Pray for the continuing good health of Justices Ginsburg and Breyer

We can and will survive a Trump administration, regardless of his broken promises and scatter-brained policies.

What we must fear most of all is the destiny we'll face with the SCOTUS......

Scalia's (may he roast in peace along Lucifer's side) seat will be filled during the Trump term and we will have to rely on the sometime moderate decision of a Justice Kennedy for some sanity in what the Court adjudicates.

My biggest fear, however, is the death or retirement of Justices Ginsburg (83 years old) and Breyer (78 years old).......If those two are to be replaced, may the Lord have mercy on the eradication of our social (and economic) issues.


She looks dead already. Someone check that for a pulse!
Actually I pray daily for Ginsberg to croak so she can go to Hell where she belongs.

Once down there she can wear a pentagram and preach her Communist Manifesto.

No need to preach there. They created communism
Ahem...(may he roast in peace along Lucifer's side)

Well, hard to forgive an ultra conservative for helping to select GWB and handing us Citizen United.....don't you think?

One of these days I would love you people to actually read citizens united and explain why any group of people should be forbidden to criticize a politician before an election.
One of these days I would love you people to actually read citizens united and explain why any group of people should be forbidden to criticize a politician before an election.

Citizen United legalized the corruption of politicians......common voters' voices are virtually DROWNED by huge amounts of corporate money.......

What the majority in the SOCTUS did is to equate Money with other words the increase of corporate donations AMPLIFIES the volume of that "voice" and will make (even more so than what we previously had) politicians adhere to that louder voice instead of his or her constituents.
One of these days I would love you people to actually read citizens united and explain why any group of people should be forbidden to criticize a politician before an election.

Citizen United legalized the corruption of politicians......common voters' voices are virtually DROWNED by huge amounts of corporate money.......

What the majority in the SOCTUS did is to equate Money with other words the increase of corporate donations AMPLIFIES the volume of that "voice" and will make (even more so than what we previously had) politicians adhere to that louder voice instead of his or her constituents.

Again. One day I hope you actually read the decision. Because the constitution clearly prohibits the federal government from fining anyone for attacking Clinton before an election. I don't see how you can argue otherwise.

As for money in politics, you're naive I'd you don't realize its always been there and always will be
We can and will survive a Trump administration, regardless of his broken promises and scatter-brained policies.

What we must fear most of all is the destiny we'll face with the SCOTUS......

Scalia's (may he roast in peace along Lucifer's side) seat will be filled during the Trump term and we will have to rely on the sometime moderate decision of a Justice Kennedy for some sanity in what the Court adjudicates.

My biggest fear, however, is the death or retirement of Justices Ginsburg (83 years old) and Breyer (78 years old).......If those two are to be replaced, may the Lord have mercy on the eradication of our social (and economic) issues.

Anytime I look at either one the movie "A Weekend at Bernie's" comes to mind.
A 7 - 2 conservative supreme court would be a catastrophe for this country

No it wouldn't. Not in the least. But will trump really appoint originalists?
It would be a disaster for civil liberties and individual freedoms. A 7 - 2 conservative supreme court will set us back decades and rights that people spent their lives fighting and dying for would be called into question - something that the right readily admits to wanting.
A 7 - 2 conservative supreme court would be a catastrophe for this country

No it wouldn't. Not in the least. But will trump really appoint originalists?
It would be a disaster for civil liberties and individual freedoms. A 7 - 2 conservative supreme court will set us back decades and rights that people spent their lives fighting and dying for would be called into question - something that the right readily admits to wanting.

Every lib on that court has ruled in favor of Disparate Impact Theory that in practice requires nearly universal anti-white discrimination.

You lefties have ALREADY moved us back decades.
A catastrophe because men wouldn't be allowed to go into the women's room?

True.....folks like Trump wouldn't be allowed to enter into the dressing rooms of Miss Universe contestants.......Oh, the horror........LOL

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