Portland police are retreating from Antifa:

The Purge

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Disgusting: Antifa Protestor Suggests Portland Police Commit Suicide

Townhall.com ^ | August 17, 2019


Members of Antifa are violent yet they hide behind this so called "peaceful" mentality. They act like they're hippies who come together, sit in a park and hold hands. We all know it's the furthest thing from the truth. Whenever they get together en masse, they cover their faces like cowards, yell obscenities, throw things and hit anyone who disagrees with them. Look at what happened to conservative journalist Andy Ngo. And he was merely reporting on what happened when he was repeatedly hit and had cement-filled milkshakes hurled at him. He suffered a brain hemorrhage as a result of the attacks.

The thing is, Antifa believes they're at war with anyone and everyone who disagrees with them.

Think they're being too violent? You're clearly against them. That makes you a white supremacist, even if you're a minority. You're automatically dubbed as someone who wants to "silence" and "shut them down."

Think protest should happen without people fearing for their lives? You're obviously part of the government and Nanny State.

The most disgusting thing to come out of Saturday's protests (thus far) is one Antifa protestor telling Portland police officers to commit suicide.

"Last year, more cops died in the line of duty. It's because you all know you're a parasite," the man is heard yelling in the background before coming into view. "Your job is morally and ethically bankrupt. You know you're a parasite so shoot yourselves. Shoot yourselves! Suicide is the only way out!"

“Shoot yourselves. Suicide is the only way out!”

—Antifa man to Portland cops #PortlandProtestpic.twitter.com/99hdscUW8g— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) August 17, 2019

That wasn't the only cop bashing that took place.

Another Antifa protestor called a black police officer a "race traitor" and an "Uncle Tom" simply because he's in law enforcement.

Antifa taunting a black Portland police officer, calling him “Uncle Tom” and a “race traitor”#PortlandProtestpic.twitter.com/Td20ejvl4Z— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) August 17, 2019

Are you kidding me?

How does being in law enforcement make someone a racist or a white supremacist? Having a rule of law is something that takes place in every organized society. It's necessary to make sure we can all coexist with one another. Rules have to be established (which is what the legislative process is) and there have to be people who enforce those rules and laws (which is what law enforcement is, hence the name).

This guy who told officers to commit suicide is a coward and a thug. Does he not realize the sacrifice these officers make on a daily basis? They put on that uniform every day before they go to work, not knowing if they'll come home at the end of their shift. And it's because of idiots like this who think violence against our men and women in blue is okay. And it's not.


President Trump is correct....again! Have Antifa declared a terrorist organization and lock them all up for inciting riot!
Cops are caught in a tough place.

Use of force laws are quite specific about how much force can be used by police officers, and when. These same rules apply to members of the public.

On top of those laws, are department policies and guidelines governing the use of force, often dictated by city officials.

Protestors know that cities are terrified of bad press and lawsuits associated with use of force. Or, even worse, orchestrated riots in response to police use of force.

Police are often told to ignore clear provocations, even provocations that are legally prosecutable as assault, in order to lower the risk to the city.

Recently we have seen police responding passively to being doused with water or being threatened with assault because those are the orders they have been given.
These Antifa rallies are looking more and more like our very own USMB Assclown Brigade.

These leftwing faggots and their antics need to be publicized on national TV for everyone to see what worthless little shitbags they are, and that the Democrat Party is fully in bed with them.
These Antifa rallies are looking more and more like our very own USMB Assclown Brigade.

These leftwing faggots and their antics need to be publicized on national TV for everyone to see what worthless little shitbags they are, and that the Democrat Party is fully in bed with them.

As with the likes of rdean, JoeB and IM2, it's more of a mental health issue.
Far-left and far-right groups clash in Portland: Four injured and 13 arrested as tensions flare between protesters on streets lined with more than 1,000 cops just hours after President Trump threatened to declare Antifa a 'terror organization'

Police arrested at least 13 people and seized metal poles, bear spray and other weapons Saturday as hundreds of far-right protesters and anti-fascist counter-demonstrators swarmed downtown Portland, Oregon.

Authorities closed bridges and streets to try to keep the rival groups apart. The city's mayor said the situation was 'potentially dangerous and volatile,' and President Donald Trump tweeted 'Portland is being watched very closely.'

As of early afternoon, most of the right-wing groups had left the area via a downtown bridge. Police used officers on bikes and in riot gear to keep black-clad, helmet- and mask-wearing anti-fascist protesters - known as antifa - from following them.

But hundreds of people remained downtown and on nearby streets, and there were skirmishes throughout the day. Police declared a gathering of mostly left-wing protesters near Pioneer Courthouse Square a 'civil disturbance' and told people to leave.

One person was injured and transported via ambulance, and three other people were evaluated by medics, Portland Police spokeswoman Lt. Tina Jones said. The injuries were minor, she said.

Jones said at one point there were about 1,200 on the streets, but that number had fallen to about 400 late in the afternoon.

The events began late in the morning. Flag-waving members of the Proud Boys, Three Percenters militia group and others gathered downtown, some also wearing body armor and helmets. Police said they had seized the weapons, including shields, from multiple groups as they assembled along the Willamette River, which runs through the city.

(Excerpt) Read more at dailymail.co.uk ...

You notice that it is NEVER MENTIONED that all those weapons were provided by ANTIFA....NEED FEDERAL POLICE , MARSHALLS TO DO THE ARRESTS....CHARGE WITH FEDERAL CRIME OF RIOT!!!!! Hit a police officer CHARGE them with attempted murder....have them get a high prices lawyer to defend that felony charge!!!
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the person who urged cops to commit suicide should be criminally prosecuted
the person who urged cops to commit suicide should be criminally prosecuted

Believe me, that's one of the least offensive things cops hear on a regular basis.

I understand----but it IS actually a crime (I think) to urge someone to off himself.
There was a prosecution when ------the suggestion WORKED

The law is tricky in that respect. Just like threatening to kill someone, the threat is not enough, you have to prove to the court that you actually had the means to do so. The person you threaten has to have a reasonable fear that you would carry out your threat.

If you call someone from Australia and tell them you're coming to Cleveland to kill them, it would be up to a court to decide if it was reasonable for you to fear that threat.

Same with encouraging someone to commit suicide or, "Just die already". You would have to convince a court that the person making the suggestion had a reasonable belief the person would follow through with the threat.

That might be difficult to do given the cops were probably smiling at the worthless idiot who said it.
The far-right demonstration was organized by members of the Proud Boys, whose founder has described it as a "fraternal organization" for young "Western chauvinist" men. The goal of the so-called "End Domestic Terrorism" rally, they said, was to get antifa, declared as a domestic terrorist organization.

The Proud Boys released a statement Saturday vowing to return to Portland monthly unless the mayor "takes charge and removes the scourge of violent domestic terrorists from his city," a reference to antifa demonstrators.

Mayor Ted Wheeler, a Democrat, said such far-right organizations were "impacting the entire nation" by targeting women, minorities and immigrants with hate speech.

"If they're going to come out here every single month until we do whatever they think" it would cost taxpayers millions of dollars for law enforcement, he said during the news conference.

The threat to return to Portland on a regular basis "feeds in to that sense of fear," Wheeler said.

"We do not want them here in my city, period," he said.
Far-right rally in Portland met by anti-fascist protesters
Sounds like the far right wants to control Portland. The real terrorist's are the alt right groups.
The far-right demonstration was organized by members of the Proud Boys, whose founder has described it as a "fraternal organization" for young "Western chauvinist" men. The goal of the so-called "End Domestic Terrorism" rally, they said, was to get antifa, declared as a domestic terrorist organization.

The Proud Boys released a statement Saturday vowing to return to Portland monthly unless the mayor "takes charge and removes the scourge of violent domestic terrorists from his city," a reference to antifa demonstrators.

Mayor Ted Wheeler, a Democrat, said such far-right organizations were "impacting the entire nation" by targeting women, minorities and immigrants with hate speech.

"If they're going to come out here every single month until we do whatever they think" it would cost taxpayers millions of dollars for law enforcement, he said during the news conference.

The threat to return to Portland on a regular basis "feeds in to that sense of fear," Wheeler said.

"We do not want them here in my city, period," he said.
Far-right rally in Portland met by anti-fascist protesters
Sounds like the far right wants to control Portland. The real terrorist's are the alt right groups.

Looks like antifa has a choice to make. Grow up and get out of town to keep the peace or keep going the way they are until somebody gets killed.
The far-right demonstration was organized by members of the Proud Boys, whose founder has described it as a "fraternal organization" for young "Western chauvinist" men. The goal of the so-called "End Domestic Terrorism" rally, they said, was to get antifa, declared as a domestic terrorist organization.

The Proud Boys released a statement Saturday vowing to return to Portland monthly unless the mayor "takes charge and removes the scourge of violent domestic terrorists from his city," a reference to antifa demonstrators.

Mayor Ted Wheeler, a Democrat, said such far-right organizations were "impacting the entire nation" by targeting women, minorities and immigrants with hate speech.

"If they're going to come out here every single month until we do whatever they think" it would cost taxpayers millions of dollars for law enforcement, he said during the news conference.

The threat to return to Portland on a regular basis "feeds in to that sense of fear," Wheeler said.

"We do not want them here in my city, period," he said.
Far-right rally in Portland met by anti-fascist protesters
Sounds like the far right wants to control Portland. The real terrorist's are the alt right groups.

Name the most far right thing about the Proud Boys.
ANITIFA protests against Nazi s, white supremacists. No wonder the Trumpettes get upset with them.
The far-right demonstration was organized by members of the Proud Boys, whose founder has described it as a "fraternal organization" for young "Western chauvinist" men. The goal of the so-called "End Domestic Terrorism" rally, they said, was to get antifa, declared as a domestic terrorist organization.

The Proud Boys released a statement Saturday vowing to return to Portland monthly unless the mayor "takes charge and removes the scourge of violent domestic terrorists from his city," a reference to antifa demonstrators.

Mayor Ted Wheeler, a Democrat, said such far-right organizations were "impacting the entire nation" by targeting women, minorities and immigrants with hate speech.

"If they're going to come out here every single month until we do whatever they think" it would cost taxpayers millions of dollars for law enforcement, he said during the news conference.

The threat to return to Portland on a regular basis "feeds in to that sense of fear," Wheeler said.

"We do not want them here in my city, period," he said.
Far-right rally in Portland met by anti-fascist protesters
Sounds like the far right wants to control Portland. The real terrorist's are the alt right groups.

Just keep beating your drum.
This is an act. They can use as much force that they want to make an arrest. All of this that is going around, it is to let Obama's leftovers that are in charge of the military, to be in charge of the world. Like how the Globalist created the riots in Hong Kong. Trying to put the U.S. military to be in charge over the globe. But you have noticed that they didn't put the yellow vest riots in Paris in the spotlight. It is because France government is under the control of the Globalist.
Pres.Trump will not be able to start any investigation if they keep on conjuring up these riots that is on the first priority list. The constitution says that one of the duties of the government, is to make sure on keeping the peace in the country. And so while the Dems creating riots.That Pres.Trump have to go behind them, to defuse them for the rest of his terms in office. He will be passing more laws to keep the peace that he will not have a chance to lock up the peace breakers.

'to insure domestic tranquility', means to ensure that peace and order (tranquility) exists in the country (domestic). The meaning of domestic tranquility indicates protection and security of the American citizens by the government. What Does Insure Domestic Tranquility Mean?

Proud Boys show up.

Antifa shows up to protest.

Proud Boys leave



ANTIFA are a bunch of twats.
Sounds like the far right wants to control Portland.
Ted Wheeler has seen to it Antifa already has that job.

The real terrorist's are the alt right groups.
Not funny ha-ha but funny as in stupid or extremely ill informed. Walk around Portland when Antifa is out with a MAGA hat and they will demonstrate what real terrorism is really all about. If lucky you will escape without serious head injuries or other sorts of major wounds.

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