Possible suicide Mission!! Plot Locked out of the Cockpit Germanwings Crash in France

It is also being rumored/reported that he became muslim during his "burn out" time.
It's very possible that's true. I already wrote that a German name doesn't necessarily say anything about ideology or religious affiliation. But I would wait until an official report comes out. Allahpundit is not a neutral source nor does it get it all right. People are jumping too fast to make conclusions.

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Lie about What ?? Well the authorities might lie about his religious affiliation Gracie !! Guy mighta been a jihadi [probably] , I don't care about his pain , glad that he had pain , I'd like to give him some more pain !!
German authorities don't roll like that. They have an extensive campaign against Islamists.

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whats legitimate ?? I've seen reports with links on a couple different message boards 'Care4' . Mostly German based links in English
I saw a blogger that was German say such with no specifics on how he knew this and then a whole bunch of other bloggers and news rags repeating what the one blogger said Pismoe, and that's it? No source on where this info actually came from, no mention of what mosque he attended or did this conversion or anything that could be verified?

Well ... They don't have that because his Jihad Identification Card had just expired.
Rumors are there is a warrant out for his arrest by ISIS authorities regarding his failure carry the proper identification at all times.

may be ehh Skye , might be terrorism !!

like I said...it all depends on what Germanwings will choose to call it...technical malfunction or terrorism

it's either one of them

we wait.....the whole world waits....

There are more possibilities than just technical malfunction or terrorism. The Co-Pilot may have had a sudden health issue like aneurism or heart attack. Or he might have simply committed suicide. He made no political statement or praised Alla as they went down.
may be ehh Skye , might be terrorism !!

like I said...it all depends on what Germanwings will choose to call it...technical malfunction or terrorism

it's either one of them

we wait.....the whole world waits....

There are more possibilities than just technical malfunction or terrorism. The Co-Pilot may have had a sudden health issue like aneurism or heart attack. Or he might have simply committed suicide. He made no political statement or praised Alla as they went down.
The data recorder reads his breathing as normal all the way to impact. No heart attack. Apparently, it was deliberate. All else beyond this is still speculation at this point and I certainly would not rely on blog rumors for "information".

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It should also be clear that Lubitz ' suicide was also mass-homocide.

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It is also being rumored/reported that he became muslim during his "burn out" time.
It's very possible that's true. I already wrote that a German name doesn't necessarily say anything about ideology or religious affiliation. But I would wait until an official report comes out. Allahpundit is not a neutral source nor does it get it all right. People are jumping too fast to make conclusions.

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the article I read said his mother was religious and a member of a local protestant church.....
It is also being rumored/reported that he became muslim during his "burn out" time.
It's very possible that's true. I already wrote that a German name doesn't necessarily say anything about ideology or religious affiliation. But I would wait until an official report comes out. Allahpundit is not a neutral source nor does it get it all right. People are jumping too fast to make conclusions.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
the article I read said his mother was religious and a member of a local protestant church.....
She is also a private piano instructor and her husband is a businessman. Still says nothing about Andreas Lubitz, however. I assume he was baptized as "evangelisch" (the German general term for all parts of protestantism), but that still says nothing about his religious views in any direction as an adult.

Wait and see.

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nothing about his religious views in any direction as an adult.

Report Germanwings Co-Pilot Was Recent Convert to Islam UFP NEWS

he is/was a fucking mulsime slime bucket !! ... :up:
Unconfirmed. No real source yet. Until then, you are only speculating.

Your link quotes PI-NEWS, an extreme RW german rag. I read the PI article. No sources are named.

I keep warning that people should not rush to conclusions.

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hey Statist : thing I don't get it , German authorities have a war against 'islamists' . Doesn't make sense to me , I guess authorities would say that they differentiate between 'islamists' and muslims ehh ?? That's a very naïve way for authorities to think , have they no common sense as Germany is being overrun . Germans are supposed to be intelligent and efficient and don't they remember muslim history of invasion , conquest and death , conversion by the sword ??
and no offense Statist but I see terms like 'extreme rw' which I assume is extreme 'right wing' . Sure maybe there are extreme 'rw' but there are also liars in government that don't tell the truth or reality of things or they spin the truth for public consumption as German gov works its will on German society !! Maybe German government is 'extreme L.W.' !! Thing with Germany is that they are not really all that Free as far as speech and politics goes at least when compared to even the current USA . Lots of laws in Germany regulating acceptable speech and political parties if I am not mistaken !!
and SPECULATION is good in my opinion Statist !! One form of speculation is talking or communicating thoughts and ideas I think , isn't it ?? I think that speculation is mostly just thinking out loud or type as ideas and thoughts are kicked around amongst different people . Better than just believing either 'rw' or 'lw' news sources I think !!
and SPECULATION is good in my opinion Statist !! One form of speculation is talking or communicating thoughts and ideas I think , isn't it ?? I think that speculation is mostly just thinking out loud or type as ideas and thoughts are kicked around amongst different people . Better than just believing either 'rw' or 'lw' news sources I think !!
News says significant new find in his apartment. What could it be? Note?
German Prosecutor Germanwings Co-Pilot Concealed Medical Condition The Two-Way NPR

Updated at 8:53 a.m.

Prosecutors in Duesseldorf say Andreas Lubitz, the co-pilot of Germanwings Flight FU 9525 who appears to have deliberately crashed the plane carrying 150 people into the French Alps, concealed a medical condition from his employers.

The statement from prosecutor Ralf Herrenbrück said searches of Lubitz's family home in the town of Montabaur as well as his apartment in Duesseldorf found no suicide or farewell note, nor any evidence of political or religious actions for his motivation. But, it said, "we did find medical documents detailing an existing condition and corresponding treatment.

"We also found torn-up sick notes that are current and valid on the day of the crash. These suggest that the deceased was hiding his illness from his employer and colleagues."

The statement did not say what that illness was.

Earlier today, the mass-circulation German daily Bild reported that Lubitz received 18 months of psychiatric treatment for a "serious depressive episode." The paper cited internal documents and sources in Lufthansa, the parent company of Germanwings. That revelation comes after Lufthansa CEO Carsten Spohr said at a news conference Thursday that Lubtiz took a break during his training six years ago. Bild reported Lubitz was deemed "unable to fly" when he was being trained at Lufthansa's flight school in Phoenix, Ariz. Spohr said Thursday that Lubitz had gone through "psychological tests with flying colors." It is unclear if Lubtiz's reported treatment has any connection to the crash.

A lot to think about here.
and SPECULATION is good in my opinion Statist !! One form of speculation is talking or communicating thoughts and ideas I think , isn't it ?? I think that speculation is mostly just thinking out loud or type as ideas and thoughts are kicked around amongst different people . Better than just believing either 'rw' or 'lw' news sources I think !!
News says significant new find in his apartment. What could it be? Note?
The note they found was from his Doctor to his employer, telling them that he could not work that day....but he did anyway. Aparently the perp was being treated for some illness....mental or physical, I do not know.
agree 'Care4' , but who knows anything except that the guy Murdered 150 people using an airplane full of innocents . I mean , in todays politically correct climate will politically correct governments like Germany report the truth or will they report propaganda and spin ?? Me , I'll just go about my business thinking that the pilot was a muslim jihadi or maybe not . Really doesn't much matter one way or the other except that I know from examples like the trade towers that muslim jihadis are known for using airplanes to kill hundreds or thousands of innocent people !!
agree 'Care4' , but who knows anything except that the guy Murdered 150 people using an airplane full of innocents . I mean , in todays politically correct climate will politically correct governments like Germany report the truth or will they report propaganda and spin ?? Me , I'll just go about my business thinking that the pilot was a muslim jihadi or maybe not .

In otherwords, who cares what the actual facts are.

Really doesn't much matter one way or the other except that I know from examples like the trade towers that muslim jihadis are known for using airplanes to kill hundreds or thousands of innocent people !!

Actually, they aren't known for that. That was a one-time occurance.
incorrect Coyote , jihadis are known for death and destruction . I'll go googling but I think that there was an airliner that spun itself into the Atlantic while the pilot recited a familiar jihadi prayer or declaration . Maybe someone else remembers the incident that I tried to describe . ---------- Actual facts are the best Coyote , but everyone knows there are actual facts and then there is propaganda and lies !!
incorrect Coyote , jihadis are known for death and destruction . I'll go googling but I think that there was an airliner that spun itself into the Atlantic while the pilot recited a familiar jihadi prayer or declaration . Maybe someone else remembers the incident that I tried to describe . ---------- Actual facts are the best Coyote , but everyone knows there are actual facts and then there is propaganda and lies !!

Terrorists are known for death and destruction. Like this guy: Patriot Terrorist Frames Muslims With Quran Bomb - The Daily Beast

Good thing he was caught.

I can't find anything on that claim of an airlliner that went down under those circumstances either.

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