Pope says unfettered capitalism is "the dung of the devil"

His specific term was "unfettered capitalism" - that doesn't mean "abandoning" it. It means there needs to be some regulation - I totally agree. Unfetterred, it is the root of much evil as well as much financial success.

Yeah...you need what he said translated....when a leftwing socialist from Latin America says "unfettered" capitalism...they mean "Capitalism."
Well, Frank, unfettered anything is the dung of the devil. Don't abandon capitalism...work to fetter it fairly and appropriately. The left is more than prepared to throw the baby out with the bath water. Not the solution...just ask the Greeks.

Pope calls unfettered capitalism the dung of the devil - Telegraph

Keep in mind, the Pope speaks for God.

There is no disagreeing with him if you're a true believer.

False. Even us non Catholics should recognize that the Catholic Church deems the Pope infallible only when he officially speaks on matters of religion.

When he speaks, as he just did, on matters of politics and economics, he is free to be a bonehead or simply wrong -- like most of you other liberals are.
His specific term was "unfettered capitalism" - that doesn't mean "abandoning" it. It means there needs to be some regulation - I totally agree. Unfetterred, it is the root of much evil as well as much financial success.

Yeah...you need what he said translated....when a leftwing socialist from Latin America says "unfettered" capitalism...they mean "Capitalism."

No, that is what *you* mean.

Unfettered is unfettered.
Capitalism in a social democratic market made America the strongest, greatest economy during the 20th century the history of man had ever seen.
His specific term was "unfettered capitalism" - that doesn't mean "abandoning" it. It means there needs to be some regulation - I totally agree. Unfetterred, it is the root of much evil as well as much financial success.

Yeah...you need what he said translated....when a leftwing socialist from Latin America says "unfettered" capitalism...they mean "Capitalism."

No, that is what *you* mean.

Unfettered is unfettered.

The free exchange of goods and services is already pretty clear, it says nothing about theft.....which is what "unfettered" means when applied to capitalism by a lefty socialist....
Capitalism in a social democratic market made America the strongest, greatest economy during the 20th century the history of man had ever seen.

Wrong...social democrats restricted our Capitalism and put us in debt 18 trillion dollars....
Well, Frank, unfettered anything is the dung of the devil. Don't abandon capitalism...work to fetter it fairly and appropriately. The left is more than prepared to throw the baby out with the bath water. Not the solution...just ask the Greeks.

Pope calls unfettered capitalism the dung of the devil - Telegraph

Keep in mind, the Pope speaks for God.

There is no disagreeing with him if you're a true believer.

Pope is just the middle man. I cut out the middle man whenever I can!
Well, Frank, unfettered anything is the dung of the devil. Don't abandon capitalism...work to fetter it fairly and appropriately. The left is more than prepared to throw the baby out with the bath water. Not the solution...just ask the Greeks.

Pope calls unfettered capitalism the dung of the devil - Telegraph

The new pope is a left wing, latin American socialist...who has no clue about how a successful economy works and how to lift the poor out of poverty.....

Next you're going to claim that unfettered capitalism was one of the 10 commandments. He's the pope, not an Economist...thats why he didnt say anything about how an economy works.

He was speaking about capitalism.....

Actually it is covered in "Thou shalt not steal." When government takes your money beyond what is fair, it is stealing....

He was talking about UNFETTERED Capitalism. Lets be clear
Capitalism in a social democratic market made America the strongest, greatest economy during the 20th century the history of man had ever seen.

Wrong...social democrats restricted our Capitalism and put us in debt 18 trillion dollars....

Unfettered capitalism brought us the sweatshops and similar abusive practices that unions put the breaks on and laws were made to curb.
Unfettered capitalism brought us the Savings & Loan failure, Tyco, Enron, Worldcom and the Great Recession. I would think that the millions of people who lost their asses and billions of dollars from these unfettered capitalism failures would agree with the Pope.
No shit...the solution is to fetter it...not abandon it...
Unfettered capitalism is like honest Liberal, neither exist
UNfettered capitalism might lead a corporation to shuck off the cost of the pollution caused by its own manufacturing. You know, dump the grime into the river or let the smokestacks belch out the smoke where everyone else in that community carries the costs and the corporation carries basically none of it (nor do the customers).

But fetter it a bit, and the corporation has to pay for the cleanup of its own wastes. They may be free to pass on that added cost of production to the consumers, but they are not free to simply dump it on unwilling (powerless) neighbors.

There are numerous instances of such fettering. Perfectly valid fettering in many cases.

Sadly, there are also lots of examples of governmental fettering (in the form of regulations that are not properly the part of government to impose).

The tricky part is to find the balance. The line between valid and reasonable "fettering" and the stuff that government imposes that is neither reasonable or valid.

I support capitalism. I also support proper regulation over matters which are valid components of government authority.

The two are not mutually exclusive -- at least not necessarily so.
I know this really hurts them but the false idol of money has been questioned by a person who actually believe in a good bit more of the bible than they do.

What did Jesus say about Greed and wealth which capitalism is built on... congrats to Pope to have the courage to stand up to these ala carte bible thumpers....

If the want to talk about what would Jesus do, let them give up there worldly possesions and become a monk.

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