Porn and romance novels on taxpayer's dime?

Are we really supposed to feel outrage over something so very petty as this?

Proportion...some of us don't have a sense of it

Is that the only level of concern the left has... "outrage"?
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Seattle spent millions on public toilets they just turned out to be drug dens and spots for prostituition. Worse than romance novels
You think no one writes Uncle Sam a check during tax season or what? Um...if you want to talk about Iraq start a thread. :cuckoo:

No, I just find it hilarous now that the "Teabaggers didn't get their tax dodge", you are reduced to whining about credit card abuse in the IRS.

Kind of like when you all couldn't get Clinton on murder, drug dealing and crooked land deals, you started blurting out how he lied about a blow job.

So, your opinion is that we should ignore all fraud perpetrated by the IRS and it's employees? Yeah...I'm really not all that surprised.

No, I think their superiors should take care of it, and if they don't, Congress should step in.

But in the cosmic scheme of things, like the bankers getting hundreds of billions in bailouts and squeezing people on their mortgages and credit cars- that's a lot more serious than some bad bookeeping.
No, I just find it hilarous now that the "Teabaggers didn't get their tax dodge", you are reduced to whining about credit card abuse in the IRS.

Kind of like when you all couldn't get Clinton on murder, drug dealing and crooked land deals, you started blurting out how he lied about a blow job.

So, your opinion is that we should ignore all fraud perpetrated by the IRS and it's employees? Yeah...I'm really not all that surprised.

No, I think their superiors should take care of it, and if they don't, Congress should step in.

But in the cosmic scheme of things, like the bankers getting hundreds of billions in bailouts and squeezing people on their mortgages and credit cars- that's a lot more serious than some bad bookeeping.

The report ( of which you did not read ) was about an investigation into credit card abuse by many repeat offenders within the IRS that the "supervisors" ignored repeatedly. And the findings/details of such fraud over a period of time. Glad to hear you have no problem with this being reported. So...what were you whining about again?
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So, your opinion is that we should ignore all fraud perpetrated by the IRS and it's employees? Yeah...I'm really not all that surprised.

No, I think their superiors should take care of it, and if they don't, Congress should step in.

But in the cosmic scheme of things, like the bankers getting hundreds of billions in bailouts and squeezing people on their mortgages and credit cars- that's a lot more serious than some bad bookeeping.

The report ( of which you did not read ) was about an investigation into credit card abuse by many repeat offendersiwithin the IRS that the "supervisors" ignored repeatedly. And the findings/details of such fraud over a period of time. Glad to hear you have no problem with this being reported. So...what were you whining about again?

Oh, just your desperation that your "scandal" is turning into a big nothing.
No, I think their superiors should take care of it, and if they don't, Congress should step in.

But in the cosmic scheme of things, like the bankers getting hundreds of billions in bailouts and squeezing people on their mortgages and credit cars- that's a lot more serious than some bad bookeeping.

The report ( of which you did not read ) was about an investigation into credit card abuse by many repeat offendersiwithin the IRS that the "supervisors" ignored repeatedly. And the findings/details of such fraud over a period of time. Glad to hear you have no problem with this being reported. So...what were you whining about again?

Oh, just your desperation that your "scandal" is turning into a big nothing.

Scandal? When did I call this a "scandal" ?

So..."outrage" IS apparently the only level of concern libs are able to comprehend.

Um...if we weren't supposed to talk about it. Why did it get reported by MSNBC do you think?
The report ( of which you did not read ) was about an investigation into credit card abuse by many repeat offendersiwithin the IRS that the "supervisors" ignored repeatedly. And the findings/details of such fraud over a period of time. Glad to hear you have no problem with this being reported. So...what were you whining about again?

Oh, just your desperation that your "scandal" is turning into a big nothing.

Scandal? When did I call this a "scandal" ?

So..."outrage" IS apparently the only level of concern libs are able to comprehend.

Um...if we weren't supposed to talk about it. Why did it get reported by MSNBC do you think?

Slow news day? Who cares.

frankly, you'd have it both ways. If they report on it, they are trying to downplay it and if they don't report on it, they are covering it up.

But it looks like you are the only one here who gives a fuck.
Are we really supposed to feel outrage over something so very petty as this?

Proportion...some of us don't have a sense of it

Is that the only level of concern the left has... "outrage"?

You don't quite get it, do you?

Do the MATH

0.0025% of $1000 = 2.5 cents.

Sweetie that's less than the margin of error you'd expect in any expense accounting system.

pro·por·tion (pr-pôrshn, -pr-)
1. A part considered in relation to the whole.
2. A relationship between things or parts of things with respect to comparative magnitude, quantity, or degree: the proper proportion between oil and vinegar in the dressing.
3. A relationship between quantities such that if one varies then another varies in a manner dependent on the first: "We do not always find visible happiness in proportion to visible virtue" (Samuel Johnson).
4. Agreeable or harmonious relation of parts within a whole; balance or symmetry.
5. Dimensions; size. Often used in the plural.
6. Mathematics A statement of equality between two ratios. Four quantities, a, b, c, d, are said to be in proportion if a/b = c/d .
Are we really supposed to feel outrage over something so very petty as this?

Proportion...some of us don't have a sense of it

Is that the only level of concern the left has... "outrage"?

You don't quite get it, do you?

Do the MATH

0.0025% of $1000 = 2.5 cents.

Sweetie that's less than the margin of error you'd expect in any expense accounting system.

pro·por·tion (pr-pôrshn, -pr-)
1. A part considered in relation to the whole.
2. A relationship between things or parts of things with respect to comparative magnitude, quantity, or degree: the proper proportion between oil and vinegar in the dressing.
3. A relationship between quantities such that if one varies then another varies in a manner dependent on the first: "We do not always find visible happiness in proportion to visible virtue" (Samuel Johnson).
4. Agreeable or harmonious relation of parts within a whole; balance or symmetry.
5. Dimensions; size. Often used in the plural.
6. Mathematics A statement of equality between two ratios. Four quantities, a, b, c, d, are said to be in proportion if a/b = c/d .

Every little bit adds up over time and across multiple government agencies.

Point also being in this limited study there were 22+ repeat offenders that committed blatant fraud. Splitting credit card purchases to knowingly break company policy,forgery of receipts etc...

Most of which went unreported for further investigation and the employees responsible remained employed with the IRS. Now...isn't it nice to know that these employees also have access to your personal information? Did you know tax return identity theft is on the rise?
Oh, just your desperation that your "scandal" is turning into a big nothing.

Scandal? When did I call this a "scandal" ?

So..."outrage" IS apparently the only level of concern libs are able to comprehend.

Um...if we weren't supposed to talk about it. Why did it get reported by MSNBC do you think?

Slow news day? Who cares.

frankly, you'd have it both ways. If they report on it, they are trying to downplay it and if they don't report on it, they are covering it up.

But it looks like you are the only one here who gives a fuck.

You apparently "give a fuck" or you wouldn't be here throwing a fit that I am talking about it. :cuckoo:
Ever notice how left leaning publications always down play this stuff. " It was ONLY $2800.00...could have been worse". Scammer's and various gov employee's nickle and dime us to death across all government programs and agency's and this stuff adds up after awhile.


Inspector general urges IRS to boost oversight of credit card spending

The IRS could do a better job of policing employees' spending with government credit cards, a Treasury Department watchdog said Tuesday in a report that found that lax oversight allowed a few bad apples to buy romance novels, diet pills and even porn on the taxpayer's dime.

The Treasury's inspector general for tax administration — the same agency that brought the hammer down on the IRS for singling out conservative groups for special scrutiny — found that IRS workers on the whole stick to the rules when they use government credit cards.

It identified improprieties in only about two-tenths of 1 percent of transactions in fiscal years 2010 and 2011, when IRS workers made 273,000 credit card purchases worth about $108 million.

Porn and romance novels on taxpayer's dime? Inspector general urges IRS to boost oversight of credit card spending - U.S. News

Just so that I am clear there are 2 issues in the OP;

#1 is the allegation against the "left leaning" media and #2 is the IRS employees abuse of credit cards, right?

As far as #1 is concerned hasn't that dead horse been beaten to a pulp by now? Nothing is going to change as far as how the media is perceived by either side. Fox "news" is "entertainment" and MSNBC is the "liberal propaganda" outlet for the WH. If you want "real news" try NPR or BBC America instead.

#2 is the real issue here. It boils down to who has oversight over the IRS? Who audits the IRS and checks to see that they are in full compliance? Right now the perception is that they are a law unto themselves. That has got to change and the only way to make that change is via Congress. Unfortunately we are stuck with a dysfunctional Congress that can't get it's act together to do it's own job let alone put in place oversight and audit of the IRS.

The problem with democracy is that We the People end up with the government that we deserve. But we deserve far better than what we currently have in my opinion. We the People need to make up our minds in the next year or so which way we want this nation to go and send a loud and clear message to Congress that if they don't do their job we will throw them all out and put in other people who can and will.

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