Possible suicide Mission!! Plot Locked out of the Cockpit Germanwings Crash in France

DAILY BEAST ehh !! He11 , if I were to use reports out of rags like the DAILY BEAST there is all kinds of info on 990 and its jihadi pilot Coyote , maybe I'll get some articles seeing the types of news sources that are acceptable to you .
nothing about his religious views in any direction as an adult.

Report Germanwings Co-Pilot Was Recent Convert to Islam UFP NEWS

he is/was a fucking mulsime slime bucket !! ... :up:

Here, Wildman , I am going to show you how circular rumors and lies are.

HERE is the German website that UFP cites (from PI : Politically Inkorrekt):

Ein zerschellter Airbus und viele Spekulationen - Politically Incorrect

So, here is the text, which I am copying verbatim, because the hyperlinks within them are important:

"Seit bekannt wurde, dass der Co-Pilot Andreas Lubitz (Foto) die Germanwings-Maschine Airbus 320 offenbar absichtlich in die Berge donnern lassen hat, brodelt allerorts die Gerüchteküche. Mittlerweile tauchten auf Facebook mehrere Seiten auf, die den Schluss nahe bringen sollen, er sei zum Islam konvertiert und “für Allah“ gestorben. Andere behaupten, ein Laser aus einem fehlgeschlagenen US Air Force Test hätte die Maschine getroffen. Einige Medien berichten über immer wiederkehrende Depressionen, was wohl niemandem bei der Airline aufgefallen wäre, denn zwischen den Sicherheitsüberprüfungen der Luftaufsicht liegen immerhin fünf Jahre. Seine letzte hatte er zwar im Januar, die davor 2010. Psychologische Tests finden bei der Lufthansa nur beim Einstiegstest statt, danach nicht mehr.

Die Durchsuchung seiner Wohnung ist noch nicht abgeschlossen. Wirklich sicher scheint bisher nur zu sein, dass Lubitz die Maschine absichtlich zum Absturz brachte. Niemand scheint genau sagen zu können, was er in seiner halbjährigen „Auszeit“ während seiner Ausbildung trieb. Carsten Spohr, Vorstandsvorsitzender der Lufthansa, berief sich bei einer Pressekonferenz auf Fragen dazu auf die “ärztliche Schweigepflicht”. Und es gab in seinem Umfeld immerhin eine radikale Moschee, deren Besucher sicher gerne einen Piloten in ihren Reihen hätten. Möglich ist aber auch, dass manche diesen Wahsinnsakt jetzt ihrem Krieg gegen den Westen nur zu gerne auf die Fahnen schreiben würden, um korangetreu „Furcht in die Herzen der Ungläubigen“ zu streuen."

I will first translate the first two sentences and then encourage you to go to the first hyperlink from above (in red):

"Since it was announced that Co-Pilot Andreas Lubitz (photo), who apparently quite deliberately let the Germanwings Airbus 320 obviously crash into the mountains, the rumor mill (Rumor-kitchen) is going overtime. In the meantime, a number of Facebook websites have popped up which could bring us to the conclusion that he converted to Islam and "died for Allah"."

Ok, go to the first hyperlink in the German text: "Islam konvertiert" (above). It will led you to this:


Here a screenshot:

Michael mannheimer islam bullshit.jpg

In other words, the very first page that the PI article bases it's argument upon does not exist. Remember that and remember the name of the website: michael-mannheimer.net

Now, go to the second link, where you see the German "für Allah gestorben".

It will lead you to this:

Germanwings co-pilot Andreas Lubitz praised on Facebook Our holy martyr Lubitz died for our prophet Pamela Geller Atlas Shrugs Islam Jihad Israel and the Islamic War on the West

Here a screenshot:

Michael mannheimer islam bullshit  2.jpg

Here we see Pamela Geller having screenshotted a Facebook back that has arabic characters and says "Andreas Lubitz fans". Only, no one knows who made that page, so it's veracity is questionable at best. In fact, if you go to her page and see the full screenshot, you will see German commentary where it is obvious that Germans know that this is a fake.

How easy is a fake possible? Well, go to tedcruz.com


Here a screenshot:

Michael mannheimer islam bullshit  3.jpg

That doesn't sound like something that Ted Cruz would say, eh?

Well, that's because someone else bought the domain "tedcruz.com" a while back and is not willing to sell it to Ted Cruz.

On Pamela Geller's site, she quotes Michael Mannheimer quite a bit. Remember, he's the guy who has one webpage that is totally defunct (see: first graphic).

And so, this is how the circular breathing in the rumor world works. The German police have not released any information to date about Lubitz and any connection to any Mosque, to any conversion to Islam at all.

What HAS BEEN reported by the police, TODAY, is that a illness was in play. In fact, Lubitz was written off sick from work on the day that he crashed the plane. It's called a KRANKENSCHEIN, and he did not give it to his employer. Technically, he was not supposed to work on Tuesday.

Now, back to the islamic rumors bullshit.

I live exactly 3 blocks from a very extremist mosque, a salafistic mosque. Does that make me an islamic convert?

Jesus, the Right needs to learn to get a grip.

Wildman, if you want a translation of the rest of the text, I can gladly provide it.

Coyote - FYI

Derideo_Te Mertex Pogo jillian Luddly Neddite TyroneSlothrop Dot Com LoneLaugher - among others, for your enjoyment :D
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Of course... Pamela Geller....color me shocked :lol:
I put up Wikipedia while you highlight the 'daily beast' as legitimate Coyote . Anyway , yeah , it was flight 990 and people oughta check it out on the internet . Lots of info on certain sites that I won't link because I think it might be against the boards rules . So , I just encourage others to google the phrase , Cause of the crash of Flight 990 in 1999 or similar phases . Sources are good and professional rather than 'daily beast' like . 2 opposing theories , USA news says Suicide while Egypt denies as it says suicide is unacceptable in 'islam' !! Tell that to isis suicide Bombers ehh !!
and now with Statist back in the fray , the board can see what I mean by Spin and Propaganda !! Hows it going Statist ?? If you are in Germany , how is PEGIDA doing , think its 'pegida' ?? Has your government outlawed 'pegida' yet !!
I put up Wikipedia while you highlight the 'daily beast' as legitimate Coyote . Anyway , yeah , it was flight 990 and people oughta check it out on the internet . Lots of info on certain sites that I won't link because I think it might be against the boards rules . So , I just encourage others to google the phrase , Cause of the crash of Flight 990 in 1999 or similar phases . Sources are good and professional rather than 'daily beast' like . 2 opposing theories , USA news says Suicide while Egypt denies as it says suicide is unacceptable in 'islam' !! Tell that to isis suicide Bombers ehh !!

There are other sources:
Michael Sibley Bombs Quran planted by Georgia patriot in park to sow fear - Long Island Top News Examiner.com
FBI Man who planted explosives at park wanted to be patriot www.wsbtv.com

As to the Egyptian Airliner, your wikipedia source seems to indicate it was suicide.
sure , those islamist jihadis are good at sucide Coyote. People see it everyday as well as lots other types of muslim violence !! Hey , look Coyote , some westerners understand but the problem is that like the passangers in this latest airplane suicide many see themselves going down at a slight angle and most don't start actually realizing whats going on until they actually hit the mountain .
I put up Wikipedia while you highlight the 'daily beast' as legitimate Coyote . Anyway , yeah , it was flight 990 and people oughta check it out on the internet . Lots of info on certain sites that I won't link because I think it might be against the boards rules . So , I just encourage others to google the phrase , Cause of the crash of Flight 990 in 1999 or similar phases . Sources are good and professional rather than 'daily beast' like . 2 opposing theories , USA news says Suicide while Egypt denies as it says suicide is unacceptable in 'islam' !! Tell that to isis suicide Bombers ehh !!

There are other sources:
Michael Sibley Bombs Quran planted by Georgia patriot in park to sow fear - Long Island Top News Examiner.com
FBI Man who planted explosives at park wanted to be patriot www.wsbtv.com

As to the Egyptian Airliner, your wikipedia source seems to indicate it was suicide.

I put up Wikipedia while you highlight the 'daily beast' as legitimate Coyote . Anyway , yeah , it was flight 990 and people oughta check it out on the internet . Lots of info on certain sites that I won't link because I think it might be against the boards rules . So , I just encourage others to google the phrase , Cause of the crash of Flight 990 in 1999 or similar phases . Sources are good and professional rather than 'daily beast' like . 2 opposing theories , USA news says Suicide while Egypt denies as it says suicide is unacceptable in 'islam' !! Tell that to isis suicide Bombers ehh !!

There are other sources:
Michael Sibley Bombs Quran planted by Georgia patriot in park to sow fear - Long Island Top News Examiner.com
FBI Man who planted explosives at park wanted to be patriot www.wsbtv.com

As to the Egyptian Airliner, your wikipedia source seems to indicate it was suicide.


and what?
sure , those islamist jihadis are good at sucide Coyote. People see it everyday as well as lots other types of muslim violence !! Hey , look Coyote , some westerners understand but the problem is that like the passangers in this latest airplane suicide many see themselves going down at a slight angle and most don't start actually realizing whats going on until they actually hit the mountain .

Sometimes a suicide is just a suicide with no ulterior motives.
and now with Statist back in the fray , the board can see what I mean by Spin and Propaganda !! Hows it going Statist ?? If you are in Germany , how is PEGIDA doing , think its 'pegida' ?? Has your government outlawed 'pegida' yet !!

As soon as you stop calling me "statist", we can have an adult discussion.

My user name has nothing at all to do with Statism.

Feel free to call me "Stat" if typing the entire username just wears your fingers out, but "Statist" is completely inacceptable.

Thanks in advance.
sure , those islamist jihadis are good at sucide Coyote. People see it everyday as well as lots other types of muslim violence !! Hey , look Coyote , some westerners understand but the problem is that like the passangers in this latest airplane suicide many see themselves going down at a slight angle and most don't start actually realizing whats going on until they actually hit the mountain .

Sometimes a suicide is just a suicide with no ulterior motives.

Do most people report to work to commit suicide?

I'm actually trending toward an angry young man, mad at the world, perhaps his treatment was for something like HIV, and decided he was going to take others out with him. A, if I can't live a long happy life, neither will they! Thing

The hospital denies he was being treated for Depression but for something else.

Not seeing a terrorist connection.
sure , those islamist jihadis are good at sucide Coyote. People see it everyday as well as lots other types of muslim violence !! Hey , look Coyote , some westerners understand but the problem is that like the passangers in this latest airplane suicide many see themselves going down at a slight angle and most don't start actually realizing whats going on until they actually hit the mountain .

Sometimes a suicide is just a suicide with no ulterior motives.

Unfortunately, this suicide also means a multiple-homocide. Just sickening.
Getting back to the original thrust of the thread, unpopular as that may be, here's a link to the most comprehensive and up-to-date coverage I've found available as of this time:

Germanwings captain Patrick Sondenheimer tried to break cockpit door with an AXE Daily Mail Online

The axe would never have worked. Since 911, cockpit doors have been reinforced with multiple layers of bulletproof steel. The axe would have been useless. Unfortunately, in this case. But thank you for adding that information.
Getting back to the original thrust of the thread, unpopular as that may be, here's a link to the most comprehensive and up-to-date coverage I've found available as of this time:

Germanwings captain Patrick Sondenheimer tried to break cockpit door with an AXE Daily Mail Online

The axe would never have worked. Since 911, cockpit doors have been reinforced with multiple layers of bulletproof steel. The axe would have been useless. Unfortunately, in this case. But thank you for adding that information.
This whole situation is so tricky. CNN reporting that he had depression but hid it from his employer. Raises a great question to debate, at what point does ones mental illness cost them their job? I mean this man didn't want to lose his livelihood so he hid his illness so he could keep his job. Had they known they probably would have not let him fly since the doctors said he shouldn't. At what point is it a public safety issue vs a privacy issue? Difficult topic.

Officials Co-pilot Andreas Lubitz hid illness - CNN.com

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