Possible suicide Mission!! Plot Locked out of the Cockpit Germanwings Crash in France

I just pray it was quick. May they rest in peace. And prayers for the families.
The plane was going 700 KM per hour when it hit the mountains.
The plane disintegrated they didn't feel a thing

Except the horrendous feeling of sheer terror moments before the impact.
You call eight minutes "moments"?

I'm just saying the passengers definitely "felt" and suffered.
I just learned that not just the pilots but also the entire crew of a Lufthansa plane know the code to open the cockpit door in the case of an emergency. But again, it is possible for the pilot within the cockpit to "lock" out the code, the reason being heightened security following 911. So, in this case, it may be that having the code to unlock the cockpit door was totally useless.

There is no way for the crew to send out an SOS outside of the cockpit, because in order to send an SOS, according to Mr. Spohr, you have to have a pilot's license, officially.
Nobody had cell phones to use to signal trouble?

Doubtful that any funk-signals can get through in that region without a booster, which would have been in the cockpit.
I just pray it was quick. May they rest in peace. And prayers for the families.
The plane was going 700 KM per hour when it hit the mountains.
The plane disintegrated they didn't feel a thing

Except the horrendous feeling of sheer terror moments before the impact.
You call eight minutes "moments"?

the black box recording records panic only moments before the crash. For most of those 8 minutes, I doubt that the passengers had any idea that something was up.
First part of the OP title:

Passable suicide Mission!!

What were the names of the pilots? Is there some reason they don't want the names released? Was either of them named mohammed?



What, like passing gas?
Like a road that's passable?

Ooops sorry, i post in a hurry, unlike some of you people ,who spend half their lives on this board. I'll have it fixed.....Yeah, possible suicide mission. What were the names of the pilots? We'll see
What were the names of the pilots? Is there some reason they don't want the names released? Was either of them named mohammed?
Why fly into mountains and not a target? Reminds me of the plane that disappeared. I hate not knowing. No suicide note? No tape of what they said before going down? No mayday?

Good point. I'm starting to think the pilot had a heart attack or some other medical emergency.
According to FAA rules there is supposed to be two crewman in the cockpit at all times just for this reason.
Then why was the door locked? They think it was suicide now.

data so far-----28 year old man-----suddenly decides to run his plane into a mountain----

data so far suggests to me (genius that I am)
suicide on IMPULSE--------more data
pending but young male suicides are kinda
like that-----usually involving speeding cars,
The method was SURE and EASY----
Of the thouands of pilots in the world its bound to happen. Divorce alcohol or cancer or aids.

Hey I say I'm an athiest but even I hope there is a hell for someone who'd do that.
hey Thanks Gracie , I was just going to report similar , glad to see that the news is up and it'll be 'good' news if true . Many will like the fact that SPECULATION is ended !! Looks like you can be a 'jihadi' without the Bushie beard or weird name and Turban !!
I am betting this guy decided to be muslim, got recruited by extremists, and decided his "duty" to show "loyalty" was to down that plane and everyone in it..including himself. Betcha.

The more the authorities dig, the more they will uncover. Watch and see.
that's IF they don't 'Lie' Gracie !!
Lie about what? That this guy was a walking time bomb, seemed "happy", decided to be a muslim and then killed himself with all those people?
Most suicides are people that "seem happy". They are good at hiding their pain. And if they are good at hiding their pain, they are good at hiding seeking something...anything...to help them towards their goal. Extremists can smell these kinds of people miles away and pounce. He would be loved, respected, get his virgins and be doing a good deed when he offed himself...IF he did it as jihad.

Like I said..watch and see. Betcha.
then wots the pilots name Coyote ?? I know the type of name that I'd be happy to see but I'd rather know the real name . Well have to wait and see what happens , by the way , do you happen to know if the pilot had a big bushy beard ??
I don't know about the beard, but I do know that he didn't have his key to the cockpit door.
It's not a key, it is a push button code.
Lie about What ?? Well the authorities might lie about his religious affiliation Gracie !! Guy mighta been a jihadi [probably] , I don't care about his pain , glad that he had pain , I'd like to give him some more pain !!
whats legitimate ?? I've seen reports with links on a couple different message boards 'Care4' . Mostly German based links in English
whats legitimate ?? I've seen reports with links on a couple different message boards 'Care4' . Mostly German based links in English
I saw a blogger that was German say such with no specifics on how he knew this and then a whole bunch of other bloggers and news rags repeating what the one blogger said Pismoe, and that's it? No source on where this info actually came from, no mention of what mosque he attended or did this conversion or anything that could be verified?

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