Pope says unfettered capitalism is "the dung of the devil"

Capitalism in a social democratic market made America the strongest, greatest economy during the 20th century the history of man had ever seen.

Wrong...social democrats restricted our Capitalism and put us in debt 18 trillion dollars....

Unfettered capitalism brought us the sweatshops and similar abusive practices that unions put the breaks on and laws were made to curb.
You are the prick who believes in unregulated child labor.

Something about they can get their little hands into the machinery to fix things.

Fuck off.
unfettere capitalism allows more than unregulated child labor.

It is the unrestricted exchange of goods and services. It doesn't take a genius to figure out there is something morally wrong with this.

And every sick and depraved soul would question why you would want to get rid of it.
His specific term was "unfettered capitalism" - that doesn't mean "abandoning" it. It means there needs to be some regulation - I totally agree. Unfetterred, it is the root of much evil as well as much financial success.
There is no such thing as "unfettered capitalism." I'd love to meet the mook who invented that term and punch him in the face.
Milton Friedman is dead but I'd like to punch his corpse face too.
Milton Friedman was a great American. Right up there with Reagan.
He was the devil incarnate, his "free market" gospel led directly to much suffering and misery in the developing world as well as the gutting of our industrial base.
Our industrial base has not been gutted. We are manufacturing more goods and services than ever before.

His free market gospel led to a couple billion people being freed and living better lives.
The ghosts of all the people Pinochet murdered and starved might differ, he was from right next door to our Pope. Anyone from the "southern cone" has seen truly unfettered capitalism first hand and they didn't like it at all. If you are unaware of the Chilean "free market" experiment you might want to read up.
His specific term was "unfettered capitalism" - that doesn't mean "abandoning" it. It means there needs to be some regulation - I totally agree. Unfetterred, it is the root of much evil as well as much financial success.
There is no such thing as "unfettered capitalism." I'd love to meet the mook who invented that term and punch him in the face.

What was capitalism before government regulation?

Ans. unfettered
Capitalism in a social democratic market made America the strongest, greatest economy during the 20th century the history of man had ever seen.

Wrong...social democrats restricted our Capitalism and put us in debt 18 trillion dollars....

Unfettered capitalism brought us the sweatshops and similar abusive practices that unions put the breaks on and laws were made to curb.

Prove it.
Well, Frank, unfettered anything is the dung of the devil. Don't abandon capitalism...work to fetter it fairly and appropriately. The left is more than prepared to throw the baby out with the bath water. Not the solution...just ask the Greeks.

Pope calls unfettered capitalism the dung of the devil - Telegraph

Keep in mind, the Pope speaks for God.

There is no disagreeing with him if you're a true believer.
Incorrect. The Pope is the successor of St. Peter and the Vicar of Christ. That does not make him God or incapable of error.

In fact, this pope is an ass through and through, whining about South America being a "slave" of richer countries. Ok, then let's withdraw all our contracts and see where that leaves them.....much poorer.

The Catholic Church has weathered bad popes before and this one too shall pass.

Like a stool.
His specific term was "unfettered capitalism" - that doesn't mean "abandoning" it. It means there needs to be some regulation - I totally agree. Unfetterred, it is the root of much evil as well as much financial success.
There's no such thing as unfettered capitalism and anyone who thinks it exists is an ass.
This Pope is a good one, and Catholics like saintmichael have come and gone, yet the church has survived.
His specific term was "unfettered capitalism" - that doesn't mean "abandoning" it. It means there needs to be some regulation - I totally agree. Unfetterred, it is the root of much evil as well as much financial success.
There's no such thing as unfettered capitalism and anyone who thinks it exists is an ass.
That's your unfettered opinion; now prove it. You can't.
Regulation is of the utmost importance in our system. There is no argument against it other than if a company would like to emit more pollutants or make more profit at the expense of its employees. Those that complain of too many regulations need to move to China, and I will gladly help you load the boats. Socialism isnt the answer, neither is non regulated capitalism. In the end, nobody can argue with the statement there is no really good system but capitalism is the best there is out there.
His specific term was "unfettered capitalism" - that doesn't mean "abandoning" it. It means there needs to be some regulation - I totally agree. Unfetterred, it is the root of much evil as well as much financial success.
There is no such thing as "unfettered capitalism." I'd love to meet the mook who invented that term and punch him in the face.
^^^^ this
Well, Frank, unfettered anything is the dung of the devil. Don't abandon capitalism...work to fetter it fairly and appropriately. The left is more than prepared to throw the baby out with the bath water. Not the solution...just ask the Greeks.

Pope calls unfettered capitalism the dung of the devil - Telegraph

Keep in mind, the Pope speaks for God.

There is no disagreeing with him if you're a true believer.

False. Even us non Catholics should recognize that the Catholic Church deems the Pope infallible only when he officially speaks on matters of religion.

When he speaks, as he just did, on matters of politics and economics, he is free to be a bonehead or simply wrong -- like most of you other liberals are.
Most people don't get papal infallibility and its limits and rarity.
Do I trust private companies to do the right thing? NOT A CHANCE. Thats why we need laws.
This Pope is a good one, and Catholics like saintmichael have come and gone, yet the church has survived.
I think Mike is saying that Frank is railing against a condition that doesn't exist. Capitalism is not unfettered...but no doubt it needs to be better fettered. Frank is copying the Obama style of rhetoric.
This Pope is a good one, and Catholics like saintmichael have come and gone, yet the church has survived.
I think Mike is saying that Frank is railing against a condition that doesn't exist. Capitalism is not unfettered...but no doubt it needs to be better fettered. Frank is copying the Obama style of rhetoric.

It is in countries with very few regulations.
His specific term was "unfettered capitalism" - that doesn't mean "abandoning" it. It means there needs to be some regulation - I totally agree. Unfetterred, it is the root of much evil as well as much financial success.
There is no such thing as "unfettered capitalism." I'd love to meet the mook who invented that term and punch him in the face.
Milton Friedman is dead but I'd like to punch his corpse face too.
Milton Friedman was a great American. Right up there with Reagan.
He was the devil incarnate, his "free market" gospel led directly to much suffering and misery in the developing world as well as the gutting of our industrial base.

Sorry, corrupt leftist governments and stupid big government policies destroy developing countries.......the U.S. Taugt Milton Friedman how to become the worlds richest, most powerful country, with the most opportunity and uplifting of all Americans....we went through industrialization and surpassed countries that were older and more powerful....and the bitching you are doing.....should be about the corrupt governments and the socialist policies that stopped that process for other developing countries...there is no reason they can't do what we did, except for embracing socialist stupidity....

we are not 18 trillion in debt now because we followed Milton Friedman's beliefs....we decided to ignore what made us successful and have embraced the stupidity of big government, tax, spend and borrow socialism...

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