Posters reply here paid shills planted by radical groups to sway American values

couch protester

Gold Member
Dec 7, 2015
Things these paid shills attempt to detract with:

Play racist card
Call you names
Term you as conspiracy theorist
Claim you as a tin foil hat paranoid idiot

Hanoi Hannah, is a Vietnamese radio personality

During the Vietnam War, she became famous among US soldiers for her propaganda broadcasts onRadio Hanoi.

She made three broadcasts a day, reading a list of the newly killed or imprisoned Americans, attempting to persuade US GIs that the US involvement in the Vietnam War was unjust and immoral, and playing popular US anti-war songs in an attempt to incite feelings of nostalgia and homesickness.

Propaganda was used extensively by Communist forces in the Vietnam War as means of controlling people's opinions. Radio stations like Radio Hanoi were in an integral part of North Vietnamese propaganda operations. Communist Vietnamese politician Mai Chi Tho, commenting on the use of propaganda, stated:

"Ho Chi Minh may have been an evil man; Nixon may have been a great man. The Americans may have had the just cause; we may not have had the just cause. But we won and the Americans were defeated because we convinced the people that Ho Chi Minh is the great man, that Nixon is a murderer and the Americans are the invaders... The key factor is how to control people and their opinions. Only Marxism–Leninism can do that."



do you actually think any poster here is changing anyones mind about anything?....
There's a lot of people who read these forums but don't post or even join.

I remember some coward on stormfront saying he lurked for ayear before making his first post!

Aggression is an aknowledged path to the truth (ive known murderers that have a greater insight to human reality than doctors). Believe it or not, these unaggresive readers are swayed when trolls (progressives or jews) confound rational points.
do you actually think any poster here is changing anyones mind about anything?....

As stated by terrorism researcher Dr Maura Conway:

“Every machine connected to the internet is potentially a printing press, a broadcasting station or place of assembly.”

How Obama Won the Social Media Battle in the 2012 Presidential Campaign
January 25, 2013 By Dr. Pamela Rutledge

Social media creates a new political dialogue. It takes the power of political messaging away from the mass media model and places it firmly into peer-to-peer, public discourse. In the 1950s, sociologists Lazersfeld and Katz proposed a two-step model of communication. Their model proposed that opinions area not formed through direct information from mass media but through individual interactions with opinion leaders who were similar in demographics, interests, and socio-economic factors to those they influenced. In other words, opinion leaders are the people you connect with on your social networks, such as family, friends, colleagues and shared-interest group members. As any marketer will tell you, word of mouth advertising—a recommendation from someone you trust–is the most powerful form of persuasion. Social media creates multiple levels of trust based on relationships. Social media also allows information and opinions to travel across networks, like ripples in a pond, amplifying ideas and allowing each person to participate as an opinion leader through media production and distribution, not just by passive consumption. In the 2012 election, 30% of online users report that they were urged to vote via social media by family, friends or other social network connections, 20% actively encouraged others and 22% posted their decision when the voted.

There are lots of social dynamics that influence people’s opinions and behaviors. From social validation to familiarity that turns into acceptance, social networks and the ability to link peer to peer, supercharge the type of self-organizing movement that Obama’s campaign seeded through strategic social media use.
do you actually think any poster here is changing anyones mind about anything?....

As stated by terrorism researcher Dr Maura Conway:

“Every machine connected to the internet is potentially a printing press, a broadcasting station or place of assembly.”

How Obama Won the Social Media Battle in the 2012 Presidential Campaign
January 25, 2013 By Dr. Pamela Rutledge

Social media creates a new political dialogue. It takes the power of political messaging away from the mass media model and places it firmly into peer-to-peer, public discourse. In the 1950s, sociologists Lazersfeld and Katz proposed a two-step model of communication. Their model proposed that opinions area not formed through direct information from mass media but through individual interactions with opinion leaders who were similar in demographics, interests, and socio-economic factors to those they influenced. In other words, opinion leaders are the people you connect with on your social networks, such as family, friends, colleagues and shared-interest group members. As any marketer will tell you, word of mouth advertising—a recommendation from someone you trust–is the most powerful form of persuasion. Social media creates multiple levels of trust based on relationships. Social media also allows information and opinions to travel across networks, like ripples in a pond, amplifying ideas and allowing each person to participate as an opinion leader through media production and distribution, not just by passive consumption. In the 2012 election, 30% of online users report that they were urged to vote via social media by family, friends or other social network connections, 20% actively encouraged others and 22% posted their decision when the voted.

There are lots of social dynamics that influence people’s opinions and behaviors. From social validation to familiarity that turns into acceptance, social networks and the ability to link peer to peer, supercharge the type of self-organizing movement that Obama’s campaign seeded through strategic social media use.
my question still stands....i really dont care what this so called doctor has to say....
Things these paid shills attempt to detract with:

Play racist card
Call you names
Term you as conspiracy theorist
Claim you as a tin foil hat paranoid idiot

Hanoi Hannah, is a Vietnamese radio personality

During the Vietnam War, she became famous among US soldiers for her propaganda broadcasts onRadio Hanoi.

She made three broadcasts a day, reading a list of the newly killed or imprisoned Americans, attempting to persuade US GIs that the US involvement in the Vietnam War was unjust and immoral, and playing popular US anti-war songs in an attempt to incite feelings of nostalgia and homesickness.

Propaganda was used extensively by Communist forces in the Vietnam War as means of controlling people's opinions. Radio stations like Radio Hanoi were in an integral part of North Vietnamese propaganda operations. Communist Vietnamese politician Mai Chi Tho, commenting on the use of propaganda, stated:

"Ho Chi Minh may have been an evil man; Nixon may have been a great man. The Americans may have had the just cause; we may not have had the just cause. But we won and the Americans were defeated because we convinced the people that Ho Chi Minh is the great man, that Nixon is a murderer and the Americans are the invaders... The key factor is how to control people and their opinions. Only Marxism–Leninism can do that."



Most of the raging right wing posters on here work at the Koch phone bank in Vegas.
The viet nam war was lost the very day LBJ stupidly allowed the military to con him into pulling the trigger. Propaganda from the bozo's running the pentagon telling us that we were winning the war was the most damaging propaganda of all. So damaging that LBJ was forced from office at the end of his first term.
How much does a shill get paid, and where do I apply? I have always felt I should be getting paid for my brilliance.
How much does a shill get paid, and where do I apply? I have always felt I should be getting paid for my brilliance
Come on g...we all know you have an office in the back room of Jarrett's office.
Things these paid shills attempt to detract with:

Play racist card
Call you names
Term you as conspiracy theorist
Claim you as a tin foil hat paranoid idiot

Hanoi Hannah, is a Vietnamese radio personality

During the Vietnam War, she became famous among US soldiers for her propaganda broadcasts onRadio Hanoi.

She made three broadcasts a day, reading a list of the newly killed or imprisoned Americans, attempting to persuade US GIs that the US involvement in the Vietnam War was unjust and immoral, and playing popular US anti-war songs in an attempt to incite feelings of nostalgia and homesickness.

Propaganda was used extensively by Communist forces in the Vietnam War as means of controlling people's opinions. Radio stations like Radio Hanoi were in an integral part of North Vietnamese propaganda operations. Communist Vietnamese politician Mai Chi Tho, commenting on the use of propaganda, stated:

"Ho Chi Minh may have been an evil man; Nixon may have been a great man. The Americans may have had the just cause; we may not have had the just cause. But we won and the Americans were defeated because we convinced the people that Ho Chi Minh is the great man, that Nixon is a murderer and the Americans are the invaders... The key factor is how to control people and their opinions. Only Marxism–Leninism can do that."




I mostly agree. The astro-turfers all meet up at their particular flavor of board, receive the latest spins and propaganda memes, and then sally forth and do battle with all the other astro-turfers from different camps. There is little real discussion on message boards any more. As for being paid, I'm sure some are, but most aren't; they're not bright enough to demand money for spreading somebody else's bullshit spam. They do for free, another example of how ridiculous they are.
The viet nam war was lost the very day LBJ stupidly allowed the military to con him into pulling the trigger. Propaganda from the bozo's running the pentagon telling us that we were winning the war was the most damaging propaganda of all. So damaging that LBJ was forced from office at the end of his first term.

So you're saying that your democrat president didn't have the competence to just say no?



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