Pope says unfettered capitalism is "the dung of the devil"

Well, Frank, unfettered anything is the dung of the devil. Don't abandon capitalism...work to fetter it fairly and appropriately. The left is more than prepared to throw the baby out with the bath water. Not the solution...just ask the Greeks.

Pope calls unfettered capitalism the dung of the devil - Telegraph

The new pope is a left wing, latin American socialist...who has no clue about how a successful economy works and how to lift the poor out of poverty.....
He's from Argentina, wasn't he paying attention?

You would think......but do left/statists ever pay attention to the truth, reality or right and wrong.....as Dennis Prager points out, Christians are being murdered all over the world...and he prattles on about global warming.....
The Pope was in SOuth America and was obviously influenced by Liberation Theology, which is Marxism.
Unfettered capitalism brought us the Savings & Loan failure, Tyco, Enron, Worldcom and the Great Recession. I would think that the millions of people who lost their asses and billions of dollars from these unfettered capitalism failures would agree with the Pope.
Unfettered capitalism brought us the Savings & Loan failure, Tyco, Enron, Worldcom and the Great Recession. I would think that the millions of people who lost their asses and billions of dollars from these unfettered capitalism failures would agree with the Pope.

That was fraud
I agree with what Greenspan said "We have a bond market bubble and when that decides to work it's way off, we're in trouble." That happens and 2008 will look like a walk in the park. No BOOOOOSH to blame either
The Pope was in SOuth America and was obviously influenced by Liberation Theology, which is Marxism.

We had one of those nutty priests fill in for our regular Priest one Sunday....he actually stated that the disciples were like castro and che....behind the pulpit, that che, like the apostles went out to preach to the world, or some absolute stupidity like that...

I addressd this with him after church at the door as he was saying good by to the parishioners.......see, our regular Priest was a Vietnamese boat person whose family fled the communists after the democrats betrayed the South.....
Unfettered capitalism brought us the Savings & Loan failure, Tyco, Enron, Worldcom and the Great Recession. I would think that the millions of people who lost their asses and billions of dollars from these unfettered capitalism failures would agree with the Pope.

No....those problems came from government being too big and not doing its job...the savings and loan failure came from government forcing banks to make bad loans for social justice......and then bailing out these corporations with tax dollars....not a failure of capitalism, a failure of crony socialism....
On one hand I believe capitalism should be regulated to respect human rights...But on the other, I believe in Capitalism and what this pope is doing is supporting people that wish to do away with something that has saved billions of lives.

He is the dung of the devil for supporting such people.
"Funny, you never hear anyone talk of "unfettered socialism or unfettered communism". And if anyone thinks what is going on here is "unfettered capitalism", they need their head examined.
I suppose a fetter here and there is sometimes appropriate.

Would the theologian agree that unfettered communism is also the devil's fecal offerings?
On one hand I believe capitalism should be regulated to respect human rights...But on the other, I believe in Capitalism and what this pope is doing is supporting people that wish to do away with something that has saved billions of lives.

He is the dung of the devil for supporting such people.

No, the government should just act as the the arbiter between free people...if someone is violating the property rights of someone else they can take them to court......anything else....is just socialism on a small scale....
Well, Frank, unfettered anything is the dung of the devil. Don't abandon capitalism...work to fetter it fairly and appropriately. The left is more than prepared to throw the baby out with the bath water. Not the solution...just ask the Greeks.

Pope calls unfettered capitalism the dung of the devil - Telegraph

Keep in mind, the Pope speaks for God.

There is no disagreeing with him if you're a true believer.

No, he speaks on matters of the faith.....on everything else he is fair game....and if he is a leftwing, latin American socialist, he isn't even speaking on faith....
Well, Frank, unfettered anything is the dung of the devil. Don't abandon capitalism...work to fetter it fairly and appropriately. The left is more than prepared to throw the baby out with the bath water. Not the solution...just ask the Greeks.

Pope calls unfettered capitalism the dung of the devil - Telegraph

The new pope is a left wing, latin American socialist...who has no clue about how a successful economy works and how to lift the poor out of poverty.....

Next you're going to claim that unfettered capitalism was one of the 10 commandments. He's the pope, not an Economist...thats why he didnt say anything about how an economy works.
His specific term was "unfettered capitalism" - that doesn't mean "abandoning" it. It means there needs to be some regulation - I totally agree. Unfetterred, it is the root of much evil as well as much financial success.
Well, Frank, unfettered anything is the dung of the devil. Don't abandon capitalism...work to fetter it fairly and appropriately. The left is more than prepared to throw the baby out with the bath water. Not the solution...just ask the Greeks.

Pope calls unfettered capitalism the dung of the devil - Telegraph

The new pope is a left wing, latin American socialist...who has no clue about how a successful economy works and how to lift the poor out of poverty.....

Next you're going to claim that unfettered capitalism was one of the 10 commandments. He's the pope, not an Economist...thats why he didnt say anything about how an economy works.

He was speaking about capitalism.....

Actually it is covered in "Thou shalt not steal." When government takes your money beyond what is fair, it is stealing....

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