Prayer group kicked out of mall

Would you say the same thing about a flash mob?

Granted, while flash mobs do generally crash whatever venue they use, they are also usually gone within a matter of minutes. They don't hang around trying to get others to join their group, they just show up, perform a short number and then leave.
Private property.

With both religion and political speech, I have a right to go on your property to solicit signatures, raise money, leave literature, etc. Go ahead and call the cops; they will just stand there, maybe check an ID, then drive off.
Sure it is. The first amendment covers all expression & speech. Having said that private property rights supercede that.

Actually it doesn't. Next time a Jehovah's Witness or a political activist knocks on your door asking for a signature on a petition or handing out literature call the cops and see what happens. Japanese metal bands aren't covered.
Want to explain why you've never read the 1st Amendment? Hint: It doesn't say anything about Japanese hippie shit.

Actually it doesn't. Next time a Jehovah's Witness or a political activist knocks on your door asking for a signature on a petition or handing out literature call the cops and see what happens. Japanese metal bands aren't covered.

Actually, I HAVE read it, and it's a subject that came up regularly in Navy Rights and Responsibilities (a 1 week class that everyone had to take once a year in the Navy).

And, while it doesn't specifically mention Japanese metal, it doesn't specifically mention Christianity either. it for yourself.......................

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

And, because it's not specific, there is room in there for political activists and Jehova's witnesses (like there is for Christians), as well as allowances for Japanese metal, because nothing is really specified. Japanese metal could be considered free speech.
Actually it doesn't. Next time a Jehovah's Witness or a political activist knocks on your door asking for a signature on a petition or handing out literature call the cops and see what happens. Japanese metal bands aren't covered.
Private property elude you.
They can legally knock unless you have a no solicitation sign is visible.

ALL SPEECH is covered except on private property where the owner has rules.
With both religion and political speech, I have a right to go on your property to solicit signatures, raise money, leave literature, etc. Go ahead and call the cops; they will just stand there, maybe check an ID, then drive off.
You as an individual have absolutely no right to enter my property without permission. If there are not signs stating this you may assume you do not need permission but you can still be trespassed
If I tell the cops you are trespassed from my property then next time you step foot ion my property you have committed a crime.

Trespass is knowingly entering another owners’ property or land without permission, which encroaches on the owners’ privacy or property interests. There are many laws relating to trespass.
It wasn't deflection. It was my honest opinion.
How would you like it if my Japanese screaming metal group was playing in the mall? Unless you're partial to that kind of music I doubt you'd want to hear it. Religious music or loud chanting/praying is no different than any other. Some like it some don't.
If it's an open platform that was designed and created to invite decent and tolerable entertainment, then it's up to the operator's to call the shots on who can stay and who goes, but they best make the right choices or it can backfire on them in a tremendous way. Just look at Bud Light for example, and how that offended the base. Keep it up wokester's, because the results don't lie.

My thoughts are if the group was being peaceful and decent, and they weren't acting outside of the Malls decorum and rule's, then they should have been allowed to stay.
Actually, I HAVE read it, and it's a subject that came up regularly in Navy Rights and Responsibilities (a 1 week class that everyone had to take once a year in the Navy).

And, while it doesn't specifically mention Japanese metal, it doesn't specifically mention Christianity either. it for yourself.......................

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

And, because it's not specific, there is room in there for political activists and Jehova's witnesses (like there is for Christians), as well as allowances for Japanese metal, because nothing is really specified. Japanese metal could be considered free speech.

You don't know what you're talking about. The Amendment prevents the govt. from establishing a favored national sect, as the Anglicans were attempt to do at that time. It did not prevent Christians from doing anything, and it didn't even prevent the individual states from establishing a govt. favored sect. And all you did was just verify what I said. lol and Japanese metal is just rubbish, not Christian religion nor political speech. It's just annoying crap.

As for not specifically naming Christianity, it would have just been redundant, thats why; no other religions had any presence worth mentioning; of course they were referring to Christian religions. They didn't feel the need to make a list. Jefferson attended church services in the Treasury building and Congressional building as President, and also funded Catholic missionries with Federal money. Whether or not this offends assorted deviants and pagans is not a concern.
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You as an individual have absolutely no right to enter my property without permission. If there are not signs stating this you may assume you do not need permission but you can still be trespassed
If I tell the cops you are trespassed from my property then next time you step foot ion my property you have committed a crime.

Trespass is knowingly entering another owners’ property or land without permission, which encroaches on the owners’ privacy or property interests. There are many laws relating to trespass.

Like I said go ahead and call the cops, be an idiot. Religious and political solicitation is protected; your sniveling bigotry isn't.
Like I said go ahead and call the cops, be an idiot. Religious and political solicitation is protected; your sniveling bigotry isn't.
No it isn't.

You never have the right to walk onto a person's property without permission. IDGAF if you're the fucking pope you aren't allowed on my property and if you ignore my posted No Tres[passing signs I will have you charged with criminal trespass.

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