Post-Paris Isis Attack, Obama Declares What His FOCUS Will Be for Last Year in Office


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Worst attack on Paris since WWII?
- Just a 'set back' according to Obama!

Provide for our National Security and Protect American Citizens?
- 100,000 'Refugees' he intends to force upon the states are 'harmless, and the criminals being given safe haven in Sanctuary Cities are not THAT much of a threat...

"Obama: Last Year in Office Will Be One of ‘Sustained Attention’ to Gun Control"
- On November 17 GQ magazine published an interview with President Obama in which he indicated his last year in office will be one of “sustained attention” to gun control.

By-passing Congress 23 (TWENTY THREE) times since the Sandy Hook incident, Obama makes it clear that he has and will continue to by-pass Congress to do whatever HE wants in pursuit of his anti-gun agenda:

"Keep in mind that after Sandy Hook, we put forward 23 executive actions. So we haven’t been asleep at the switch in terms of executive actions that we’ve tried. There are maybe a few more that had to be scrubbed by lawyers because, essentially, with every executive action, we can count on it being challenged by somebody in Congress or, in this case, the NRA. We want to make any executive action we take as defensible as possible legally."

....maybe the reason every one of your actions is being challenged, you DUMBMASS, is because you are trying to create and impose LAW, which you do not have the Constitutional authority to do. The Constitution specifically outlines the separation of powers and responsibilities to PREVENT exactly what you have been and are trying to do!
This presidency has been a series of frontal assaults on the U.S. since this tyrant entered office. We'll be lucky if we aren't in a civil war by the time the bastard is gone.
The Paris attack will NOT work here near as well until he gets our guns.
The Paris attack will NOT work here near as well until he gets our guns.
I would like to agree with you; however, the Boston Marathon bombing - perpetrated by 2 'kids' (1 young man and a kid) on their own tells me that if 10-20 (as they say might have been involved in Paris) highly trained terrorists who had months to plan that attack instead they would have done a LOT more damage /carnage than those 2 brothers did.

The reason so much carnage was done on 9/11/01 is because NO ONE could have imagined planes would be used as weapons - never seen before and never expected. NEVER underestimate the power of evil...
This presidency has been a series of frontal assaults on the U.S. since this tyrant entered office. We'll be lucky if we aren't in a civil war by the time the bastard is gone.
That's been happening for 150 years man!
The Paris attack will NOT work here near as well until he gets our guns.
I would like to agree with you; however, the Boston Marathon bombing - perpetrated by 2 'kids' (1 young man and a kid) on their own tells me that if 10-20 (as they say might have been involved in Paris) highly trained terrorists who had months to plan that attack instead they would have done a LOT more damage /carnage than those 2 brothers did.

The reason so much carnage was done on 9/11/01 is because NO ONE could have imagined planes would be used as weapons - never seen before and never expected. NEVER underestimate the power of evil...
They are used to taking civilian tools and making weapons from them, something that has us at a disadvantage. Our weapons are made and designed for a purpose and we are facing a group that can and has thought outside the box.

While we should not adopt their weapons we HAVE to start thinking like them. What COULD be a weapon? What COULD scare a lot of people.

One thing we NEED to do is start searching those moquse's those people who ARE guilty of attacks attend. They have stated MANY times those ARE their outposts, well we need to start checking them.
Why does out government have NO PROBLEM violating our personal rights to monitor us based on 'national security' but they bend over backwards NOT to bug, monitor, snoop, etc on Mosques in this country?
Why does out government have NO PROBLEM violating our personal rights to monitor us based on 'national security' but they bend over backwards NOT to bug, monitor, snoop, etc on Mosques in this country?
Think so huh? Think there have been no attacks here because the ISIS-types are just being friendly?

"Last Year in Office Will Be One of ‘Sustained Attention’ to Gun Control"----Obama
Obama is unable to focus sustained effort on anything for more than a week or two. Recal the administration's "laser like focus on jobs." This will be a total failure like all his other policies because the support for gun control is virtually nil and he cant simply use his pen to impose it.
it is a setback, to preventing a Holy War, you and ISIS are only too happy to engage in.
Murdering over 150 people and wounding almost as many, if not war, through perpetrating numerous simultaneous terrorist attacks, while yelling 'Allah Akbar', is NOT engaging in a 'Holy War'?! :confused:

What you Liberals do not understand, while you are trying NOT to offend the people who already want to kill you and whom you declare you are NOT 'at war with', is that THEY are most definitely AT WAR with YOU!

Paris was NOT a 'protest', it was NOT an 'exercise', it was NOT a 'road bump, it was NOT a 'SET-BACK'! It was an 'ACT OF WAR'!

When you have Americans being attacked and killed, when our allies are being attacked and killed, and liberals and the President are sitting there with blinders on and fingers in their ears repeating the chant, 'We are NOT at War', you have a serious problem and a LOT of innocent people are going to die!'

:Boom2: :lalala: :blowup:

What you Liberals do not understand, while you are trying NOT to offend the people who already want to kill you and whom you declare you are NOT 'at war with', is that THEY are most definitely AT WAR with YOU!
Yes, they are, as are you, and neither of you can be allowed to win.
Think so huh? Think there have been no attacks here because the ISIS-types are just being friendly?

While I believe we have used methods to prevent some attacks, they have also shown they CAN perpetrate attacks on us if they want to....
Yes, they are, as are you, and neither of you can be allowed to win.

So WHAT? 'F* it, why bother?' I read an article today about how some people have seemingly lost the desire / will to want to live. I hadn't seen any evidence of that...until possibly right now.

They are killing us, but we should not reciprocate or attempt to defend ourselves...'stoop to their level'? You do your best NOT to 'offend them' and hope for the best....I will defend this country, its citizens, and 'me and mine'.
it is a setback, to preventing a Holy War, you and ISIS are only too happy to engage in.
Murdering over 150 people and wounding almost as many, if not war, through perpetrating numerous simultaneous terrorist attacks, while yelling 'Allah Akbar', is NOT engaging in a 'Holy War'?! :confused:

What you Liberals do not understand, while you are trying NOT to offend the people who already want to kill you and whom you declare you are NOT 'at war with', is that THEY are most definitely AT WAR with YOU!

Paris was NOT a 'protest', it was NOT an 'exercise', it was NOT a 'road bump, it was NOT a 'SET-BACK'! It was an 'ACT OF WAR'!

When you have Americans being attacked and killed, when our allies are being attacked and killed, and liberals and the President are sitting there with blinders on and fingers in their ears repeating the chant, 'We are NOT at War', you have a serious problem and a LOT of innocent people are going to die!'

:Boom2: :lalala: :blowup:
Kind of like liberal democrat FDR sat on his butt when the Nazi'z rose up.
Well, way more Americans have been killed by other Americans with guns than have been killed by ISIS.

Way more.

Way more Americans have been killed by other Americans with guns than have been killed by Mexicans.

Way more.

Itty bitty kids. Moms. Grandmothers. College students.
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Well, way more Americans have been killed by other Americans with guns than have been killed by ISIS.

Way more.

Way more Americans have been killed by other Americans with guns than have been killed by Mexicans.

Way more.

Itty bitty kids. Moms. Grandmothers. College students.
You are comparing an apple to an Orange.
Well, way more American have been killed by other Americans with guns than have been killed by ISIS.

Way more.

SO WHAT? The fact that Obama remains silent while Chicago adds to its grand total in its historic, record-breaking (daily) year of gun violence and death demonstrates he doesn't give a damn about ending those murders or death. The fact that he continuously ignores the issue of mental health continues to demonstrate this. The fact that he handed over thousands of guns and grenades to criminal Drug Cartels and never punished anyone for the failed / illegal operation demonstrates this.

Refusing to pass Kates's Law, the refusal to go after criminal Sanctuary Cities that continue to violate Federal Law by harboring violent illegal criminals that victimize American citizens...all this proves he doesn't give a damn about 'protecting American lives' but instead is interested n pushing his own agenda which is to seize law-abiding cit8izen's guns and strip them of their ability to defend themselves.

Most of all, Internationalist one-world-govt clowns like him and Kerry KNOW there is no way that one-world-govt thing will EVER happen as long as US citizens own / have weapons.
Well, way more Americans have been killed by other Americans with guns than have been killed by ISIS.

Way more.

Way more Americans have been killed by other Americans with guns than have been killed by Mexicans.

Way more.

Itty bitty kids. Moms. Grandmothers. College students.
You are comparing an apple to an Orange.
The people shitting their pants over ISIS are way off base. They are more likely to be killed in their kitchen by someone they know than by ISIS or a Mexican.

Way more. Way, way, way more likely.

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