Powder Keg Watch: Harvard names a Jew to replace outgoing President Claudine Gay

They've been dragging us into their wars since 1982. I'm not seeing a good investment making enemies of people who have nothing to do with us otherwise.
Israel is an oasis surrounded by a vast desert of primitive, brutal barbarism. I am sure you would rather live in Israel than in any Muslim country int he world.
Everything, he falsified data and lied to the people he collected it from. They fired Claudine Gay for a lot less.

What data did Charles Murray falsify? Prove it. I have documented racial differences in average intelligence right here on the US Message Board, using information I have found on the internet.

Even before Claudine Gay's plagiarism was discovered, it was known that she was the first Harvard President who had not written a book, and who would not be required to attend faculty meetings. Those who selected her knew better than to expect much from her intellectually.
This person is a white supremacist bigot, that's why they are clueless about how Jews operate in the real world.
You’re an idiot. What have I ever said that makes me a white suoremacist? Because I don’t like a Harvard president saying it’s OK to call for the genocide of Jews?

YOU are the bigot, and the antisemite, who defends her.
What data did Charles Murray falsify? Prove it. I have documented racial differences in average intelligence right here on the US Message Board, using information I have found on the internet.

Even before Claudine Gay's plagiarism was discovered, it was known that she was the first Harvard President who had not written a book, and who would not be required to attend faculty meetings. Those who selected her knew better than to expect much from her intellectually.
She comes across as the typical dumbass Negro that these stupid universities hire because of DEI commitments. Just think of all the much more qualified people that were passed over for the job because they didn't check the DEI box.

How can anybody get a good education at an university that uses DEI criteria instead of academic excellence for its facility and administration?
She comes across as the typical dumbass Negro that these stupid universities hire because of DEI commitments. Just think of all the much more qualified people that were passed over for the job because they didn't check the DEI box.

How can anybody get a good education at a university that uses DEI criteria instead of academic excellence for its facility and administration?
Think of all the qualified people passed over for Press Secretary because they found a black, female, gay, immigrant. Four boxes checked!
She comes across as the typical dumbass Negro that these stupid universities hire because of DEI commitments. Just think of all the much more qualified people that were passed over for the job because they didn't check the DEI box.

How can anybody get a good education at an university that uses DEI criteria instead of academic excellence for its facility and administration?
All of Claudine Gay's academic work concerned how badly whites have treated blacks.

Outstanding writers expose flaws in their own cultures. I am thinking particularly of Euripides, Voltaire, and Sinclair Lewis, but there are others. Where are the black writers who expose flaws in the black culture? There is much to expose.
All of Claudine Gay's academic work concerned how badly whites have treated blacks.

Outstanding writers expose flaws in their own cultures. I am thinking particularly of Euripides, Voltaire, and Sinclair Lewis, but there are others. Where are the black writers who expose flaws in the black culture? There is much to expose.
She is Michelle Obama’s twin. Her these was kept hidden from voters.
All of Claudine Gay's academic work concerned how badly whites have treated blacks.

Outstanding writers expose flaws in their own cultures. I am thinking particularly of Euripides, Voltaire, and Sinclair Lewis, but there are others. Where are the black writers who expose flaws in the black culture? There is much to expose.
Where are the blacks on this forum willing to expose their own role in the failure of the black underclass? It’s always how bad whites are and how much more money we need to give them.
Having an illegitimate child is more than a life style choice. Most illegitimate children are raised on welfare. Why should responsible married couples pay to support the illegitimate children of irresponsible parents.?

Also, children raised to adulthood by both biological parents living together in matrimony tend to have many fewer problems in life than other children.
Why stop at just illegitimate children. People should be compelled to stay in marriages as long as their are children involved. I mean, why the fuck not? FUck this freedom shit, amiright?

No divorces, ever.
Israel is an oasis surrounded by a vast desert of primitive, brutal barbarism. I am sure you would rather live in Israel than in any Muslim country int he world.
I wouldn't want to live in either.

If the Zionist Entity was so fucking awesome, why are there more Jews in America than in Israel? Seems like the majority of the world's Jews don't want to live there, either.

You’re an idiot. What have I ever said that makes me a white suoremacist?
Well, there was that time you went batshit over the posters.
She is Michelle Obama’s twin. Her these was kept hidden from voters.
What little I have read of it would have earned a C in my freshman English class.

After I got my first job as a computer programmer my computer shop hired a black programmer. It soon became obvious that he could not do his job, he did not try, and he did not care.

When I learned that he was paid twice what I was I discussed the matter with our boss. Our boss told me:

"When I was promoted to my present position I was told that I would be evaluated in part by my ability to attract and keep black subordinates. I was also told that I was supposed to expect less from them."
When I learned that he was paid twice what I was I discussed the matter with our boss. Our boss told me:
if you were underpaid, it sounds like they didn't respect you all that much.

Seems like you are blaming a black guy for what white people did to you.

Why stop at just illegitimate children. People should be compelled to stay in marriages as long as their are children involved. I mean, why the fuck not? FUck this freedom shit, amiright?

No divorces, ever.
I am in favor of free abortion on demand. I am also in favor of ending welfare assistance for illegitimate children.

A single government financed abortion would save a small fortune in trying to educate those who are too stupid to learn and too lazy to try. It would save a small fortune in welfare expense, criminal justice expense, and crimes committed.
if you were underpaid, it sounds like they didn't respect you all that much.

Seems like you are blaming a black guy for what white people did to you.

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I coded a single program which saved my company about a half million dollars. In the process I fixed a problem that that had been losing money for the company.

The sucker is anyone who thinks that standards are arbitrary, and that when standards are lowered for blacks they will perform as well as those for whom standards were nor lowered.
I coded a single program which saved my company about a half million dollars. In the process I fixed a problem that that had been losing money for the company.

The sucker is anyone who thinks that standards are arbitrary, and that when standards are lowered for blacks they will perform as well as those for whom standards were nor lowered.
When standards are lowered for blacks, not only does it not help them, it hurts them. Seeing a black like Gay, who is a repeated plagarizer and an antisemite, retain a $900,000 academic post at Harvard because well….there’d be hell to pay if they fired her….makes it more difficult for competent blacks to be hired on merit. Employers are rightfully reluctant to hire a member of a group who can’t be fired, no matter how awful they turn out to be.
When standards are lowered for blacks, not only does it not help them, it hurts them. Seeing a black like Gay, who is a repeated plagarizer and an antisemite, retain a $900,000 academic post at Harvard because well….there’d be hell to pay if they fired her….makes it more difficult for competent blacks to be hired on merit. Employers are rightfully reluctant to hire a member of a group who can’t be fired, no matter how awful they turn out to be.
I look forward to the Supreme Court ruling that affirmative action in hiring decisions is un Constitutional. School administrators will always find ways to admit Negroes who do not belong on campus. Few bosses like being pressured to hire unqualified blacks and to keep them on payrolls when their incompetence becomes obvious.

When affirmative action in hiring is ruled against millions of colored people will be fired from jobs their bosses never wanted to hire them for to begin with. This will open opportunities for whites and Orientals. Jews particularly will benefit.
I look forward to the Supreme Court ruling that affirmative action in hiring decisions is un Constitutional. School administrators will always find ways to admit Negroes who do not belong on campus. Few bosses like being pressured to hire unqualified blacks and to keep them on payrolls when their incompetence becomes obvious.

When affirmative action in hiring is ruled against millions of colored people will be fired from jobs their bosses never wanted to hire them for to begin with. This will open opportunities for whites and Orientals. Jews particularly will benefit.
I agree with all that, but don’t say colored people. It’s considered a slur. Say people of color.
I agree with all that, but don’t say colored people. It’s considered a slur. Say people of color.
These name changes amuse me. NAACP means "National Association for the Advancement of Colored People."

I have even been told not to use the term "Oriental." As a race realist I appreciate the fact that Orientals tend to be more intelligent than whites, and that they have lower rates of crime and illegitimacy. I have never known an Oriental I did not like.

Right here on the US Message Board I was told not to use the word "Negro." Martin Luther King used that word fifteen times in his "I have a Dream" speech.

Who makes these changes anyway? I was never consulted.
How many billions has America given Arab and African countries since the Holocaust? How come it’s only a problem for you when Jews - who lost their families and homes due to a massive extermination scheme - get money?
That's just it, I don't have a problem with the Jewish folks getting reparations or assistance. You can't say the same when it comes to black folks.
These name changes amuse me. NAACP means "National Association for the Advancement of Colored People."

I have even been told not to use the term "Oriental." As a race realist I appreciate the fact that Orientals tend to be more intelligent than whites, and that they have lower rates of crime and illegitimacy. I have never known an Oriental I did not like.

Right here on the US Message Board I was told not to use the word "Negro." Martin Luther King used that word fifteen times in his "I have a Dream" speech.

Who makes these changes anyway? I was never consulted.
Yeah, well….if they don’t want to be called that, it’s respectful to go along with it. Doesn’t cost anything.

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