Pope's Message: America a Good Idea, But Tone it the F Down & Get Morality fer Crissakes.


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013
Well I've never seen Congress more subdued in my entire life. I can only hope that humble stance will last.

Yes we are a great nation, but as the Pope just said, our greatness and liberties and freedoms have run amok and we need to tone it down. Dad came & the kids were squirming in their seats. Let's see how well they embody Dad's warnings.


Was I the only one who saw that Justice Ginsburg refused to look at the Pope and kept her hed bent down staring at the floor?
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I'm pretty sick of this pope and all his commie bullshit, so I didn't listen to anything he has said since he was here.

I was disgusted by the news story regarding the obviously staged event where some wetback's anchor baby breached security and got to promote the open borders agenda.

I'm pretty sick of this pope and all his commie bullshit, so I didn't listen to anything he has said since he was here.

I was disgusted by the news story regarding the obviously staged event where some wetback's anchor baby breached security and got to promote the open borders agenda.

Look, his message was a bit simplistic about immigration issues. But he said that as we deal with the complex situation we should at least remember the humanity of the people wanting better opportunity here. But I get your angst about them taking our jobs and breeding out of control so that their countries can no longer sustain their populations (Hence the reason they're flooding in here). It can't go on like this forever and some pragmatic and humane solution has to happen.
I think the most important thing was that we take something like what Pete just said and instead of instantly rejecting his aggressive stance, try to see things from his point of view as we urge him to see things a bit differently too. I think that's what the Pope meant about knitting ourselves back together using dialogue?
'Pope's Message: America a Good Idea, But Tone it the F Down & Get Morality fer Crissakes.'

While I would agree with that declaration to a great extent, I would encourage the Pope and the Catholic church to rein in their 'staff's propensity for molesting little boys.

Celibacy is encouraged in the Bible for those who CAN do so to help them focus on God. It is not a Biblical requirement - it is a man-made requirement....one I would argue that has contributed to the problem mentioned above. Using the requirement of being single eliminates a LOT of good, pious, religions men...and has opened the door to accepting, let's say, less than such.

If the church can re-think forgiving women who have abortions and other issues, maybe....just maybe...it is time to re-think that whole man-made 'celibacy requirement' thing?!
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Well I've never seen Congress more subdued in my entire life. I can only hope that humble stance will last.

Yes we are a great nation, but as the Pope just said, our greatness and liberties and freedoms have run amok and we need to tone it down. Dad came & the kids were squirming in their seats. Let's see how well they embody Dad's warnings.


Was I the only one who saw that Justice Ginsburg refused to look at the Pope and kept her hed bent down staring at the floor?

anyone hear anything worthy of comment out of the pope's mouth yet?
I know a couple that left the Catholic church after they got tired of the church pretending they're God. Sometime later they received a bill in the mail for their tardy givings. Nothing has changed.
'Pope's Message: America a Good Idea, But Tone it the F Down & Get Morality fer Crissakes.'

While I would agree with that declaration to a great extent, I would encourage the Pope and the Catholic church to rein in their 'staff's propensity for molesting little boys....Celibacy is encouraged in the Bible for those who CAN do so to help them focus on God. It is not a Biblical requirement - it is a man-made requirement....one I would argue that has contributed to the problem mentioned above. Using the requirement of being single eliminates a LOT of good, pious, religions men...and has opened the door to accepting, let's say, less than such....If the church can re0-think forgiving women who have abortions and other issues, maybe....just maybe...it is time to re-think that whole man-made 'celibacy requirement' thing?!
He apologized for that and for the sins of what was done to Native Americans as well. He said they were actively healing the ranks from within. What else he can do I can't imagine. In an age where having sex with little boys is on the expansion, instead of retraction, as a "norm", I would say he really has his work cut out for him. Maybe we can all pitch in and help and make sex with younger males by older males one of the most horrible taboos a person could do. Then maybe the vogue-aspect of it so tamed by greater society might make it easier for him to do the weeding within the ranks of the Church. Sound like a good compromise?

What's the difference of allowing married priests vs single ones when if they were married, would try to be "gay married" and bring that forbidden abomination within the walls of the Vatican itself? The priests are like nuns, supposed to be unmarried. The call of service to God is the call to a higher purpose than animal procreation. The willing discarding of that part of life is part of the spiritual process itself. It is a call of sacrafice. Yes, the people who do this struggle with normal animal urges their entire life, because among all of us there are only sinners. Yet those who are called to the highest service must weed themselves out in the beginning of what focus they want their life to have.

Just because animal urges tap on the shoulder of every priest and nun, doesn't mean "animal urges win, let's incorporate them into the higher purpose". Surely you can see the problem there. Matter and anti-matter can't be in the same room. So, this is why the Church has its policy.

While lower and diluted sects allow every manner of animal and contemporary blasphemy into their dogma (instead of just their compassionate tolerance, reaching out, making a difference), they mistake reaching out for giving in to the sin. "But sin is hard to overcome! Just look at us! Who could overcome sexual urges?? We should embrace them because they are part of us!". No, they are part of the flesh, not of the spirit. The task for all of us is to overcome the flesh and strive for the spirit. We are all on a different part of the spectrum on this path. But because a preponderence of us want to cleave to the animal does in no way budge the position and difficulty of the reach of the brass ring. The noble goal is immutable. If you find fault with it, the fault is your own for being too sloth to correct your spirit and make it shine.
I like how the Pope is ditching lunch with Congress to go hang with the homeless.

it does not take much to impress you
Name one time when Obama...or any of the millionaire elected elitists for that matter, has passed up an elaborate luncheon to dine and hang out with the homeless. I am more impressed by the Poe doing this than Obama taking another million dollar tax-payer funded vacation or attending another $1,000-a-plate fund raiser.....
Look, his message was a bit simplistic about immigration issues. But he said that as we deal with the complex situation we should at least remember the humanity of the people wanting better opportunity here. But I get your angst about them taking our jobs and breeding out of control so that their countries can no longer sustain their populations (Hence the reason they're flooding in here). It can't go on like this forever and some pragmatic and humane solution has to happen.

To me the bottom line is that US Law is none of the church's business, and it's telling that the moonbats who can be heard wailing and gnashing their teeth when some backwoods high school grad invokes Christ's name in her graduation. ACLU lawyers are deployed and all hell breaks loose, but when a religious figure regurgitates globabble whining, open borders and wealth redistribution dogma then he's openly embraced and the moonbat messiah even gives him a slight bow. Not the 90 degree fold he gave the Saudi King, but a bow none the less.

I guarantee if Francis condemned collectivism the bed wetters would be suing the government for providing security during his stay, obozo would have tried to undermine his visit, and the media would be excoriating the republicrats in congress for allowing him to speak.

Now regarding the issue of immigration I'm under no illusion that we could deport everyone if we tried, or that we would even try. A significant fraction of them are decent people, trying to assimilate, working hard and contributing. The larger majority that are not assimilating, undermining the labor market, commiting crimes, absorbing tax dollars and demanding shit need to go.

We need the border secure.

I wouldn't even care if we allowed more people in, but they need to be vetted, tracked and assimilated. I'm really sick of the La Raza bullshit and the "reconquista" agenda.

He apologized for that....

After years of trying to hide the acts... Look, I appreciate the fact that he apologized, after all the church put so many kids through....but hey, Bill Clinton, after he lied to the nation - to it's face - apologized for being a pig....and since then, last we heard had visited 'Pedophile Island' several times.

Actions speak louder than words...and as the Bible teaches, while it is good to encourage one another, it is not encouraged to lecture someone on the 'speck' in someone else's eye when you have a 'plank' in your own...Just sayin'....

Thank you for the 'encouragement', Pope, and you are actually spot-on about how this nation has fallen.

Regarding the refugees...how man are the Vatican taking in again?
I like how the Pope is ditching lunch with Congress to go hang with the homeless.

it does not take much to impress you
Name one time when Obama...or any of the millionaire elected elitists for that matter, has passed up an elaborate luncheon to dine and hang out with the homeless. I am more impressed by the Poe doing this than Obama taking another million dollar tax-payer funded vacation or attending another $1,000-a-plate fund raiser.....

your comment is silly--------the pope is playing a role

I wouldn't even care if we allowed more people in, but they need to be vetted, tracked and assimilated. I'm really sick of the La Raza bullshit and the "reconquista" agenda.

Of everything you just said, I'll answer only to this. The rest is just extraneous political venom which the Pope said we should avoid.

Yes, we need a humane and pragmatic solution like the one you just suggested. I agree. There is a significant faction of immigrants who are moving here to take back what they lost in the wars with us along the West Coast and Texas. But the vast majority of immigrants don't even know about those events and really are just feeling the pressure of their own exploding populations. I think at the heart of it, urging Latins to control the size of their family might be the place to start. I can see the Pope not agreeing with me on that one, but them reining in their own numbers is their part in all of this. And you would agree yes? Some type of pragmatic birth control for Latins would be the first stepping stone in a secure border.
Well I've never seen Congress more subdued in my entire life. I can only hope that humble stance will last.

Yes we are a great nation, but as the Pope just said, our greatness and liberties and freedoms have run amok and we need to tone it down. Dad came & the kids were squirming in their seats. Let's see how well they embody Dad's warnings.


Was I the only one who saw that Justice Ginsburg refused to look at the Pope and kept her hed bent down staring at the floor?
The pope is the dude...but when will he outline the responsibilities of the poor.

Blessed are those who sit on their dead ass and look for handouts.

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