Posters reply here paid shills planted by radical groups to sway American values

Most of the Progressive posters are artificial life forms spawned at the agitprop internet outreach lab at Media Matters. They all post the identical "thoughts" at the exact same time using the exact same words and syntax, rdrean and Guno; g5000, Starkey and PaintMyHouse for examples

Yep. Quoted for truth. And they aren't actual Progressives anyway, they just try to pretend they are, and having no idea what a Progressive is they routinely fail at imitating one.
LOL!!! One of the stupidest photoshops I've ever seen. Jane Fonda in her Barbarella outfit?!?!

What's wrong with her Barbarella outfit? I thought she looked great in it, as did most of us in those days.
Most of the Progressive posters are artificial life forms spawned at the agitprop internet outreach lab at Media Matters. They all post the identical "thoughts" at the exact same time using the exact same words and syntax, rdrean and Guno; g5000, Starkey and PaintMyHouse for examples
You are actually describing the orchestrated far right fascist chorus on this Board.
Most of the Progressive posters are artificial life forms spawned at the agitprop internet outreach lab at Media Matters. They all post the identical "thoughts" at the exact same time using the exact same words and syntax, rdrean and Guno; g5000, Starkey and PaintMyHouse for examples
You are actually describing the orchestrated far right fascist chorus on this Board.

Like nobody has heard that spin before. lol
Most of the Progressive posters are artificial life forms spawned at the agitprop internet outreach lab at Media Matters. They all post the identical "thoughts" at the exact same time using the exact same words and syntax, rdrean and Guno; g5000, Starkey and PaintMyHouse for examples
You are actually describing the orchestrated far right fascist chorus on this Board.

Google Search: Everything good Jake ever said about Republicans

0 results found

Google Search: Number of times Jake defended Obama

404 error, results exceed bandwidth capacity of the entire planet
Most of the Progressive posters are artificial life forms spawned at the agitprop internet outreach lab at Media Matters. They all post the identical "thoughts" at the exact same time using the exact same words and syntax, rdrean and Guno; g5000, Starkey and PaintMyHouse for examples

Yep. Quoted for truth. And they aren't actual Progressives anyway, they just try to pretend they are, and having no idea what a Progressive is they routinely fail at imitating one.

Except we learned that guno is a genuine Fidel loving Commie
Most of the Progressive posters are artificial life forms spawned at the agitprop internet outreach lab at Media Matters. They all post the identical "thoughts" at the exact same time using the exact same words and syntax, rdrean and Guno; g5000, Starkey and PaintMyHouse for examples

Yep. Quoted for truth. And they aren't actual Progressives anyway, they just try to pretend they are, and having no idea what a Progressive is they routinely fail at imitating one.

Except we learned that guno is a genuine Fidel loving Commie

You and your teabaggers buddy's world view is limited and very cartoonish
Most of the Progressive posters are artificial life forms spawned at the agitprop internet outreach lab at Media Matters. They all post the identical "thoughts" at the exact same time using the exact same words and syntax, rdrean and Guno; g5000, Starkey and PaintMyHouse for examples
You are actually describing the orchestrated far right fascist chorus on this Board.
Short fingers frankie thought I was dean, no wonder they call him short bus
Most of the Progressive posters are artificial life forms spawned at the agitprop internet outreach lab at Media Matters. They all post the identical "thoughts" at the exact same time using the exact same words and syntax, rdrean and Guno; g5000, Starkey and PaintMyHouse for examples
You are actually describing the orchestrated far right fascist chorus on this Board.
Short fingers frankie thought I was dean, no wonder they call him short bus

Hey Commie. How Raoul's favorite little fuck toy this fine morning?
The viet nam war was lost the very day LBJ stupidly allowed the military to con him into pulling the trigger. Propaganda from the bozo's running the pentagon telling us that we were winning the war was the most damaging propaganda of all. So damaging that LBJ was forced from office at the end of his first term.

So you're saying that your democrat president didn't have the competence to just say no?


still but hurt that your better was elected and re elected, I feel your pain :badgrin:
Most of the Progressive posters are artificial life forms spawned at the agitprop internet outreach lab at Media Matters. They all post the identical "thoughts" at the exact same time using the exact same words and syntax, rdrean and Guno; g5000, Starkey and PaintMyHouse for examples
You are actually describing the orchestrated far right fascist chorus on this Board.

Google Search: Everything good Jake ever said about Republicans

0 results found

Google Search: Number of times Jake defended Obama

404 error, results exceed bandwidth capacity of the entire planet
A knowingly straight lie by a small minded TPM goof. I said in 2012 continually that Romney should be the candidate is one quick example. I have been yelling for Kasich this whole season. However, if it is Trump, I will vote third party. That you think you Teaps are the only Republicans, Frank, is bizarre.
Most of the Progressive posters are artificial life forms spawned at the agitprop internet outreach lab at Media Matters. They all post the identical "thoughts" at the exact same time using the exact same words and syntax, rdrean and Guno; g5000, Starkey and PaintMyHouse for examples
You are actually describing the orchestrated far right fascist chorus on this Board.

Google Search: Everything good Jake ever said about Republicans

0 results found

Google Search: Number of times Jake defended Obama

404 error, results exceed bandwidth capacity of the entire planet
A knowingly straight lie by a small minded TPM goof. I said in 2012 continually that Romney should be the candidate is one quick example. I have been yelling for Kasich this whole season. However, if it is Trump, I will vote third party. That you think you are the only Republicans, Frank, is bizarre.

And by "Vote third party" you mean you're ready for Hillary since 2007, right?
I thought yeshiva made Guno the miserable human he is today, I was mistaken. He's miserable because he's a genuine Castro supporting Communist. He sees the poverty, misery hopelessness and shared toliet paper that is Cuban Communism. It bothers him, but instead of directing his anger at the Castros he's been trained Rdean-like to hate America and Republicans
Things these paid shills attempt to detract with:

Play racist card
Call you names
Term you as conspiracy theorist
Claim you as a tin foil hat paranoid idiot

Hanoi Hannah, is a Vietnamese radio personality

During the Vietnam War, she became famous among US soldiers for her propaganda broadcasts onRadio Hanoi.

She made three broadcasts a day, reading a list of the newly killed or imprisoned Americans, attempting to persuade US GIs that the US involvement in the Vietnam War was unjust and immoral, and playing popular US anti-war songs in an attempt to incite feelings of nostalgia and homesickness.

Propaganda was used extensively by Communist forces in the Vietnam War as means of controlling people's opinions. Radio stations like Radio Hanoi were in an integral part of North Vietnamese propaganda operations. Communist Vietnamese politician Mai Chi Tho, commenting on the use of propaganda, stated:

"Ho Chi Minh may have been an evil man; Nixon may have been a great man. The Americans may have had the just cause; we may not have had the just cause. But we won and the Americans were defeated because we convinced the people that Ho Chi Minh is the great man, that Nixon is a murderer and the Americans are the invaders... The key factor is how to control people and their opinions. Only Marxism–Leninism can do that."



The viet nam war was lost the very day LBJ stupidly allowed the military to con him into pulling the trigger. Propaganda from the bozo's running the pentagon telling us that we were winning the war was the most damaging propaganda of all. So damaging that LBJ was forced from office at the end of his first term.

So you're saying that your democrat president didn't have the competence to just say no?



Kennedy slow walking the start of the viet nam war right up until his assassination probably had everything to do with LBJ doing the unthinkable.

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