Possible suicide Mission!! Plot Locked out of the Cockpit Germanwings Crash in France

This whole situation is so tricky. CNN reporting that he had depression but hid it from his employer. Raises a great question to debate, at what point does ones mental illness cost them their job? I mean this man didn't want to lose his livelihood so he hid his illness so he could keep his job. Had they known they probably would have not let him fly since the doctors said he shouldn't. At what point is it a public safety issue vs a privacy issue? Difficult topic.
It isn't difficult at all when you have lives in your hands. Everyone gets depressed at some point but if it lasts more than a few days you need evaluation. This case could have been prevented with another body in the cockpit. Unfortunately it took something like this to make it happen.
then wots the pilots name Coyote ?? I know the type of name that I'd be happy to see but I'd rather know the real name . Well have to wait and see what happens , by the way , do you happen to know if the pilot had a big bushy beard ??

Why do you care what his name was?

"Airliner irreversible-control anti-hijack system"
Now in Europe some of the papers that published the rumors about the co-pilot are saying "Whoops!" Maybe it was the co-pilot who was locked out by the captain and maybe the "intentional" theory might not have been right.

I ain't taking sides; too many unknowns and too many unsubstantiated rumors just yet.
Now in Europe some of the papers that published the rumors about the co-pilot are saying "Whoops!" Maybe it was the co-pilot who was locked out by the captain and maybe the "intentional" theory might not have been right.

I ain't taking sides; too many unknowns and too many unsubstantiated rumors just yet.
I have read that absolutely nowhere from any credible source, and I get my news in at least 3, sometimes 5 languages daily. So, gotta link?

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
I have read that absolutely nowhere from any credible source, and I get my news in at least 3, sometimes 5 languages daily. So, gotta link?

I should have anticipated that an East German Statist might find it difficult to search any non-government controlled media.

My apologies.

In the article below note that there is NO LONGER a finger pointed specifically at either pilot.

One of Germanwings pilots locked out of Cockpit According to New York Times Travel Press Release

In another:

Germanwings plane crash One pilot was locked out of the cockpit before Alps crash black box recordings show - Europe - World - The Independent

In the one above, which previously had been unequivocally pointing toward the co-pilot, the song has changed slightly:

"Voice recordings from one of the black boxes of the Germanwings plane that smashed into the Alps show that one of the pilots left the cockpit and was unable to return as the plane went down."

How will it turn out? I'm sure there is Statist jumped-to opinion that will clung to despite what ultimate emerges.

Meanwhile, please tell us why you have difficulty in comprehending the following from my original post:

"I ain't taking sides; too many unknowns and too many unsubstantiated rumors just yet."

Now a New Zealand newspaper, quoting one German and one British newspaper, is reporting what they say is a full transcript of the cockpit voice recorder. I haven't come across a link to the actual German paper so here's the one from NZ:

You can go now - Alps crash pilot Andreas Lubitz badgered captain into leaving cockpit - World - NZ Herald News

"Full transcripts of the black box voice recorder recovered from Flight 9525 revealed for the first time the apparently premeditated nature of Andreas Lubitz's actions, which prosecutors say deliberately killed himself and 149 other people on the Airbus A320."

"According to the Sunday edition of the German newspaper Bild, Lubitz twice urged captain Patrick Sondheimer to go to the toilet in the first 20 minutes of the flight from Barcelona to Dusseldorf."

"When the captain eventually left the cockpit, the co-pilot manually set the door to "lock" and changed the autopilot from 38,000ft to 100ft, bringing the plane crashing down into the French Alps after a gradual descent."

"During the plane's ascent, Lubitz can be heard on the voice recording telling his captain he can go to the toilet any time and reminding him he didn't do so during their prolonged stop in Barcelona, according to a translation of Bild's report in the Mail on Sunday."

This reinforces earlier finger-pointing at the co-pilot but there's still enough "he said, she said" that I'm still not jumping on anybody's bandwagon. Too many unknowns to call it "settled".

Now a New Zealand newspaper, quoting one German and one British newspaper, is reporting what they say is a full transcript of the cockpit voice recorder. I haven't come across a link to the actual German paper so here's the one from NZ:

You can go now - Alps crash pilot Andreas Lubitz badgered captain into leaving cockpit - World - NZ Herald News

"Full transcripts of the black box voice recorder recovered from Flight 9525 revealed for the first time the apparently premeditated nature of Andreas Lubitz's actions, which prosecutors say deliberately killed himself and 149 other people on the Airbus A320."

"According to the Sunday edition of the German newspaper Bild, Lubitz twice urged captain Patrick Sondheimer to go to the toilet in the first 20 minutes of the flight from Barcelona to Dusseldorf."

"When the captain eventually left the cockpit, the co-pilot manually set the door to "lock" and changed the autopilot from 38,000ft to 100ft, bringing the plane crashing down into the French Alps after a gradual descent."

"During the plane's ascent, Lubitz can be heard on the voice recording telling his captain he can go to the toilet any time and reminding him he didn't do so during their prolonged stop in Barcelona, according to a translation of Bild's report in the Mail on Sunday."

This reinforces earlier finger-pointing at the co-pilot but there's still enough "he said, she said" that I'm still not jumping on anybody's bandwagon. Too many unknowns to call it "settled".
If the Bild says it, it is like the Enquirer would say it. Quote below from Wikipedia:
"Der Spiegel wrote in 2006 that Bild "flies just under the nonsense threshold of American and British tabloids ... For the German desperate, it is a daily dose of high-resolution soft porn" […] It is argued Bild's thirst for sensationalism results in the terrorizing of prominent celebrities and stories are frequently based on the most dubious evidence. The journalistic standards of Bild, or the lack thereof, are the subject of frequent criticism by German intellectuals and media observers."
Und so you see why I'm keeping an open mind.

Too many "sources" throwing hipshots and too little definite information from those investigating.
Post #222 may help to understand the lack of information disseminated from BEA.
Und so you see why I'm keeping an open mind.

Too many "sources" throwing hipshots and too little definite information from those investigating.
Also, don't forget that Airbus is manufactured in France and Germany. Airbus is in direct competition w/Boeing on the world market. Whatever the final report will be it will not damage Airbus marketability. It may be a political decision to sacrifice the reputation of the young pilot for the "benefit of all" such as saving jobs in both countries. Yet to be seen, it is a complex issue.
I have read that absolutely nowhere from any credible source, and I get my news in at least 3, sometimes 5 languages daily. So, gotta link?

I should have anticipated that an East German Statist might find it difficult to search any non-government controlled media.

My apologies.

In the article below note that there is NO LONGER a finger pointed specifically at either pilot.

One of Germanwings pilots locked out of Cockpit According to New York Times Travel Press Release

In another:

Germanwings plane crash One pilot was locked out of the cockpit before Alps crash black box recordings show - Europe - World - The Independent

In the one above, which previously had been unequivocally pointing toward the co-pilot, the song has changed slightly:

"Voice recordings from one of the black boxes of the Germanwings plane that smashed into the Alps show that one of the pilots left the cockpit and was unable to return as the plane went down."

How will it turn out? I'm sure there is Statist jumped-to opinion that will clung to despite what ultimate emerges.

Meanwhile, please tell us why you have difficulty in comprehending the following from my original post:

"I ain't taking sides; too many unknowns and too many unsubstantiated rumors just yet."
Well aren't you a stupid snivelling fuck. I'm not East German, I'm not a statist, the first link you provide is not from a European news source of repute and your second source is five days old. It is from a European news source of repute but does not support your argument. Both the French and German investigators are quite sure it was the Co-pilot who did this. Must really suck to be you and to completely miss the mark on all four statements.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Now a New Zealand newspaper, quoting one German and one British newspaper, is reporting what they say is a full transcript of the cockpit voice recorder. I haven't come across a link to the actual German paper so here's the one from NZ:

You can go now - Alps crash pilot Andreas Lubitz badgered captain into leaving cockpit - World - NZ Herald News

"Full transcripts of the black box voice recorder recovered from Flight 9525 revealed for the first time the apparently premeditated nature of Andreas Lubitz's actions, which prosecutors say deliberately killed himself and 149 other people on the Airbus A320."

"According to the Sunday edition of the German newspaper Bild, Lubitz twice urged captain Patrick Sondheimer to go to the toilet in the first 20 minutes of the flight from Barcelona to Dusseldorf."

"When the captain eventually left the cockpit, the co-pilot manually set the door to "lock" and changed the autopilot from 38,000ft to 100ft, bringing the plane crashing down into the French Alps after a gradual descent."

"During the plane's ascent, Lubitz can be heard on the voice recording telling his captain he can go to the toilet any time and reminding him he didn't do so during their prolonged stop in Barcelona, according to a translation of Bild's report in the Mail on Sunday."

This reinforces earlier finger-pointing at the co-pilot but there's still enough "he said, she said" that I'm still not jumping on anybody's bandwagon. Too many unknowns to call it "settled".
If the Bild says it, it is like the Enquirer would say it. Quote below from Wikipedia:
"Der Spiegel wrote in 2006 that Bild "flies just under the nonsense threshold of American and British tabloids ... For the German desperate, it is a daily dose of high-resolution soft porn" […] It is argued Bild's thirst for sensationalism results in the terrorizing of prominent celebrities and stories are frequently based on the most dubious evidence. The journalistic standards of Bild, or the lack thereof, are the subject of frequent criticism by German intellectuals and media observers."
Yes. The Bild is a klatsch and Tratsch "newspaper".

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Und so you see why I'm keeping an open mind.

Too many "sources" throwing hipshots and too little definite information from those investigating.
Well, I am reading what the actual investigators release, when they release it, like adults do. I don't go running to trash tabloids like little Henry BeFuckedInTheAss' of the world.

I said European news agencies of repute, not shitlogs like Bild.

This is what happens when an ignorant troll like you starts quoting quotes of a quote, not even realising that original source is laughable at best.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Und so you see why I'm keeping an open mind.

Too many "sources" throwing hipshots and too little definite information from those investigating.
Also, don't forget that Airbus is manufactured in France and Germany. Airbus is in direct competition w/Boeing on the world market. Whatever the final report will be it will not damage Airbus marketability. It may be a political decision to sacrifice the reputation of the young pilot for the "benefit of all" such as saving jobs in both countries. Yet to be seen, it is a complex issue.
No. That is NOT how the investigators roll.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
This whole situation is so tricky. CNN reporting that he had depression but hid it from his employer. Raises a great question to debate, at what point does ones mental illness cost them their job? I mean this man didn't want to lose his livelihood so he hid his illness so he could keep his job. Had they known they probably would have not let him fly since the doctors said he shouldn't. At what point is it a public safety issue vs a privacy issue? Difficult topic.
It isn't difficult at all when you have lives in your hands. Everyone gets depressed at some point but if it lasts more than a few days you need evaluation. This case could have been prevented with another body in the cockpit. Unfortunately it took something like this to make it happen.
they jacked him up with injections of anti-psychotics..that shit can make people do crazy shit
) Nearly every mass shooting incident in the last twenty years, and multiple other instances of suicide and isolated shootings all share one thing in common, and its not the weapons used.

The overwhelming evidence points to the signal largest common factor in all of these incidents is the fact that all of the perpetrators were either actively taking powerful psychotropic drugs or had been at some point in the immediate past before they committed their crimes.

Learn more: Every mass shooting over last 20 years has one thing in common... and it s not guns - NaturalNews.com
18 months of psychiatric "treatment" on medications, but still allowed to fly
According to the Daily Mail, Lubitz "...reportedly received a year and half of psychiatric treatment and was at one point recommended to be examined by a doctor before flying."

As I noted in a previous Natural News article, SSRI drugs are considered so dangerous by the FAA that U.S. pilots are not allowed to fly commercial or private airplanes if they are currently taking antidepressant medications. (The FAA knows SSRI drugs can make pilots suicidal.)

Learn more: Psychiatric medications found in home of Germanwings pilot Andreas Lubitz who underwent 18 months of psychiatric treatment - NaturalNews.com
Und so you see why I'm keeping an open mind.

Too many "sources" throwing hipshots and too little definite information from those investigating.
Also, don't forget that Airbus is manufactured in France and Germany. Airbus is in direct competition w/Boeing on the world market. Whatever the final report will be it will not damage Airbus marketability. It may be a political decision to sacrifice the reputation of the young pilot for the "benefit of all" such as saving jobs in both countries. Yet to be seen, it is a complex issue.
No. That is NOT how the investigators roll.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Of course the investigation is factual and thorough. Everybody wants to find out what really happened and if necessary take appropriate actions to prevent future catastrophes like this. I am just not sure what will be revealed to the public. Airline insiders such as pilots will see what changes, if any, will be implemented personnel, mechanical and electronic/computer-wise alike but some of those improvements/changes may be confidential/classified. That's all I referred to.

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