Post any MA results here.

Brown's lead is left column, precincts reporting right - there are 2,105 precincts in the state, only a third have yet to report

67,078 1119
78,425 1234
87,824 1298
85,097 1357
89,291 1405
It's kinda of an irony that Kennedy's own seat is going to kill the bill he fought so hard for :D
Poetic justice more likely.

But it isnt' dead yet. Even if he gets elected, the Democrats will pull something. Most likely they will drag their feet in seating him. Even if the state law says the interim Senator loses his vote after the election.
It's kinda of an irony that Kennedy's own seat is going to kill the bill he fought so hard for :D
Poetic justice more likely.

But it isnt' dead yet. Even if he gets elected, the Democrats will pull something. Most likely they will drag their feet in seating him. Even if the state law says the interim Senator loses his vote after the election.

Let them try.

The world is watching - and the 2010 Elections are coming around the bend...
Cokely is loosing in Plymouth. Badly. She was supposed to win there.
Barnstable was also supposed to be a Cokely lock. She got skunked.
Boston about 40%, but Boston can't carry the load, even though Cokely is getting 63% there now. Even if she gets 63% of the remainder there, that won't eat much into Brown's lead.
It's kinda of an irony that Kennedy's own seat is going to kill the bill he fought so hard for :D
Poetic justice more likely.

But it isnt' dead yet. Even if he gets elected, the Democrats will pull something. Most likely they will drag their feet in seating him. Even if the state law says the interim Senator loses his vote after the election.

If they do it will kill what little chance they have at being successful in the next election cycle.

Reid were coming for you next!
coakley conceded at 9:17 according to wbz radio.


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