Pope Says Trump Not A Christian

It's fucking hilarious to watch all these pious cock suckers protest that no man can know what's in Donald Trump's heart.......when they've spent so much of the past eight years proclaiming to know what Barrack Obama truly believes. What a bunch of assholes.
You asshole...we judge them by their deeds...what they've done. Obabble failed his mission. Trump fulfilled his.
And what might that mission be? Making 9 billion dollars selling condos to millionaires, running casinos, having a string ex-wives, and sex scandals, not exactly evidence of one's devotion to Christ. Yet Trump says, "I'm an evangelical". " I'm a Christian." He also says he doesn't have time to go to church but tries to go on Christmas and Easter.

He has devoted his entire life to making money often at the expense of his creditors and investors. Donald Trump has not served God, his country, his fellowman, or anyone except Donald Trump. A Christian? hardly.
Wow, you are quite good at judging. A string of ex wives?=2. Does that disqualify him from the presidency? How many people in this country made wrong choices for marriage partners?
Sex scandals didn't stop Kennedy from being a decent president, nor Clinton. There are plenty if Christians who do not attend church regularly. They, as I, feel man has desecrated the church and it's nothing more than hypocrites than get a rush with church politics and talk badly about other church members. Hardly Christ like.
Yes, we've had presidents with ex-wives and presidents with sex scandals, and Christmas Easter Christians, and presidents that never served their country, and presidents, that never held political office, and presidents that have had no education or experience in government, or politics, but never have we had a president we so many faults in his character and qualifications.

Some people think Trump as president will shake Washington to it's foundation, sweeping away our immigration, terrorism, foreign policy, and financial problems with as Trump claims, his secret power.

I for one think Trump as president would do exactly what he is doing now, slinging mud at his adversaries, talking the big talk, and telling people how great the country is become, and of course, threatening to sue all that mistreat him.

Kinda sounds like Sarah Palin.
...and manbearpig

I realize most of you are not Christians but the Pope berating a man for wanting to build a wall simply is mindboggling. Apparently, the Pope has never read the Book of Nehemiah. God sent Nehemiah to Jerusalem for the expressed purpose of rebuilding the wall there.
What walls did Jesus build? Oh right, no churches and no walls. Pretty odd, for a carpenter (which he was not)...
You know this how??
It's obvious, if you look. Find a hammer, nail, saw, plane, square, level, anything a carpenter would use and know? Nothing. Now, find this:

The Parables of Jesus
I realize most of you are not Christians but the Pope berating a man for wanting to build a wall simply is mindboggling. Apparently, the Pope has never read the Book of Nehemiah. God sent Nehemiah to Jerusalem for the expressed purpose of rebuilding the wall there.
What walls did Jesus build? Oh right, no churches and no walls. Pretty odd, for a carpenter (which he was not)...
You know this how??
It's obvious, if you look. Find a hammer, nail, saw, plane, square, level, anything a carpenter would use and know? Nothing. Now, find this:

The Parables of Jesus
Your argument quite weak, in fact it's delusional. Next you're going to say he was Robin Hood??

Apostles' Creed
This sums up everything them parables talk about...

Forgotten verses of amazing grace -

Yes, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess, within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.

6. The earth shall soon dissolve like snow,
The sun forbear to shine;
But God, who called me here below,
Will be for ever mine.
For the pope, this is where separation of church and state applies. His comments today were too fishy, when he says it in another country. The one that is about to have the Ford company move there to ruin jobs in the states. With no benefit for the USA..
If the Pope won't say it I will. All Catholics and other Christians should be encouraged to reject Donald Trump's unChristian rhetoric, and reject him personally as a candidate for President. He is clearly unacceptable to any real Christians.
FOOL. Both of you.
Tonto diction bad. You talk Kemosabe, him teach.
You get job, learn to think for self.
As if further demonstration of your somewhat modest intellectual endowment were actually needed. Have you ever wondered why Trump followers are statistically the least educated constituency?

Apparently you are one of those uninformed low information folks. In New Hampshire, Trump voters included the highly educated as well as those considered less educated. Nice try though but it actually shows your lack of knowledge.
So why have the overwhelming majority of Trump followers failed to graduate from college? Are they too stupid? Are they just lazy and unmotivated?
trump is a bigger hypocrite

How did you figure? Trump is not leading a massive church and claiming to be the "vicar of Christ."

Nah, Borgia is a FAR bigger hypocrite - and I am no fan of Trump.

No. He is just claiming to be the man who is going to save Christianity. And his faux outrage at the Pope for doing the same thing he did to Ted Cruz less than a week ago is just not very genuine.
FOOL. Both of you.
Tonto diction bad. You talk Kemosabe, him teach.
You get job, learn to think for self.
As if further demonstration of your somewhat modest intellectual endowment were actually needed. Have you ever wondered why Trump followers are statistically the least educated constituency?

Apparently you are one of those uninformed low information folks. In New Hampshire, Trump voters included the highly educated as well as those considered less educated. Nice try though but it actually shows your lack of knowledge.
So why have the overwhelming majority of Trump followers failed to graduate from college? Are they too stupid? Are they just lazy and unmotivated?
Why do you Dims need a huge, unaccountable, and bankrupt government to think and do everything for you? Lazy? Unmotivated? Stupid? You Takers Crack me up.
If the Pope won't say it I will. All Catholics and other Christians should be encouraged to reject Donald Trump's unChristian rhetoric, and reject him personally as a candidate for President. He is clearly unacceptable to any real Christians.

Of course he is. He's done for ----AGAIN! LOL!!
Only with people who have any sense of moral principles......people like you will remain uneffected.

That will include most all American voters then. Suck it up or crawl off into a corner and sulk.

yah... just like Romney is president.

Actually, you Liberals are persistent. You have attacked Trump from the get-go. You have attacked what he's said about Bush, about Cruz, about Megan Kelly, about the wall, about illegal immigrants, about attending a gay wedding, and now about the Pope. Your ploy now is to attempt to turn Catholics and Christians against voting for him. I suppose absolute desperation is the cause. The problem is that we are wise to you fools. Your own alternatives are far more stinky than is Donald Trump. I mean really? Hillary and Bernie? LOL!! Keep bashing the man and continue to watch him march right past you and into the White House. But you folks do serve to amuse us.

They are trying to turn Catholics against Trump? And you fellow Trump supporters urging Trump to sue the Catholic Church over this are reaching out to Catholics?

This blind loyalty to Trump is insane.
Your argument quite weak, in fact it's delusional. Next you're going to say he was Robin Hood??

To you, I'm sure he was. And I have no interest in creeds.

Ever met a carpenter who didn't talk about wood and tools? I never have...

Don't say I didn't give you a chance, because I did...

I figured as much, you have lost the plot...

I showed you a farmer, you were unable to show me a carpenter. We're done.
The Pope did not say that Trump was not a Christian. He said that Trump's building a wall was not Christian. Big difference, one word a noun and one a adjective.
Trump supporters are fools. In interviews, they say the Pope has no right to make a judgement about Trump's Christianity. The next sentence they spew is that they think Trump is a good Christian. The Pope should not judge they say, but it is OK for them to make a judgement on the same exact issue. They are saying that they are more qualified than the Pope to speak about religion and religious beliefs.
He is the Pope moron. The Pope shouldn't judge.

If the Catholic belief that he inherited apostlic authority is accurate, (which I have dispute) he would be one of the people authorized to judge.
Your argument quite weak, in fact it's delusional. Next you're going to say he was Robin Hood??

To you, I'm sure he was. And I have no interest in creeds.

Ever met a carpenter who didn't talk about wood and tools? I never have...

Don't say I didn't give you a chance, because I did...

I figured as much, you have lost the plot...

I showed you a farmer, you were unable to show me a carpenter. We're done.

If you think that's proof? you had better call the X-Files then...

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