Post Katrina, remember Bush, good job Brownie, at a party? Puerto Rico will be so much more deadly.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017

His book portrays Bush as a leader too removed from day-to-day realities and as a “fratboy who wanted everybody to like him.”


Remember Bush at Michael Brown's birthday party, "You're doing a heckofa job Brownie".

Well there are three and a half million Americans in Puerto Rico, not to mention the hundreds of thousands still under threat in Houston and in Florida not to mention other US Territories.

People without power, food or water.

And what is Trump and the GOP doing? Starting fights with basketball and football players and calling the head of North Korea "Little Rocketman".

And this is who the Right wing and the Republican base support because "he has their backs".

How many will die? How much suffering? And the GOP wants to make it even worse by taking away healthcare from tens of millions so they can give tax breaks to billionaires.
Why? So they can create more than the 6.2 million unfilled jobs we have now.

Republicans have gone completely insane. After Bush and what the GOP tried to do to Obama, we knew it was going to be bad, but this is beyond beyond. Way worse than I ever expected.
I have to agree. We all know Republicans don't care about millions of Americans suffering. In fact, I suspect Republicans want people to die. That's how they are. See, we can agree.
Trump inherited a total mess in the Hurricane system in the Caribbean. WTF did Obama DO about the climate while in office?

His book portrays Bush as a leader too removed from day-to-day realities and as a “fratboy who wanted everybody to like him.”


Remember Bush at Michael Brown's birthday party, "You're doing a heckofa job Brownie".

Well there are three and a half million Americans in Puerto Rico, not to mention the hundreds of thousands still under threat in Houston and in Florida not to mention other US Territories.

People without power, food or water.

And what is Trump and the GOP doing? Starting fights with basketball and football players and calling the head of North Korea "Little Rocketman".

And this is who the Right wing and the Republican base support because "he has their backs".

How many will die? How much suffering? And the GOP wants to make it even worse by taking away healthcare from tens of millions so they can give tax breaks to billionaires.
Why? So they can create more than the 6.2 million unfilled jobs we have now.

Republicans have gone completely insane. After Bush and what the GOP tried to do to Obama, we knew it was going to be bad, but this is beyond beyond. Way worse than I ever expected.

You wish. Trump did a good job with Texas and Florida, PR is your only hope now.

His book portrays Bush as a leader too removed from day-to-day realities and as a “fratboy who wanted everybody to like him.”


Remember Bush at Michael Brown's birthday party, "You're doing a heckofa job Brownie".

Well there are three and a half million Americans in Puerto Rico, not to mention the hundreds of thousands still under threat in Houston and in Florida not to mention other US Territories.

People without power, food or water.

And what is Trump and the GOP doing? Starting fights with basketball and football players and calling the head of North Korea "Little Rocketman".

And this is who the Right wing and the Republican base support because "he has their backs".

How many will die? How much suffering? And the GOP wants to make it even worse by taking away healthcare from tens of millions so they can give tax breaks to billionaires.
Why? So they can create more than the 6.2 million unfilled jobs we have now.

Republicans have gone completely insane. After Bush and what the GOP tried to do to Obama, we knew it was going to be bad, but this is beyond beyond. Way worse than I ever expected.

You wish. Trump did a good job with Texas and Florida, PR is your only hope now.
You think Florida and Texas are OK now? Everything's fixed?

His book portrays Bush as a leader too removed from day-to-day realities and as a “fratboy who wanted everybody to like him.”


Remember Bush at Michael Brown's birthday party, "You're doing a heckofa job Brownie".

Well there are three and a half million Americans in Puerto Rico, not to mention the hundreds of thousands still under threat in Houston and in Florida not to mention other US Territories.

People without power, food or water.

And what is Trump and the GOP doing? Starting fights with basketball and football players and calling the head of North Korea "Little Rocketman".

And this is who the Right wing and the Republican base support because "he has their backs".

How many will die? How much suffering? And the GOP wants to make it even worse by taking away healthcare from tens of millions so they can give tax breaks to billionaires.
Why? So they can create more than the 6.2 million unfilled jobs we have now.

Republicans have gone completely insane. After Bush and what the GOP tried to do to Obama, we knew it was going to be bad, but this is beyond beyond. Way worse than I ever expected.

It is there punishment for having nice weather 24/7.

I have to agree. We all know Republicans don't care about millions of Americans suffering. In fact, I suspect Republicans want people to die. That's how they are. See, we can agree.

Puerto Rico is part of America? Is it the 56th state, or 57th?
Wait a second. You didn't know Puerto Rican's are American Citizens?

OMG. You are one stupid fuk.

You're probably overgeneralizing. Sure, PR is governed as if it were an American Progressive Fiscal Black Hole, but the 14th amendment Citizenship Clause does not apply to PR.


I have to agree. We all know Republicans don't care about millions of Americans suffering. In fact, I suspect Republicans want people to die. That's how they are. See, we can agree.

Puerto Rico is part of America? Is it the 56th state, or 57th?


you forgot all those African Nations Obama brought under our flag
what, you didn't know that under Obama, we didn't increase the size of the US by 43 African countries?

Well, guess what.

we didn't increase it by adding Puerto Rico either

His book portrays Bush as a leader too removed from day-to-day realities and as a “fratboy who wanted everybody to like him.”


Remember Bush at Michael Brown's birthday party, "You're doing a heckofa job Brownie".

Well there are three and a half million Americans in Puerto Rico, not to mention the hundreds of thousands still under threat in Houston and in Florida not to mention other US Territories.

People without power, food or water.

And what is Trump and the GOP doing? Starting fights with basketball and football players and calling the head of North Korea "Little Rocketman".

And this is who the Right wing and the Republican base support because "he has their backs".

How many will die? How much suffering? And the GOP wants to make it even worse by taking away healthcare from tens of millions so they can give tax breaks to billionaires.
Why? So they can create more than the 6.2 million unfilled jobs we have now.

Republicans have gone completely insane. After Bush and what the GOP tried to do to Obama, we knew it was going to be bad, but this is beyond beyond. Way worse than I ever expected.

You wish. Trump did a good job with Texas and Florida, PR is your only hope now.
You think Florida and Texas are OK now? Everything's fixed?

No dumbass, but President Trump has done a good job with what he's able to do. You are so filled with butthurt that you are hoping he screws up with PR and you don't care if people suffer because of it. In fact you'd love that.
There probably won't be any books critical of Barry Hussein Sotoro Obama because democrats would imprison or maybe even murder the author and the media would turn on him/her like snakes. Hussein was another frat boy who wanted to be liked but he had a chip on his shoulder because his father was a Black African. His mother was a empty headed hippie and his father was an alcoholic bigamist who finally killed himself in a DUI car crash. Barry lashed out at the only woman who cared for him and raised him, his maternal grandmother, and paid her back by calling her the worst name imaginable, racist. The media never let up on Bush for Katrina but he one ace democrats always have in the hole is the fawning support of the media. Obama's response to the oil spill in the Gulf was so bad that he actually apologized for it and the media instantly forgave him and moved on.
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