Post your COVID illness and death experiences for a COVID reality test you see the scum demonRAT LIE falling apart? i suppose everybody is lying on what they went through, huh?

They're just not rational people and truly cowardly. Better to act like punks than to accept what they sponsor, types.
Add to my list my neighbor had an adverse reaction to the shot(s) resulting in a neuro. disorder, something that starts with S?

Sounds like what happened to my barber who fell very sick after the shot, but last I talked to her she didn't suggest there was a relationship, so not sure. A hearsay is my son's friend knows someone who has shit blood since the shot.
I know too many people to count. We were an early "hot spot" and have been through three big Covid waves: March 2020; Nov 2020; April 2021. I kept a list of all the people I knew who had covid. I stopped counting when it got to 50+

Of all those, I knew about three who were hospitalized and knew OF one who died, a man my husband knew from his work who traveled remotely.

The ones who recovered at home range from asymptomatic to very mild illness to "that wasn't fun at all". Rather like viruses can be.
you sound upset that the scum, corrupt demonRATS are being exposed for what lies they have been spreading.....BOO-HOO
or is it that you are being exposed, i mean the lack of a brain in your head... you obtuse piece of shit
I think you are responding to the wrong person. My post was directed at Chillicothe because the ignorant leftard tried to infer that the OP was asking the dead for a response. I love the fact that the democrats are being exposed as was clearly stated in my experience. You misunderstood.
Let me ask, what have you guys learned from this so far?

Sometimes it's not what's written but what's not. Strikes me folks have shied away, because perhaps they don't want a reality check.
And it's not that our experiences are the oddballs ones. Ours jive with the facts and data--you might say "the science". A great many people get this virus and recover with no problems. Some have problems. A tiny fraction die.

It's not TB. It's not smallpox. It's not ebola.

But God help us, obviously, if we ever face anything like that again.
I had a real bad flu in nov 2019,, covid wasnt on the board so dont know if it was it,,
both the wife and I had it in sept 2020 and little to no symptoms other than she lost taste and smell,,

at least 8 of our family members had it and no serious symptoms other than sniffles and coughs,,

a co worker of my wife had it and got over it but died from the over treatment due to lung infections from having a tube down his throat for to long,,

of whats left of my circle of friends there is nothing to report,,,

I work with several other contractors and they all just laugh and go back to work,,,

OH one contractor got it and was really sick for a week but his 2 kids and wife didnt get it while being in the same house the whole time and he didnt isolate other than laying in bed,,,

What did she smell like or taste like BEFORE she got sick? :abgg2q.jpg:
Problem with the mask issue when it comes to children in school....

Leaving it up to parent's might not be a good thing, because it causes problems among the children where as one child is wearing a mask by parental order, and 5 children aren't wearing a mask by parental order. What then ?

As we all know, children are brutal when it comes to "I'm better than you are or are you sick or something or what, maybe you are weak or something" ????

Maybe it best not to have these mandates at all, and to better yet focus on treatments instead ??

What say you all ??
where as one child is wearing a mask by parental order, and 5 children aren't wearing a mask by parental order. What then ?

Just flip it, beagle9, to expand the discussion.

Meaning......if one child is not wearing a mask by parental order, but 5 children are by parental order. What then?
Just flip it, beagle9, to expand the discussion.

Meaning......if one child is not wearing a mask by parental order, but 5 children are by parental order. What then?
The same could be the result, so the mask mandates are not good. If children have to be put through this bullcrap, then we have got to be the dumbest adult's in the world. Children who are sick should be kept home, and a better Covid test should be developed that is easier for the kid's, and can spot the virus before it becomes an issue at school.
I know exactly ZERO who have had it and that includes all

Well, that is a good thing.
Glad to hear it.

But, it is just a single view....through YOUR soda straw. That's not a dismissal, rather, just a caution that ONE person's experience may or may not be extrapolated to a larger group.

There are many many other experiences that, no doubt, differ.

For me personally, through MY soda straw.... I know well over a dozen....hell, probably 20+ who have tested positive. Most were sick enough to stay home and take it easy. Some showed no symptoms nor felt any, they motored along just fine, thank you very much.

But, all of those who did get sick informed it was like a bad varying degrees, some for two days, others for 4 days of misery. None of them were hospitalized. Nobody reports being a 'long hauler'.

But I did have an old neighbor from an earlier home who got it and died. She was in her early '80' and had underlying issues.....overweight being most prominent.

Both my bride and me are vaccinated.
Most everybody....hell, it's gotta be 90+% of the folks we associate with, all seniors....... are vaccinated.

The ones who I know who refuse to get vaccinated are folks in their 40's and 50's.

Some of them I like, associate with, and respect. Others are just dumbasses in many aspects of life, so if they get infected, it will not be a surprise.

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