Possible suicide Mission!! Plot Locked out of the Cockpit Germanwings Crash in France

Und so you see why I'm keeping an open mind.

Too many "sources" throwing hipshots and too little definite information from those investigating.
Also, don't forget that Airbus is manufactured in France and Germany. Airbus is in direct competition w/Boeing on the world market. Whatever the final report will be it will not damage Airbus marketability. It may be a political decision to sacrifice the reputation of the young pilot for the "benefit of all" such as saving jobs in both countries. Yet to be seen, it is a complex issue.
No. That is NOT how the investigators roll.

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Of course the investigation is factual and thorough. Everybody wants to find out what really happened and if necessary take appropriate actions to prevent future catastrophes like this. I am just not sure what will be revealed to the public. Airline insiders such as pilots will see what changes, if any, will be implemented personnel, mechanical and electronic/computer-wise alike but some of those improvements/changes may be confidential/classified. That's all I referred to.

I can understand your feeling if you are talking about US American authorities, but to date, I don't ever remember a cover-up from any kind of catastrophe in Germany or France. In fact, they are brutally honest and take a LONG time to make sure that they missed nothing.

A German train crashed in Meschede in 1998 and the investigation took almost a year. the Report: the Deutsche Bahn really fucked up and had to pay - alot.

I suspect that out of the murderous tragedy, a number of meaningful changes will be made, but that's just my gut feeling.

Thank you for the well-written and respectful, adult posting.

Well aren't you a stupid snivelling fuck. I'm not East German, I'm not a statist, the first link you provide is not from a European news source of repute and your second source is five days old. It is from a European news source of repute but does not support your argument. Both the French and German investigators are quite sure it was the Co-pilot who did this. Must really suck to be you and to completely miss the mark on all four statements.

I have no doubt that an East German Statist like yourself would have no trouble at all believing what you have been told to believe. Provided, of course the Stasi have approved your "source" as being of "repute".

On the other hand, prefer not to swallow rumors whole. While entertained by them I do not accept them until there is proof presented.

Thank you for your kind words.
Well aren't you a stupid snivelling fuck. I'm not East German, I'm not a statist, the first link you provide is not from a European news source of repute and your second source is five days old. It is from a European news source of repute but does not support your argument. Both the French and German investigators are quite sure it was the Co-pilot who did this. Must really suck to be you and to completely miss the mark on all four statements.

I have no doubt that an East German Statist like yourself would have no trouble at all believing what you have been told to believe. Provided, of course the Stasi have approved your "source" as being of "repute".

On the other hand, prefer not to swallow rumors whole. While entertained by them I do not accept them until there is proof presented.

Thank you for your kind words.

So, you still haven't learned and instead choose to be ignorant and act like a fool.

Ok. This does not surprise me.
Calm down Statist.

I continue to choose to ignore the rumors. Have you some special interest in the co-pilot? Was he of a faith you find particularly noxious? Had he perhaps rejected some advances?

He may well be to blame but I prefer to have some evidence shown to me before I reach a conclusion.
Calm down Statist.

I continue to choose to ignore the rumors. Have you some special interest in the co-pilot? Was he of a faith you find particularly noxious? Had he perhaps rejected some advances?

He may well be to blame but I prefer to have some evidence shown to me before I reach a conclusion.

His faith is unimportant to me. The investigators have already clearly indicated that he and only he was in the cockpit.

Get over yourself.
Isn't it nice how a Statist approach to investigation persists long after East Germany crumbled. The Statist-in-Chief decrees guilt and all the little statists harken to their master's voice.

Me? I prefer to wait. Yes, the rumors do strongly suggest the co-pilot to have been the sole cause but for now they remain rumors no matter how devoutly our sad remnant of the Erich Honecker regime insists the gossip is fact.
Isn't it nice how a Statist approach to investigation persists long after East Germany crumbled. The Statist-in-Chief decrees guilt and all the little statists harken to their master's voice.

Me? I prefer to wait. Yes, the rumors do strongly suggest the co-pilot to have been the sole cause but for now they remain rumors no matter how devoutly our sad remnant of the Erich Honecker regime insists the gossip is fact.

Your ignorance is fun to watch. Please continue to lie, people are enjoying the show.

Just for the record, Henry BFuckedInTheAss, I am the one who has been advising caution the entire time and have often written "wait and see".

I can imagine that your anal warts really do hurt, but do try to keep up.
A reporter wrote this about the crash of Colgan flt 3407 neaar Buffalo back in 2009, but it's relevant in this case:

"The first piece of advice I got from other reporters and aviation experts when I inquired about covering a plane crash was: "Watch out for people throwing sand in your eyes." Plane crashes are not just massive tragedies, they said. They're potential financial disasters for airlines and airplane manufacturers, who will do their utmost to minimize their role in any crash in hopes of minimizing their liability."
Like so many who commit mass murder, the pilot's mind was infected by psychiatric drugs...as are most recent mass murderers...including Columbine.

It is all about money and power...the consequences matter not. The collusion between government, drug companies, big HC, and media is most disgusting and only getting worse...and who wrote much of Obamacare???...bingo...the drug companies

Great interview of Dr. Peter Breggin:
Psychiatric Drugs and the Downing of the Germanwings A320 LewRockwell.com

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