd care to dispute that Catholics recognize the deity of Jesus Christ, it's self-evident.

Doesn't mean I agree with the way they practice their religion, but I have no issue with the fact that their core beliefs are Christian.
Martin Luther - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Catholics speak for Catholics not christians - agree, we will leave it at that...
Trump announced today that he is also suing the-human-being....

He's going to appoint me to the Supreme Court. I'll learn Law as I go. Meanwhile, Law will be whatever I say it is.
Nope, Trump;s going to appoint the head of his legal team. He just might have sue someone.

I can't imagine what it's like to be so insecure that you need to threaten to sue everyone who says a bad thing about you.

And I can't imagine why we would want someone that insecure in charge of our military

I think it's hilarious that Cruz called his bluff, and Trump backed down, just like the blustering bully that he is.
The Pope does not have the authority to declare Trump is or isn't a Christian. It's not the Pope's job to judge people and determine their true heart. Whether one is a Christian or not is between God and that person. The Pope needs to stop trying to be a political figure.
Your right, it isn't the Pope's job.....it's my job. And I say Donald Trump has no foundation in any kind of religion. He is clearly an atheist.

So says the lying commie atheist.

Guess how many people care about your opinion?
My question is, is the Pope a Christian? Only God knows.

As a Protestant Evangelical might say...

No, the Pope isn't a Christian; he's a Catholic!

Wrong. I'm an Evangelical Protestant, and I have no problem with the self-evident fact that Catholicism is a Christian religion.
Self evident?
It's a religion, we will leave it at that...

Unless you'd care to dispute that Catholics recognize the deity of Jesus Christ, it's self-evident.

Doesn't mean I agree with the way they practice their religion, but I have no issue with the fact that their core beliefs are Christian.
Martin Luther - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Catholics speak for Catholics not christians - agree, we will leave it at that...

"I will make wrong statements, and then just demand that you ignore them and agree with something else so I can pretend I won."

Nope. And both Martin Luther and Wikipedia (Wikipedia as a source, oy vey) are irrelevant. Facts stand. Catholics fit the definition of Christian. Agree, we will leave it at THAT.
Why would the Pope get involved in this stuff? Isn't it a sin to deliberately malign somebody's character? Who does the Pope confess his sins to?
The Pope is a commie. They have no honor.
Christian socialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You're barking up the wrong tree, context...
Nope. Jesus was a Commie, to your kind.
You have a lot to learn, grasshopper
Something was wrong with this pope from day one. He picked his own name, refused to wear the tradional vestments, refused to eat food prepared by the Vatican cook, and refused to sleep in the tradional living quarters.

He said ,"Who am I to judge" in regards to gay marriage. But now he's judging a man's faith who wants to protect his people.

And isn't it odd that this Pope admonishes the US for not taking in tens of thousands of fighting age men from Syria - yet the Vatican has done nothing? Well, to be honest, I do believe that one Priest took in a family.
The VAtican took in two Syrian refugees "to set an example."

Indeed. Quite the example. Using that logic, what the hell, the US should take in 50. One for each state.
looks like the pope is the real christian and not some phony born agains that came hundreds of years later
Trump just responded to the Pope. He said for any religious leader to remark about another man's faith is disgraceful especially since he has not remarked against Obama's faith. Trump is absolutely correct on this. The only one who knows about any man's faith is God. The Pope is not God.
Pretty much Trump's standard response to any criticism.
Do you agree with him?
It's fucking hilarious to watch all these pious cock suckers protest that no man can know what's in Donald Trump's heart.......when they've spent so much of the past eight years proclaiming to know what Barrack Obama truly believes. What a bunch of assholes.
You asshole...we judge them by their deeds...what they've done. Obabble failed his mission. Trump fulfilled his.
What's Trump's mission? Being a a superficial draft dodging dilettante who never did anything for his country besides talk?

What have you done?
What sort of Pope is this ...so and so Pope?

One World Religion....One World Government ....

That's his agenda....

Trump supporters are fools. In interviews, they say the Pope has no right to make a judgement about Trump's Christianity. The next sentence they spew is that they think Trump is a good Christian. The Pope should not judge they say, but it is OK for them to make a judgement on the same exact issue. They are saying that they are more qualified than the Pope to speak about religion and religious beliefs.
Yes, it is OK for them to judge, because they aren't the Pope. They aren't setting an example for all Christians to follow. The Pope is.
Why would the Pope get involved in this stuff? Isn't it a sin to deliberately malign somebody's character? Who does the Pope confess his sins to?
The Pope is a commie. They have no honor.
Christian socialism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
You're barking up the wrong tree, context...
Nope. Jesus was a Commie, to your kind.
You have a lot to learn, grasshopper
Nope, but nice projection. I know what Jesus said, according to the Gospels, and you'd reject most of it.
As a Protestant Evangelical might say...

No, the Pope isn't a Christian; he's a Catholic!

Wrong. I'm an Evangelical Protestant, and I have no problem with the self-evident fact that Catholicism is a Christian religion.
Self evident?
It's a religion, we will leave it at that...

Unless you'd care to dispute that Catholics recognize the deity of Jesus Christ, it's self-evident.

Doesn't mean I agree with the way they practice their religion, but I have no issue with the fact that their core beliefs are Christian.
Martin Luther - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Catholics speak for Catholics not christians - agree, we will leave it at that...

"I will make wrong statements, and then just demand that you ignore them and agree with something else so I can pretend I won."

Nope. And both Martin Luther and Wikipedia (Wikipedia as a source, oy vey) are irrelevant. Facts stand. Catholics fit the definition of Christian. Agree, we will leave it at THAT.
My bad, wiki = questionable. Better source
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