Population growth vs the currently unemployed vs actual jobs created

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
On the surface the new numbers look good right? But if you bother to do the math the publicized numbers released don't match reality.

The only explination that makes sense is that more people are giving up and leaving the workforce than are joining thus the numbers in the middle shift. Ultimately nothing has really changed except the talking points.

The jobs required for population growth and the current unemployed FAR outweigh those created so whats changed to cause the numbers to go down? People giving up and no longer being counted.
On the surface the new numbers look good right? But if you bother to do the math the publicized numbers released don't match reality.

The only explination that makes sense is that more people are giving up and leaving the workforce than are joining thus the numbers in the middle shift. Ultimately nothing has really changed except the talking points.

The jobs required for population growth and the current unemployed FAR outweigh those created so whats changed to cause the numbers to go down? People giving up and no longer being counted.

This has been told and explained to the nutbag left wingers many times.. they ignore this and blame workforce participation rates solely on 'baby boomers retiring'
People with inferiority complexes always have to put the other guy down to make themselves feel bigger.

Start putting ideas on the table instead of always looking for a way to chop the other guy down.

Jobs were created last month. A lot of them. People were hired. A lot of them.

No matter how you spin it, you cannot change that fact. It is a POSITIVE thing.

Unemployment and workforce participation are trailing indicators.

All of the economic leading indicators have been trending UP. No matter how you spin it, you cannot change that fact, either.

You can bitch and moan and spin the shit out of it, but that just makes you look like a loser who is angry things are improving.

Not the way to go. No one likes a pissy little whiner pessimist. Is that what you want the GOP label to be? I don't THINK so!

Instead of running behind the curve, you better start getting ahead of it.
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People with inferiority complexes always have to put the other guy down to make themselves feel bigger.

Start putting ideas on the table instead of always looking for a way to chop the other guy down.

Jobs were created last month. A lot of them. People were hired. A lot of them.

No matter how you spin it, you cannot change that fact. It is a POSITIVE thing.

Unemployment and workforce participation are trailing indicators.

All of the economic leading indicators have been trending UP. No matter how you spin it, you cannot change that fact, either.

You can bitch and moan and spin the shit out of it, but that just makes you look like a loser who is angry things are improving.

Not the way to go. No one likes a pissy little whiner pessimist. Is that what you want the GOP label to be? I don't THINK so!

Instead of running behind the curve, you better start getting ahead of it.

Do you feel better? That was quite a list of insults. Even for a troll such as yourself.
People with inferiority complexes always have to put the other guy down to make themselves feel bigger.

Start putting ideas on the table instead of always looking for a way to chop the other guy down.

Jobs were created last month. A lot of them. People were hired. A lot of them.

No matter how you spin it, you cannot change that fact. It is a POSITIVE thing.

Unemployment and workforce participation are trailing indicators.

All of the economic leading indicators have been trending UP. No matter how you spin it, you cannot change that fact, either.

You can bitch and moan and spin the shit out of it, but that just makes you look like a loser who is angry things are improving.

Not the way to go. No one likes a pissy little whiner pessimist. Is that what you want the GOP label to be? I don't THINK so!

Instead of running behind the curve, you better start getting ahead of it.

Do you feel better? That was quite a list of insults. Even for a troll such as yourself.

Do I feel better? Just a second...

Here are what the leading indicators are telling us:

1. Average weekly hours, manufacturing

40.6 hours compared to 40.9 hours a year ago.

So relatively flat.

2. Average weekly initial claims for unemployment insurance

In the week ending February 23, the advance figure for seasonally adjusted initial claims was 344,000, a decrease of 22,000 from the previous week's revised figure of 366,000. The 4-week moving average was 355,000, a decrease of 6,750 from the previous week's revised average of 361,750.

Trending positive.

3. Manufacturers’ new orders, consumer goods and materials

New orders for manufactured durable goods in December, up seven of the last eight months, increased $9.4 billion or 4.3 percent to $230.0 billion, revised from the previously published 4.6 percent increase. This followed a 0.6 percent November increase.

Long term positive trend.

4. ISM Index of New Orders

Economic activity in the manufacturing sector expanded in February for the third consecutive month, and the overall economy grew for the 45th consecutive month, say the nation's supply executives in the latest Manufacturing ISM Report On Business.

The New Orders Index registered 57.8 percent, an increase of 4.5 percent over January's reading of 53.3 percent, indicating growth in new orders for the second consecutive month. As was the case in January, all five of the PMI™'s component indexes — new orders, production, employment, supplier deliveries and inventories — registered in positive territory in February. In addition, the Backlog of Orders, Exports and Imports Indexes all grew in February relative to January."

Very positive trend.

5. Manufacturers' new orders, nondefense capital goods excluding aircraft orders


Also looking good.

6. Building permits, new private housing units


Finally trending upward.

7. Stock prices, 500 common stocks


Looking very good.

8. The interest rate spread between 10-year Treasury bonds and the federal funds rate.

Yesterday's 10 year Treasury was at 1.88 percent.

Yesterday's federal funds rate was at 0.16 percent.

Looking at both for 2013 to date, there is no sign of inversion. So that's very good.

9. Consumer Confidence Index:

The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index®, which had declined in January, rebounded in February. The Index now stands at 69.6 (1985=100), up from 58.4 in January. The Present Situation Index increased to 63.3 from 56.2. The Expectations Index improved to 73.8 from 59.9 last month.

NOW I feel better. Just like the economy is starting to feel better.
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these employment numbers are good news. For me, im a bit taken back that local Governments cut 10k education jobs this month.

C'mon republicans, straighten up and fly right. This is good news no matter how you spin it. We would all prefer 300k a month jobs report, its just not going to happen that way.
The stock market is in record setting territory. The banking system is fluid again. The rich have enjoyed tax cuts (with the notable exception of those making a million dollars or more a year). Yet job growth is frustratingly slow.

If we just listened to the radical right, all this capital in the hands of the wealthy should mean robust job growth. After all, the meme of the Tea Party is not to raise the taxes of the "job providers".

All that bumper sticker thinking from the right proves them as wrong as ever. Companies are doing more with less. Automation has eliminated hundreds of thousands of jobs. More wealth is being accumulated by the very rich while wages stagnate.

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