Power Plant Closures

Drawing attention to closing power plants is pointing to only a small part of the total picture. A disingenuous tactic, at best.

Rebuilding boom coming at Michigan power plants

Efforts to battle global warming and climate change by limiting carbon dioxide emissions are likely to produce a massive building boom at Michigan power plants in years to come, potentially creating thousands of jobs.

The change promises a wave of new construction jobs as power utilities across the state invest in new power plants and clean air technologies. And depending on how state government works to boost alternative energy with incentives, Michigan's renewable energy industry also could explode with new jobs and investment.

Out with the old, in with the new.

Here is the status of new power plants in California: Status of All Projects

Here is a web site devoted to new power plants being constructed in North America: New power plant projects for power plant construction and upgrades in the power industry. Power Engineering

This is all good news, I assume most will be NG which will naturally cause the price to rise, been there down that.

As for the closing of the plants, it is reality as your links point out. The electric utilities don't really mind shutting them at all. Can you say your cost for the same amount of electricity has not skyrocketed in the last year or so? Why? Demand should be down with the downturn in the economy.
The EPA, under Nixon

In a topic in which right wingers are bellyaching about the EPA, it is fascinating you are bragging about it. :badgrin:

Prescription drug plan

You mean unpaid for trillion dollar government entitlement program Bush came up with to buy seniors votes?

So what have we learned. We have learned that when a Republican creates a giant government regulatory body, it is a good thing. But when that same regulatory body actually...you know...regulates when there is a Democrat in the White House, it is a bad thing.

We have learned that when a Republican creates a trillion dollar government medical entitlement program, it is a good thing. When a Democrat creates a trillion dollar government medical entitlement program, it is a bad thing.
Drawing attention to closing power plants is pointing to only a small part of the total picture. A disingenuous tactic, at best.

Rebuilding boom coming at Michigan power plants

Efforts to battle global warming and climate change by limiting carbon dioxide emissions are likely to produce a massive building boom at Michigan power plants in years to come, potentially creating thousands of jobs.

The change promises a wave of new construction jobs as power utilities across the state invest in new power plants and clean air technologies. And depending on how state government works to boost alternative energy with incentives, Michigan's renewable energy industry also could explode with new jobs and investment.

Out with the old, in with the new.

Here is the status of new power plants in California: Status of All Projects

Here is a web site devoted to new power plants being constructed in North America: New power plant projects for power plant construction and upgrades in the power industry. Power Engineering

This is all good news, I assume most will be NG which will naturally cause the price to rise, been there down that.

As for the closing of the plants, it is reality as your links point out. The electric utilities don't really mind shutting them at all. Can you say your cost for the same amount of electricity has not skyrocketed in the last year or so? Why? Demand should be down with the downturn in the economy.
I can definitely say my cost of electricity has not skyrocketed. This "skyrocketing" business is manufactured bullshit.

We are also supposed to be seeing massive power outages this winter, according to the piss-drinking Chicken Littles.
Residential electricity prices in the U.S. have risen from an average of 7.83 cents per kilowatthour in 1990 to an average of 11.44 cents per kwh in 2010. This is a 46% increase in 20 years and sounds like a lot but as you can see from the chart below for many years electricity prices did not keep up with overall inflation (the red line is falling).

How Electricity Prices Are Affected by Inflation
Got it, only YOU know the costs, everyone else are idiots. Weird you should be able to source YOUR $500 billion figure right? lol
And you enviro nazis do not care what the costs are. In fact, the moment something new comes along, your minions are right there protesting.
You people may believe you are protesters, but you're not. You are a bunch of annoying whiners.
You people bitch and moan about everything.
Here's an example The Southern Environmental Law Center. Sounds real nice, right. They care....Or do they?
If one looks at their mission statement, there is nothing NOTHING about protecting the environment as a priority. In fact this organization prides itself on one thing, Stopping projects IT deems to be an enemy of the environment. These people have nothing better to do with themselves than run around filing lawsuits.
The interesting part is while they win a lot of battles, they end up losing most of the wars. The end result is projects are delayed costing taxpayers and investors billions. And do these people care? Hell no. They just get to add another stopped pr delayed project to their website.
The SELC is pretty much a bunch of wealthy attorneys whose job it is to make themselves even more wealthy off the misery of others.

Weird, you think Nixon was left or right of the current GOPers?

Ike the BIG GOv't GOPer? The guy who said this:

Every dollar spent by the government must be paid for either by taxes or by more borrowing with greater debt.

The only way to make more tax cuts now is to have bigger and bigger deficits and to borrow more and more money. Either we or our children will have to bear the burden of this debt.

This is one kind of chicken that always comes home to roost. An unwise tax cutter, my fellow citizens, is no real friend of the taxpayer."

- Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower” 1952 in his refusal to lower the top tax rate on the rich from 91%.


AGAIN, I SAID CONSERVATIVES, why is it the you KKKlowns need to conflate a party with an ideology? lol

Thanks, so ANOTHER conservative who can't provide ONE policy conservatives have EVER been on the correct side of history on in the US

Everything else you posit is just noise

Right wingers have myths, distortions and lies in their toolbox, nothing else!

name one that the liberals have ever been right on.

You crow about the EPA, that was Nixon, you claiming him as a liberal?

You crow about clean water. The first clean water act was Nixon, you claiming him as a liberal?

I'll just bet if it were not for Watergate you would claim him because he did something you think was good and we damn well know, according to your world view, nothing good comes from anywhere other then the DNC.

Conservatives don't want contaminated water but we do want logical environmental law based on science and not what some liberal thinks.

Here are some more from another post:

From the beginning:
Formed to end the democrat party practice of slavery, successful.
Supported EVERY equal rights act from the reformation to today, very unlike the democrat party.
Women's right to vote
Construction of the Panama Canal
Construction of the Hoover Dam
Jessie Owens wins four gold medals in the Olympics, FDR and Truman snub him Eisenhower makes him Ambassador of Sports
Jackie Robinson becomes the first black American to play in the Major Leagues
Desegregating schools
The First Asian-American U.S. Senator
The Reagan tax cuts
Collapse of the Soviet Union
The Gulf War
Welfare reform
A Republican Congress balances the budget (1998-2001):
Retaliation in Afghanistan
Response to 9/11
Condi Rice becomes Secretary of State
The interstate transportation system under Eisenhower.
The EPA, under Nixon
The First Clean Water Act
Earned income credit, under Reagan
MLK's Birthday, under Reagan
No child left behind.
Prescription drug plan
Bush tax cuts

Weird you conflate liberal with the Dems and conservatives with the GOP? I asked foir CONSERVATIVES.

Liberal fought the slavery dummy, it was conservatives, todays GOP base from the Southern states who supported it

Conservatives fought EVERYTHING that helped create the US, they were against laws that gave US union rights, labor laws, SS, equal rights, civil rights, etc

Weird you don't know the Republicans and Dems switched places a couple of times the past 150 years, almost like you are being intellectually deceitful? :banghead:

Yes, conservatives fought for tax cuts like Ronnie had when he ramped up spending and cut revenues and then Dubya's when he cut it even more while going nuts on spending, even though he took US to 1950's levels of revenues

Yes, conservatives AND the current GOPers LOVE wars, especially if they don't have to fund them

CONSERVATIVES FOUGHT MLK'S BIRTHDAY, yes even Ronnie opposed it on 'cost concerns', lol

How many SOUTHERN states (and GOP heavy) states refused to honor it? lol

Prescription drug plan? Oh right that thing the GOPers pushed down our throats in the middle of the night to try to win in 2004, that was 100% UNFUNDED and according to CBO costs as much as Obamacares this decade, that is funded?


TRY to understand what a POLICY is versus the drivel you posit. Thanks :asshole:


No, you are the one being dishonest. Do you claim Nixon as a liberal or not? Do you claim Eisenhower? How about Reagan? Or Bush? Which ones do you think are liberals? Ha, no what you want people to believe is that anything you perceive as good was done by liberals anything bad by conservatives. How moronic is that but I don't blame you because the liberal record is so dismal you have to try and steal history. Yes liberals have won on the abortion issue and you can sodomize your friend and even marry him because of liberal democrats but big deal neither put a dime in your pocket. Lincoln was a dead fast conservative.

You can say whatever comes into your little mind about who opposed what but conservative presidents did all those listed even if there was some opposition, THEY got it done.

Weird, you think Nixon was left or right of the current GOPers?

Ike the BIG GOv't GOPer? The guy who said this:

Every dollar spent by the government must be paid for either by taxes or by more borrowing with greater debt.

The only way to make more tax cuts now is to have bigger and bigger deficits and to borrow more and more money. Either we or our children will have to bear the burden of this debt.

This is one kind of chicken that always comes home to roost. An unwise tax cutter, my fellow citizens, is no real friend of the taxpayer."

- Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower” 1952 in his refusal to lower the top tax rate on the rich from 91%.


AGAIN, I SAID CONSERVATIVES, why is it the you KKKlowns need to conflate a party with an ideology? lol

Thanks, so ANOTHER conservative who can't provide ONE policy conservatives have EVER been on the correct side of history on in the US

Everything else you posit is just noise
Example 1 (one)
Duke Energy

When the price of electric power triples just wait for the environmental wackos to blame it on "corporate greed."

Power Plant Closures

Impact of EPA’s Regulatory Assault on Power Plants: New Regulations to Take More than 72 GW of Electricity Generation Offline and the Plant Closing Announcements Keep Coming…
Coal plants are converting to nat gas.

You mean they are tearing down perfectly good multi-$billion coal plants and building new gas fired power plants to replace them.

I doubt you can just take a coal plant and put a few gas burners under the boiler and it will produce electricity efficiently.
Too funny. We need more nuclear power plants. The improvements in nuclear plant design are nothing short of amazing. Nuclear is 24/7 production and carbon-free. Take a look at molten salt reactors:

Molten Salt Reactors

Technology revolution in nuclear power could slash costs below coal - Telegraph

THORIUM MOLTEN-SALT The Best Reactor You 8217 ve Never Heard Of Raw Science

Sadly many people will refuse to discuss clean coal burning options that presently exist simply because the fuel is coal. The same is true of nuclear. If it's not solar, wind or wave it can't be considered. Tragic that the well-meaning are so close-minded.

Where do you put the waste?

You don't...molten-salt reactors are FUELED by the waste! (Another name for them is WAMSR: Waste-Annihilating molten-salt reactor.)
Coal plants are converting to nat gas.

You mean they are tearing down perfectly good multi-$billion coal plants and building new gas fired power plants to replace them.

I doubt you can just take a coal plant and put a few gas burners under the boiler and it will produce electricity efficiently.

I suspect much of it CAN actually be re-used...but I also suspect it is not cheap.
Coal plants are converting to nat gas.

You mean they are tearing down perfectly good multi-$billion coal plants and building new gas fired power plants to replace them.

I doubt you can just take a coal plant and put a few gas burners under the boiler and it will produce electricity efficiently.

I suspect much of it CAN actually be re-used...but I also suspect it is not cheap.

I doubt that much of it can be re-used. A boiler designed to burn coal is designed entirely differently from one designed to burn natural gas. Furthermore, there's all the infrastructure for handling coal that becomes entirely useless. No railroad to the site is needed. No huge piles of coal, no conveyor belts, no machinery for handling the ash, no place to store the ash . . . yada, yada, yada. In fact, natural gas can be burned directly in a gas turbine - no boiler needed.
They need new boilers...but once the water is boiled, it can use the same piping to spin the same turbines powering the same generators and wiring, and be recovered with the same condensers.

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