Possible Real Reason For Rioting And Looting. High Unemployment? Babies Are Bored?, Hey! Now We Have An Excuse To Break Into Walmart And Target !


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
Now, does anyone believe that all of this looting would be taking place if everyone {especially kids} were working? Look at who's smashing windows in large and small retailers,,kids! most likely unemployed teens/young adults. Odds are they are broke and need to steal food and neccessaties.
Still,,,what does burning buildings and looting their local wal marts/Targets have to do with the unfortunate death of an innocent black man.?
You are on point here.

The lockdown economy has really freed up a lot of people's schedules so that they have the time to attend riots.

Further, the Lockdowns have driven a lot of businesses to the end of bankruptcy. I wonder how many desperate and nearly broke shopkeepers will torch their own places for the insurance money, using the Floyd riots as a cover.
For the thugs, yeah, it's all about using George's death to enrich themselves. They will keep looting and rioting until a sufficient level of force is used against them to stop them
Since the cops don't abide by the law, why should the protestors.
Since the cops don't abide by the law, why should the protestors.

Maybe because they will get their asses kicked, not just by the police officers but by Law Abiding citizens if they continue to act out?

Like the pawnbroker in Minneapolis who plugged a looter

People don't go for this bullshit
For the thugs, yeah, it's all about using George's death to enrich themselves. They will keep looting and rioting until a sufficient level of force is used against them to stop them
i wonder if all of this havoc would of occured if it was a black cop sitting on a white dude.
Since the cops don't abide by the law, why should the protestors.

The cops will be held accountable if their actions are found to be illegal, by either the State or the Feds.

The rioters should be held accountable as well.

They are no longer protesters when they begin to break shit.
Now, does anyone believe that all of this looting would be taking place if everyone {especially kids} were working? Look at who's smashing windows in large and small retailers,,kids! most likely unemployed teens/young adults. Odds are they are broke and need to steal food and neccessaties.
Still,,,what does burning buildings and looting their local wal marts/Targets have to do with the unfortunate death of an innocent black man.?
Where has not looting and burning buildings gotten them?

I wonder if the federal government didn't send checks to all you poor white Americas, I wonder how many of your towns you would have looted and burned. We won't know because they didn't even let whites suffer 2 weeks before they started cutting checks. Boy they sure deal with white poverty a lot differently than they do with poor black communities. We ignore the lack of economic opportunity in black communities and we bail out whites the minute things go wrong. We found that most white Americans have no savings.

They are looting and burning because of the racism. Not because they are poor and have no jobs. They are used to that.

And I thought Trump fixed the black communities? I thought blacks were working under Trump and because of Trump. So they should be collecting unemployment and spending the $1200 we sent them. Or did we just send those checks to white people? LOL
Now, does anyone believe that all of this looting would be taking place if everyone {especially kids} were working? Look at who's smashing windows in large and small retailers,,kids! most likely unemployed teens/young adults. Odds are they are broke and need to steal food and neccessaties.
Still,,,what does burning buildings and looting their local wal marts/Targets have to do with the unfortunate death of an innocent black man.?
Bullshit! It's just N words being N words and one of the reasons racism continues in this country. There's NO excuse or justification for rioting or looting. If they got a lynch mob together and lynched that cob from a lamp post, that I can understand and I may even help. However rioting and looting merely justifies continued racist viewpoints. If anyone is going to kill racism against blacks in this country it's going to have to be blacks that do it. The opportunity has been in place for some decades now. As long as some continue to make up bullshit excuses and invent phoney justifications, racism will continue unabated.
Now, does anyone believe that all of this looting would be taking place if everyone {especially kids} were working? Look at who's smashing windows in large and small retailers,,kids! most likely unemployed teens/young adults. Odds are they are broke and need to steal food and neccessaties.
Still,,,what does burning buildings and looting their local wal marts/Targets have to do with the unfortunate death of an innocent black man.?
Bullshit! It's just N words being N words and one of the reasons racism continues in this country. There's NO excuse or justification for rioting or looting. If they got a lynch mob together and lynched that cob from a lamp post, that I can understand and I may even help. However rioting and looting merely justifies continued racist viewpoints. If anyone is going to kill racism against blacks in this country it's going to have to be blacks that do it. The opportunity has been in place for some decades now. As long as some continue to make up bullshit excuses and invent phoney justifications, racism will continue unabated.
Riots are a threat. Notice blacks weren't rioting until this murder by cop happened? And they will stop when these cops are held accountable. Until then, they smell another injustice coming. And don't murder another black like that again. If you do, expect the looting and rioting and burning to commence. Enough treating blacks like second class citizens.

It's time for us liberal whites to speak out. Maybe even start helping blacks by standing up and demanding enough. It's how slavery ended. Blacks didn't do it by themselves.

Black people, now you know what you have to lose by voting for Trump.
i thought we ended all of this BS after what happened with Rodney King
They are no long protestors when they are armed in the Lansing capital.
You are on point here.

The lockdown economy has really freed up a lot of people's schedules so that they have the time to attend riots.

Further, the Lockdowns have driven a lot of businesses to the end of bankruptcy. I wonder how many desperate and nearly broke shopkeepers will torch their own places for the insurance money, using the Floyd riots as a cover.

You have a point.
Crews respond to roughly 30 fires overnight in Minneapolis
Since the cops don't abide by the law, why should the protestors.

The cops will be held accountable if their actions are found to be illegal, by either the State or the Feds.

The rioters should be held accountable as well.

They are no longer protesters when they begin to break shit.
Will the cops be held accountable? When did that start?

So no cop has ever been held accountable?
So if 1 has does that make it okay that it happens all too often? So it's either all or nothing with you?

And enough with you white conservative closet racists. Show me one case where you didn't take the police officers side. Or one time when you took the blacks side.

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