Post democratic Israel


VIP Member
May 6, 2014
The post-democratic camp
Sadly, it looks as though there is no longer any chance of stopping the destructive race of the post-democratic camp. But we can, and in fact must, begin to record the names of its activists, their deeds, their places of work and their statements.

First there was “Hardal” (a Hebrew acronym for ultra-Orthodox religious nationalist), a unique mixture of increasing ultra-Orthodoxy, chauvinism, messianism and greed. Why “unique”? Because the entire religious camp, including the National Religious Party when it was still wise, was once faithful to the halakha

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This well describes the situation of the strange quasi-state of Israel. Claiming to be democratic. But not. Tyrannical, but so through bringing the majority of the population to feel they have the power of tyrants.

The conclusion it reaches is that Israel will get away with it for some time yet. Which is likely. The US is too infected with "Hooah for Israel", is trying to be more fearful of its borders, of "infiltrators", of the those in uniform not having enough power of life and death.

But while Israel festers its purpose evaporates. Not a safe haven for refugees, and not safe at all. Not a place to flee violent fascism, but a place to become a violent fascist.

Not a place to protect Jews or Judaism, but a place to destroy its legacy and its reputation.

The Zealots of old, from back in the days of the destruction of The Temple, are running the place. The Zealots who killed the Jews.

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