Possible "compromise" on the TTP?

OK the answer is No. Free trade agreements work just fine. In any case either side is free to renegotiate later at any time if they find it isnt working.

Well, at least thank you for addressing the question......However, there is consensus that NAFTA has been disadvantageous to us.....and chances of re-negotiations have not really happened since the early 90s.
You're dumber than most of your fellow scum buckets.....

Let me phrase to your elementary school level...... Are you working more or less than 40 hours per week????

....and, by the way, GFY.

eat a dick
Well, at least thank you for addressing the question......However, there is consensus that NAFTA has been disadvantageous to us.....and chances of re-negotiations have not really happened since the early 90s.

THAT is a lie and YOU are a lying scumbag piece of fucking shit.


There are HUNDREDS of articles proclaiming NAFTA to be a success.

You're just still waiting for that 'giant sucking sound' to encompass you.

lying fuckface
I believe what you're saying Edge, but I'm skeptical that anything obozo does will be beneficial to our country.

The fact that democrook lunatics like Fauxahontas Warren oppose it lends it some credibility, but the stench of obozo is difficult to overcome.

I believe what you're saying Edge, but I'm skeptical that anything obozo does will be beneficial to our country.

The fact that democrook lunatics like Fauxahontas Warren oppose it lends it some credibility, but the stench of obozo is difficult to overcome.

Yeah, that's my biggest concern, too. If the Liar in Chief is for it, something has GOT to be wrong with it.

But, you know what they say -- Even A Blind Squirrel Finds An Acorn Every Now And Then.

The fact is, the talks began under President of the United States of America, George Walker Bush and not under the Lying Cocksucker in Chief.

Trans-Pacific Partnership - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a proposed regional regulatory and investment treaty. As of 2014, twelve countries throughout the Asia Pacific region have participated in negotiations on the TPP: Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the United States, and Vietnam.

The proposed agreement began in 2005 as the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement (TPSEP or P4). Participating countries set the goal of wrapping up negotiations in 2012, but contentious issues such as agriculture, intellectual property, and services and investments have caused negotiations to continue into the present,[7] with the last round meeting in Ottawa from 3–12 July 2014.[8][9] Implementation of the TPP is one of the primary goals of the trade agenda of the Obama administration in the United States of America.
Love to see right wingers TORN between their hatred of Obama and the fact that elected right wingers are backing the president on TPP....

Like snakes in a snake pit. LOL
Love to see right wingers TORN between their hatred of Obama and the fact that elected right wingers are backing the president on TPP....

Like snakes in a snake pit. LOL

We back what we believe in regardless of politics. All you do is suck obama's dick at every opportunity.

We believe in Country over Politics. You, as is the case with ALL Nazis, believe in party over Country
Yeah, that's my biggest concern, too. If the Liar in Chief is for it, something has GOT to be wrong with it.

But, you know what they say -- Even A Blind Squirrel Finds An Acorn Every Now And Then.

The fact is, the talks began under President of the United States of America, George Walker Bush and not under the Lying Cocksucker in Chief.

Trans-Pacific Partnership - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a proposed regional regulatory and investment treaty. As of 2014, twelve countries throughout the Asia Pacific region have participated in negotiations on the TPP: Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the United States, and Vietnam.

The proposed agreement began in 2005 as the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement (TPSEP or P4). Participating countries set the goal of wrapping up negotiations in 2012, but contentious issues such as agriculture, intellectual property, and services and investments have caused negotiations to continue into the present,[7] with the last round meeting in Ottawa from 3–12 July 2014.[8][9] Implementation of the TPP is one of the primary goals of the trade agenda of the Obama administration in the United States of America.

Imagine that...

The moonbat messiah continues a Bush policy and wants to claim credit for it.

Considering how China has been sabre rattling and literally stealing information and technology I'm wondering if this isn't a response to their aggresion.

Thanks for the info, there seems to be a lot of hysteria about this whole thing just because obozo is behind it.

Someone started a website on it: OBAMATRADE
Though the interesting part pertains to internet freedom: Internet Freedom OBAMATRADE
Obamatrade would require Internet Service Providers to shoulder the financial and administrative burdens of becoming copyright cops.
Under Obamatrade, Internet Service Providers would be forced to:
• Terminate users’ Internet access based solely on allegations of copyright infringement
• Filter all Internet communications for material Hollywood says potentially infringes on their copyrights.
• Block access to websites that allegedly infringe or facilitate copyright infringement
• Disclose the identities of their customers to copyright-holders on an allegation of copyright infringement.
1. Terminate users’ Internet access based solely on allegations of copyright infringement:
In other words, it gives government and corporations the power to terminate internet on grounds of copyright infringement, which basically means that they don't even have to prove that people infringe copyright - they just need to claim people do, in order to ban people from the internet for life.

2. Filter all Internet communications for material Hollywood says potentially infringes on their copyrights:
So basically this means that if a copyright holder decides (in this case Hollywood studios) that their copyright is being infringed (which again they don't have to prove), they can force all websites to filter content they deem 'infringing copyright' and penalize companies that don't comply.

3. Block access to websites that allegedly infringe or facilitate copyright infringement:
Would be used to shut down websites that the government (and copyright holders) don't approve of (and again they don't have to prove a site infringes, they just have to claim it might). You don't have to think hard to realize that it violates first amendment rights. The main target to begin with though, will be cloud hosting.

4. Disclose the identities of their customers to copyright-holders on an allegation of copyright infringement:
So basically they want to force ISP's (and websites) to give all the personal information they have on someone, simply on an allegation that they have 'infringed copyright', so they can target said customers to sue or terminate the internet access of.

This allows a 'copyright holder' to literally acquire all your personal information that you provided to your ISP (including your Social Security, Bank Account, Address, Name, Phone Number,etc). If I was to be super cynical, then the copyright holder could sell your personal information on for profit.

It's totalitarianism by treaty. ;)
Based on the mostly disastrous previous free trade agreements, I am skeptical about Obama's push to push the TTP through congress.

I understand that China's rising and powerful influence in the Pacific rim must be mitigated, but, again, based on other trade pacts, the results are not always beneficial to US workers.

So, whenever a prospect is controversial and the results doubtful.....WHY NOT SIMPLY PLACE A TERM ON THE TTP OF 3 TO 5 YEARS ONLY.....so that we may get a better feel on the agreement efficacy???
Free trade can be a good thing, however, this particular deal is bad for America because it gives other countries the ability to make decision for America. And Obama has proved himself to be a weak negotiator.
The main issue at this point, before whatever ramifications of the treaty are, is the secrecy and the underhanded and undemocratic manner the talks are being carried out in.

Those involved in the trade treaties don't want Congressmen and Senators to be able to read it, debate it, and look at the contents of the two trade deals (TTIP and TPP).

This is a blatant admission by those endorsing the TTIP and TPP that there are things in the deals that are unpalatable to the US public, otherwise they wouldn't be opposed to allowing everyone in House and the Senate to view the text - even if they had to agree to a nondisclosure agreement.

The whole point of fast track is an attempt to pull wool over everyone's eyes, give the bitter medicine, and hope that the US public takes it sitting down.

It is obvious that not every US company is allowed admission to this secret deal, let alone any elected representatives beyond a chosen few (who are biased in support the agreement and have no objectivity).

one needs to ask WHY is this deal so secret...? Why does a Congressman have to go to a secret guarded room to even read this bill...? (insanity) Why does our 'transparent' president want this bill passed so badly that he is even deigning to talk to congress members....?

as i see it Obama wants it real bad because it gives him power to deal with about 40% of the world's trade without his having to bother to deal with Congress anymore because the deal bypasses any future Congressional input or changes...

can you imagine this guy on a world power trip....? he has already proven that he will ignore our Constitution and laws and does not give a shit about America.....does anybody really think this guy would negotiate deals in our favor?.....why on God's green earth would we hand him this kind of power for even one day...? what gives with the republicans to even think about voting for this....?

also...the TPP commission that is created will be able to create agreements and laws that also bypass our Congress....this means that leaders of other countries will affect our laws and thus undermine the sovereignty of the USA...it effectively puts power into the hands of the likes of Obama and other leaders of the world which totally bypasses the American people...

it's definitely a big step in the direction toward the socialists' dream of a One World Order....
Last edited:
Based on the mostly disastrous previous free trade agreements, I am skeptical about Obama's push to push the TTP through congress.

I understand that China's rising and powerful influence in the Pacific rim must be mitigated, but, again, based on other trade pacts, the results are not always beneficial to US workers.

So, whenever a prospect is controversial and the results doubtful.....WHY NOT SIMPLY PLACE A TERM ON THE TTP OF 3 TO 5 YEARS ONLY.....so that we may get a better feel on the agreement efficacy???
Free trade can be a good thing, however, this particular deal is bad for America because it gives other countries the ability to make decision for America. And Obama has proved himself to be a weak negotiator.
The main issue at this point, before whatever ramifications of the treaty are, is the secrecy and the underhanded and undemocratic manner the talks are being carried out in.

Those involved in the trade treaties don't want Congressmen and Senators to be able to read it, debate it, and look at the contents of the two trade deals (TTIP and TPP).

This is a blatant admission by those endorsing the TTIP and TPP that there are things in the deals that are unpalatable to the US public, otherwise they wouldn't be opposed to allowing everyone in House and the Senate to view the text - even if they had to agree to a nondisclosure agreement.

The whole point of fast track is an attempt to pull wool over everyone's eyes, give the bitter medicine, and hope that the US public takes it sitting down.

It is obvious that not every US company is allowed admission to this secret deal, let alone any elected representatives beyond a chosen few (who are biased in support the agreement and have no objectivity).

one needs to ask WHY is this deal so secret...? Why does a Congressman have to go to a secret guarded room to even read this bill...? (insanity) Why does our 'transparent' president want this bill passed so badly that he is even deigning to talk to congress members....?

as i see it Obama wants it real bad because it gives him power to deal with about 40% of the world's trade without his having to bother to deal with Congress anymore because the deal bypasses any future Congressional input or changes...

can you imagine this guy on a world power trip....? he has already proven that he will ignore our Constitution and laws and does not give a shit about America.....does anybody really think this guy would negotiate deals in our favor?.....why on God's green earth would we hand him this kind of power for even one day...? what gives with the republicans to even think about voting for this....?

also...the TPP commission that is created will be able to create agreements and laws that also bypass our Congress....this means that leaders of other countries will affect our laws and thus undermine the sovereignty of the USA...it effectively puts power into the hands of the likes of Obama and other leaders of the world which totally bypasses the American people...

it's definitely a big step in the direction toward the socialists' dream of a One World Order....
Why just 'socialists'? Most Corporations want an all-encompassing, all-controlling government, which is in their pocket and supports their interests above the American people.

Paul Ryan made his own version of Pelosi's 'We have to pass it so you can see it' recently: Paul Ryan s Pelosi-Esque Obamatrade Moment It s Declassified And Made Public Once It s Agreed To - Breitbart
“It’s declassified and made public once it’s agreed to,” Ryan said of Obamatrade in Rules Committee testimony on Wednesday during questioning from Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX).
It is a bi-partisan attack on America, just one bill at a time. It is SOPA and overturning the constitution all rolled into one, and if a politician in the US supports fast track, what they really mean is they support corporatocracy and an erosion of democracy in America.

They don't want Americans to realize this is a four pronged attack on basic human rights and the constitution:
1. Attack on internet freedom, and freedom of speech and expression.
2. Attack on democratic institutions.
3. Attack on workers rights.
4. Attack on consumer rights.

Though, the pain won't hit straight way, it will begin when the unemployment rate starts to rise again as millions lose their jobs, are cut off the internet for 'copyright infringement', and as the Supreme Court is gagged and overruled by the TPP, and TTIP.

Also the World Bank, UN, and economic cabal will run America's economy, and if you don't like it - they will sue the government to enforce their dictates.

So begins the slow march to Brazil:

Last edited:
Based on the mostly disastrous previous free trade agreements, I am skeptical about Obama's push to push the TTP through congress.

I understand that China's rising and powerful influence in the Pacific rim must be mitigated, but, again, based on other trade pacts, the results are not always beneficial to US workers.

So, whenever a prospect is controversial and the results doubtful.....WHY NOT SIMPLY PLACE A TERM ON THE TTP OF 3 TO 5 YEARS ONLY.....so that we may get a better feel on the agreement efficacy???
Free trade can be a good thing, however, this particular deal is bad for America because it gives other countries the ability to make decision for America. And Obama has proved himself to be a weak negotiator.
The main issue at this point, before whatever ramifications of the treaty are, is the secrecy and the underhanded and undemocratic manner the talks are being carried out in.

Those involved in the trade treaties don't want Congressmen and Senators to be able to read it, debate it, and look at the contents of the two trade deals (TTIP and TPP).

This is a blatant admission by those endorsing the TTIP and TPP that there are things in the deals that are unpalatable to the US public, otherwise they wouldn't be opposed to allowing everyone in House and the Senate to view the text - even if they had to agree to a nondisclosure agreement.

The whole point of fast track is an attempt to pull wool over everyone's eyes, give the bitter medicine, and hope that the US public takes it sitting down.

It is obvious that not every US company is allowed admission to this secret deal, let alone any elected representatives beyond a chosen few (who are biased in support the agreement and have no objectivity).

one needs to ask WHY is this deal so secret...? Why does a Congressman have to go to a secret guarded room to even read this bill...? (insanity) Why does our 'transparent' president want this bill passed so badly that he is even deigning to talk to congress members....?

as i see it Obama wants it real bad because it gives him power to deal with about 40% of the world's trade without his having to bother to deal with Congress anymore because the deal bypasses any future Congressional input or changes...

can you imagine this guy on a world power trip....? he has already proven that he will ignore our Constitution and laws and does not give a shit about America.....does anybody really think this guy would negotiate deals in our favor?.....why on God's green earth would we hand him this kind of power for even one day...? what gives with the republicans to even think about voting for this....?

also...the TPP commission that is created will be able to create agreements and laws that also bypass our Congress....this means that leaders of other countries will affect our laws and thus undermine the sovereignty of the USA...it effectively puts power into the hands of the likes of Obama and other leaders of the world which totally bypasses the American people...

it's definitely a big step in the direction toward the socialists' dream of a One World Order....
Why just 'socialists'? Most Corporations want an all-encompassing, all-controlling government, which is in their pocket and supports their interests above the American people.

Paul Ryan made his own version of Pelosi's 'We have to pass it so you can see it' recently: Paul Ryan s Pelosi-Esque Obamatrade Moment It s Declassified And Made Public Once It s Agreed To - Breitbart
“It’s declassified and made public once it’s agreed to,” Ryan said of Obamatrade in Rules Committee testimony on Wednesday during questioning from Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX).
It is a bi-partisan attack on America, just one bill at a time. It is SOPA and overturning the constitution all rolled into one, and if a politician in the US supports fast track, what they really mean is they support corporatocracy and an erosion of democracy in America.

They don't want Americans to realize this is a four pronged attack on basic human rights and the constitution:
1. Attack on internet freedom, and freedom of speech and expression.
2. Attack on democratic institutions.
3. Attack on workers rights.
4. Attack on consumer rights.

Though, the pain won't hit straight way, it will begin when the unemployment rate starts to rise again as millions lose their jobs, are cut off the internet for 'copyright infringement', and as the Supreme Court is gagged and overruled by the TPP, and TTIP.

Also the World Bank, UN, and economic cabal will run America's economy, and if you don't like it - they will sue the government to enforce their dictates.

So begins the slow march to Brazil:

it's really interesting how along with conservatives most of the Dems oppose this bill while Obama supports it...they oppose it because they know labor will be adversely affected....Americans will lose jobs and wages...

Obama doesn't give a damn about that....he is dedicated to eradicating the middle class....commie that he is...and is willing to work with big business to achieve his ends....his goal is to turn America into a third world hellhole...
Based on the mostly disastrous previous free trade agreements, I am skeptical about Obama's push to push the TTP through congress.

I understand that China's rising and powerful influence in the Pacific rim must be mitigated, but, again, based on other trade pacts, the results are not always beneficial to US workers.

So, whenever a prospect is controversial and the results doubtful.....WHY NOT SIMPLY PLACE A TERM ON THE TTP OF 3 TO 5 YEARS ONLY.....so that we may get a better feel on the agreement efficacy???
Free trade can be a good thing, however, this particular deal is bad for America because it gives other countries the ability to make decision for America. And Obama has proved himself to be a weak negotiator.
The main issue at this point, before whatever ramifications of the treaty are, is the secrecy and the underhanded and undemocratic manner the talks are being carried out in.

Those involved in the trade treaties don't want Congressmen and Senators to be able to read it, debate it, and look at the contents of the two trade deals (TTIP and TPP).

This is a blatant admission by those endorsing the TTIP and TPP that there are things in the deals that are unpalatable to the US public, otherwise they wouldn't be opposed to allowing everyone in House and the Senate to view the text - even if they had to agree to a nondisclosure agreement.

The whole point of fast track is an attempt to pull wool over everyone's eyes, give the bitter medicine, and hope that the US public takes it sitting down.

It is obvious that not every US company is allowed admission to this secret deal, let alone any elected representatives beyond a chosen few (who are biased in support the agreement and have no objectivity).

one needs to ask WHY is this deal so secret...? Why does a Congressman have to go to a secret guarded room to even read this bill...? (insanity) Why does our 'transparent' president want this bill passed so badly that he is even deigning to talk to congress members....?

as i see it Obama wants it real bad because it gives him power to deal with about 40% of the world's trade without his having to bother to deal with Congress anymore because the deal bypasses any future Congressional input or changes...

can you imagine this guy on a world power trip....? he has already proven that he will ignore our Constitution and laws and does not give a shit about America.....does anybody really think this guy would negotiate deals in our favor?.....why on God's green earth would we hand him this kind of power for even one day...? what gives with the republicans to even think about voting for this....?

also...the TPP commission that is created will be able to create agreements and laws that also bypass our Congress....this means that leaders of other countries will affect our laws and thus undermine the sovereignty of the USA...it effectively puts power into the hands of the likes of Obama and other leaders of the world which totally bypasses the American people...

it's definitely a big step in the direction toward the socialists' dream of a One World Order....
Why just 'socialists'? Most Corporations want an all-encompassing, all-controlling government, which is in their pocket and supports their interests above the American people.

Paul Ryan made his own version of Pelosi's 'We have to pass it so you can see it' recently: Paul Ryan s Pelosi-Esque Obamatrade Moment It s Declassified And Made Public Once It s Agreed To - Breitbart
“It’s declassified and made public once it’s agreed to,” Ryan said of Obamatrade in Rules Committee testimony on Wednesday during questioning from Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX).
It is a bi-partisan attack on America, just one bill at a time. It is SOPA and overturning the constitution all rolled into one, and if a politician in the US supports fast track, what they really mean is they support corporatocracy and an erosion of democracy in America.

They don't want Americans to realize this is a four pronged attack on basic human rights and the constitution:
1. Attack on internet freedom, and freedom of speech and expression.
2. Attack on democratic institutions.
3. Attack on workers rights.
4. Attack on consumer rights.

Though, the pain won't hit straight way, it will begin when the unemployment rate starts to rise again as millions lose their jobs, are cut off the internet for 'copyright infringement', and as the Supreme Court is gagged and overruled by the TPP, and TTIP.

Also the World Bank, UN, and economic cabal will run America's economy, and if you don't like it - they will sue the government to enforce their dictates.

So begins the slow march to Brazil:

it's really interesting how along with conservatives most of the Dems oppose this bill while Obama supports it...they oppose it because they know labor will be adversely affected....Americans will lose jobs and wages...

Obama doesn't give a damn about that....he is dedicated to eradicating the middle class....commie that he is...and is willing to work with big business to achieve his ends....his goal is to turn America into a third world hellhole...
Ironically many of the fast track supporters have absently-mindedly hinted that this is all about Obama's 'legacy', whatever that is: Obama-backed trade bill fails in the House - The Washington Post
Lawmakers said the White House had pushed harder on trade than any legislative issue since the health-care reform effort during his first year. After keeping trade on the back burner, Obama joined forces with business-friendly Republicans after the midterm elections in pursuit of a rare bipartisan deal and launched a fierce effort to win support from his usual Democratic allies over the intense opposition of labor unions.

The president and his counselors understand that this is a legacy vote for his second term,” Rep. Gerald E. Connolly (D-Va.), who supported the fast-track bill, said Thursday. “It’s a philosophical battle, a political battle and an economic battle. The president finds himself in the crossfire with the base.”
Rep. Gerald E. Connolly (D-Va.) also thinks that selling out the American people is something to be proud of. o_O
Free trade can be a good thing, however, this particular deal is bad for America because it gives other countries the ability to make decision for America. And Obama has proved himself to be a weak negotiator.
The main issue at this point, before whatever ramifications of the treaty are, is the secrecy and the underhanded and undemocratic manner the talks are being carried out in.

Those involved in the trade treaties don't want Congressmen and Senators to be able to read it, debate it, and look at the contents of the two trade deals (TTIP and TPP).

This is a blatant admission by those endorsing the TTIP and TPP that there are things in the deals that are unpalatable to the US public, otherwise they wouldn't be opposed to allowing everyone in House and the Senate to view the text - even if they had to agree to a nondisclosure agreement.

The whole point of fast track is an attempt to pull wool over everyone's eyes, give the bitter medicine, and hope that the US public takes it sitting down.

It is obvious that not every US company is allowed admission to this secret deal, let alone any elected representatives beyond a chosen few (who are biased in support the agreement and have no objectivity).

one needs to ask WHY is this deal so secret...? Why does a Congressman have to go to a secret guarded room to even read this bill...? (insanity) Why does our 'transparent' president want this bill passed so badly that he is even deigning to talk to congress members....?

as i see it Obama wants it real bad because it gives him power to deal with about 40% of the world's trade without his having to bother to deal with Congress anymore because the deal bypasses any future Congressional input or changes...

can you imagine this guy on a world power trip....? he has already proven that he will ignore our Constitution and laws and does not give a shit about America.....does anybody really think this guy would negotiate deals in our favor?.....why on God's green earth would we hand him this kind of power for even one day...? what gives with the republicans to even think about voting for this....?

also...the TPP commission that is created will be able to create agreements and laws that also bypass our Congress....this means that leaders of other countries will affect our laws and thus undermine the sovereignty of the USA...it effectively puts power into the hands of the likes of Obama and other leaders of the world which totally bypasses the American people...

it's definitely a big step in the direction toward the socialists' dream of a One World Order....
Why just 'socialists'? Most Corporations want an all-encompassing, all-controlling government, which is in their pocket and supports their interests above the American people.

Paul Ryan made his own version of Pelosi's 'We have to pass it so you can see it' recently: Paul Ryan s Pelosi-Esque Obamatrade Moment It s Declassified And Made Public Once It s Agreed To - Breitbart
“It’s declassified and made public once it’s agreed to,” Ryan said of Obamatrade in Rules Committee testimony on Wednesday during questioning from Rep. Michael Burgess (R-TX).
It is a bi-partisan attack on America, just one bill at a time. It is SOPA and overturning the constitution all rolled into one, and if a politician in the US supports fast track, what they really mean is they support corporatocracy and an erosion of democracy in America.

They don't want Americans to realize this is a four pronged attack on basic human rights and the constitution:
1. Attack on internet freedom, and freedom of speech and expression.
2. Attack on democratic institutions.
3. Attack on workers rights.
4. Attack on consumer rights.

Though, the pain won't hit straight way, it will begin when the unemployment rate starts to rise again as millions lose their jobs, are cut off the internet for 'copyright infringement', and as the Supreme Court is gagged and overruled by the TPP, and TTIP.

Also the World Bank, UN, and economic cabal will run America's economy, and if you don't like it - they will sue the government to enforce their dictates.

So begins the slow march to Brazil:

it's really interesting how along with conservatives most of the Dems oppose this bill while Obama supports it...they oppose it because they know labor will be adversely affected....Americans will lose jobs and wages...

Obama doesn't give a damn about that....he is dedicated to eradicating the middle class....commie that he is...and is willing to work with big business to achieve his ends....his goal is to turn America into a third world hellhole...
Ironically many of the fast track supporters have absently-mindedly hinted that this is all about Obama's 'legacy', whatever that is: Obama-backed trade bill fails in the House - The Washington Post
Lawmakers said the White House had pushed harder on trade than any legislative issue since the health-care reform effort during his first year. After keeping trade on the back burner, Obama joined forces with business-friendly Republicans after the midterm elections in pursuit of a rare bipartisan deal and launched a fierce effort to win support from his usual Democratic allies over the intense opposition of labor unions.

The president and his counselors understand that this is a legacy vote for his second term,” Rep. Gerald E. Connolly (D-Va.), who supported the fast-track bill, said Thursday. “It’s a philosophical battle, a political battle and an economic battle. The president finds himself in the crossfire with the base.”
Rep. Gerald E. Connolly (D-Va.) also thinks that selling out the American people is something to be proud of. o_O

302 to 126.....hurrah for the House!

of course Obama wanted this for his legacy.....he's been secretly working on this deal for years....pivot to Asia and all...it would have enabled his 'transformation' on 40% of the world....
Based on the mostly disastrous previous free trade agreements, I am skeptical about Obama's push to push the TTP through congress.

I understand that China's rising and powerful influence in the Pacific rim must be mitigated, but, again, based on other trade pacts, the results are not always beneficial to US workers.

So, whenever a prospect is controversial and the results doubtful.....WHY NOT SIMPLY PLACE A TERM ON THE TTP OF 3 TO 5 YEARS ONLY.....so that we may get a better feel on the agreement efficacy???

Whatever will coninue t erode the Middle Class and destroy the economy both parties will manage to be bipartisan on.

They really work will together.

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