Porn and romance novels on taxpayer's dime?

Would you consider right or Left leaning?

How many people read ""?

Seriously, is that the best you have?

Here's the real problem in Journalism. They are all owned by big corporations, which means they all take the corporate stance. There's no competitiveness anymore.

NBC is owned by Comcast, it used to be owned by GE. Before that, RCA.

CBS is owned by ViaCom, Fox by Newscorp, ABC By Disney.

So it isn't really important that they aren't reporting this non-story enough.

It's why they are reporting it at all.

If it's not important...why are you crying about it?:cuckoo:

What I get upset about is you RUBES being so easily distracted.

honestly, it's like showing a shiny thing to a cat. Look at the shiny thing, the pretty thing.

Waiting to watch you guys go nuts over the gay marriage ruling today.
How many people read ""?

Seriously, is that the best you have?

Here's the real problem in Journalism. They are all owned by big corporations, which means they all take the corporate stance. There's no competitiveness anymore.

NBC is owned by Comcast, it used to be owned by GE. Before that, RCA.

CBS is owned by ViaCom, Fox by Newscorp, ABC By Disney.

So it isn't really important that they aren't reporting this non-story enough.

It's why they are reporting it at all.

If it's not important...why are you crying about it?:cuckoo:

What I get upset about is you RUBES being so easily distracted.

honestly, it's like showing a shiny thing to a cat. Look at the shiny thing, the pretty thing.

Waiting to watch you guys go nuts over the gay marriage ruling today.

Distracted from what? I'm not the one off in la la land trudging through the weeds. That would be you.

BTW did you read this one?

• The IRS is also slow to cancel the cards of employees who leave the agency, lagging by an average of nine days. In one case, the agency waited eight months to cancel the card used by a former employee. During the two-year period it studied, the inspector general found 38 transactions worth about $9,000 that took place after the cardholder had left the IRS.
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So, Just the one case alone, where one former employee still used his IRS credit card after leaving the job ( for two years)...To the tune of $ 9,000.00. How do you 2 taxpayers feel knowing that for two solid years your income tax went into a former employees pocket?
So, Just the one case alone, where one former employee still used his IRS credit card after leaving the job ( for two years)...To the tune of $ 9,000.00. How do you 2 taxpayers feel knowing that for two solid years your income tax went into a former employees pocket?

Don't know about those two but I'm feeling refundish.
So, Just the one case alone, where one former employee still used his IRS credit card after leaving the job ( for two years)...To the tune of $ 9,000.00. How do you 2 taxpayers feel knowing that for two solid years your income tax went into a former employees pocket?

Don't know about those two but I'm feeling refundish.

Ever wonder where the property tax money that you paid for the last two/three years went?
So, Just the one case alone, where one former employee still used his IRS credit card after leaving the job ( for two years)...To the tune of $ 9,000.00. How do you 2 taxpayers feel knowing that for two solid years your income tax went into a former employees pocket?

Don't know about those two but I'm feeling refundish.

Ever wonder where the property tax money that you paid for the last two/three years went?

No. Don't own any.
"Porn and romance novels on taxpayer's dime?"

Sounds like a typical day in an elected official's life. Some things never change...:razz:

Porn and romance novels sounds light weight, what happened to the liquor and lap dances at the strip club on the taxpayer dime?
Ever wonder where the property tax money that you paid for the last two/three years went?

No. Don't own any.

Oh, so you are more of a moocher. Got it. Yeah...moochers don't usually care as long as they get I'm not surprised.

Now how in the blue fuck does my not owning property make me a "moocher"? I pay my rent. What the fuck do you do?
Are you a moron? Or do you just play one on the internets?
No. Don't own any.

Oh, so you are more of a moocher. Got it. Yeah...moochers don't usually care as long as they get I'm not surprised.

Now how in the blue fuck does my not owning property make me a "moocher"? I pay my rent. What the fuck do you do?
Are you a moron? Or do you just play one on the internets?

You should check and see if the IRS is seem like their kind of candidate. No integrity. Bet you would be in like Flynn. They could put you in charge of investigating fraudulent credit card charges.
Oh, so you are more of a moocher. Got it. Yeah...moochers don't usually care as long as they get I'm not surprised.

Now how in the blue fuck does my not owning property make me a "moocher"? I pay my rent. What the fuck do you do?
Are you a moron? Or do you just play one on the internets?

You should check and see if the IRS is seem like their kind of candidate. No integrity. Bet you would be in like Flynn. They could put you in charge of investigating fraudulent credit card charges.

uh..... huh. So paying one's rent equates to "no integrity". Says a poster with blue hair.

Now how in the blue fuck does my not owning property make me a "moocher"? I pay my rent. What the fuck do you do?
Are you a moron? Or do you just play one on the internets?

You should check and see if the IRS is seem like their kind of candidate. No integrity. Bet you would be in like Flynn. They could put you in charge of investigating fraudulent credit card charges.

uh..... huh. So paying one's rent equates to "no integrity". Says a poster with blue hair.


Pogo is uncomfortable talking about IRS fraud. Wonder why that is?
You should check and see if the IRS is seem like their kind of candidate. No integrity. Bet you would be in like Flynn. They could put you in charge of investigating fraudulent credit card charges.

uh..... huh. So paying one's rent equates to "no integrity". Says a poster with blue hair.


Pogo is uncomfortable talking about IRS fraud. Wonder why that is?

Bite my fucking ass. Wallow in your fascist world where everyone is forced to own property lest they be labeled "moocher". That's got nothing to do with IRS. It has to do with your own dipshititty.

As a matter of policy I do not enter into a battle of wits with the unarmed. Good luck with the hair. Dumbass.
uh..... huh. So paying one's rent equates to "no integrity". Says a poster with blue hair.


Pogo is uncomfortable talking about IRS fraud. Wonder why that is?

Bite my fucking ass. Wallow in your fascist world where everyone is forced to own property lest they be labeled "moocher". That's got nothing to do with IRS. It has to do with your own dipshititty.

As a matter of policy I do not enter into a battle of wits with the unarmed. Good luck with the hair. Dumbass.

^^ Expects me to believe he had any intention of discussing the topic in the first place. :cuckoo::lol:
So, Just the one case alone, where one former employee still used his IRS credit card after leaving the job ( for two years)...To the tune of $ 9,000.00. How do you 2 taxpayers feel knowing that for two solid years your income tax went into a former employees pocket?

And did they get that money back? Probably.

Where was your outrage when we sent WHOLE PALLETS OF MONEY to Iraq that no one can account for now?
So, Just the one case alone, where one former employee still used his IRS credit card after leaving the job ( for two years)...To the tune of $ 9,000.00. How do you 2 taxpayers feel knowing that for two solid years your income tax went into a former employees pocket?

And did they get that money back? Probably.

Where was your outrage when we sent WHOLE PALLETS OF MONEY to Iraq that no one can account for now?

You think no one writes Uncle Sam a check during tax season or what? Um...if you want to talk about Iraq start a thread. :cuckoo:
So, Just the one case alone, where one former employee still used his IRS credit card after leaving the job ( for two years)...To the tune of $ 9,000.00. How do you 2 taxpayers feel knowing that for two solid years your income tax went into a former employees pocket?

And did they get that money back? Probably.

Where was your outrage when we sent WHOLE PALLETS OF MONEY to Iraq that no one can account for now?

You think no one writes Uncle Sam a check during tax season or what? Um...if you want to talk about Iraq start a thread. :cuckoo:

No, I just find it hilarous now that the "Teabaggers didn't get their tax dodge", you are reduced to whining about credit card abuse in the IRS.

Kind of like when you all couldn't get Clinton on murder, drug dealing and crooked land deals, you started blurting out how he lied about a blow job.
Are we really supposed to feel outrage over something so very petty as this?

Proportion...some of us don't have a sense of it
And did they get that money back? Probably.

Where was your outrage when we sent WHOLE PALLETS OF MONEY to Iraq that no one can account for now?

You think no one writes Uncle Sam a check during tax season or what? Um...if you want to talk about Iraq start a thread. :cuckoo:

No, I just find it hilarous now that the "Teabaggers didn't get their tax dodge", you are reduced to whining about credit card abuse in the IRS.

Kind of like when you all couldn't get Clinton on murder, drug dealing and crooked land deals, you started blurting out how he lied about a blow job.

So, your opinion is that we should ignore all fraud perpetrated by the IRS and it's employees? Yeah...I'm really not all that surprised.

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