Prayer group kicked out of mall

^^^ The people were told not to come back? Wow, I thought that the goal was to attract potential customers, not make people take their business elsewhere.

It's a mall that caters to high end customers. Evul black Xians aren't considered 'upscale' in that mall's businesses.

EVen more hilarious, the former Jewish owners, were big BLM fans ...

The new owners? lol ...

Legal record​

In 2007, the company was sued for banning the use of Segways, which the plaintiff claimed was in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act.[49] In 2009, the company was sued by a nightclub for racial discrimination for allegedly blocking its main entrance since the majority of its clientele were black.[50]

In 2011, the company was sued for allegedly firing a woman because she was pregnant.[51] In the same year, the company agreed to pay $125,000 to settle allegations by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission that Latino janitors working for the company were subjected to daily verbal attacks because of their national origin.[52]

Yet Mr. Simon’s benevolence was global. He was a valued contributor to major political leaders like Bill Clinton and John Kerry whose work has directly served the causes to which The Melvin and Bren Simon Foundation & Joshua Max Simon Foundation are committed. The foundations continue to support the Clinton Global Initiative.

The heirs had a big fight over his will.

Ah, no wonder they management hates Evul Black Xians and bans them from their malls. lol
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One of the guys in this story is someone I follow on Instagram. His name is Jimmy Levy. He's an interesting person, for sure. And he has a really good voice. I love his new song called 'Amen'... which is about his testimony. Here's just a little bit of the song...

imagine you being the owner of a ranch with a nice big open space, a lawn even. and then 50 people enter your property and stage a rally for joe biden.

what would you do?

exercise your rights as the owner?
Imagine you being the owner of a business and a mob of BLM savages burn it down. And this happens thousands of times to different owners , in hundreds of cities, for months of end - and the Democrats refuse to call out the National Guard.

Or maybe you’re a business owner in Baltimore, where blacks are rioting and destroying businesses - and the mayor tells us to “give them space to destroy.”

Liberals have more tolerance for violent blacks destroying private property than Christians singing on private property.
imagine you being the owner of a ranch with a nice big open space, a lawn even. and then 50 people enter your property and stage a rally for joe biden.

what would you do?

exercise your rights as the owner?
You are talking private property where random people aren't allowed to congregate dummy, but when you create a space for open events to take place, then you invite diversity and open events, so was the group asked to leave for fear of the next open event possibly being a gang banger hip hop event maybe 🤔 ?? Think about it.
Outstanding!!! Those religious whack brains have no business polluting the environment with their claptrap.



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Deflect more.

It's funny.

It wasn't deflection. It was my honest opinion.
How would you like it if my Japanese screaming metal group was playing in the mall? Unless you're partial to that kind of music I doubt you'd want to hear it. Religious music or loud chanting/praying is no different than any other. Some like it some don't.
It wasn't deflection. It was my honest opinion.
How would you like it if my Japanese screaming metal group was playing in the mall? Unless you're partial to that kind of music I doubt you'd want to hear it. Religious music or loud chanting/praying is no different than any other. Some like it some don't.

I don't go to malls.

How does it feel?

But if it was Taiko, which some find obnoxious, I'd love it.

I don't know it's been over a decade since I went to one. Last time I went it was overrun with groups of thugs harassing people. Shortly after that fights and worse began breaking out regularly.
All of our "malls" are now just massive outdoor centers.

My locality simply doesn't see that stuff, thank God.

The same mall was the place where I hung out as a mall rat way back in the early 70's. I still go two shops located in the same peripheral arm of the mall, where there's not likely to be much action if it ever broke out there.

It wasn't deflection. It was my honest opinion.
How would you like it if my Japanese screaming metal group was playing in the mall? Unless you're partial to that kind of music I doubt you'd want to hear it. Religious music or loud chanting/praying is no different than any other. Some like it some don't.

Japanese metal music isn't covered by the 1st Amendment. Christianity is.
Sure it is. The first amendment covers all expression & speech. Having said that private property rights supercede that.

How about obnoxiously loud noise? One has to assume that any kind of metal band is likely to be louder than a Christian choir.

For that reason, I can see why Taiko could be considered obnoxiously loud, even though I love them.


How about obnoxiously loud noise? One has to assume that any kind of metal band is likely to be louder than a Christian choir.

For that reason, I can see why Taiko could be considered obnoxiously loud, even though I love them.

I think most here find my music obnoxious. I post anyways because talented people deserve exposure. That and I find the mix of cultures fascinating. Like BabyMetal, grinding hard metal music with 3 girls singing and dancing. Or BandMaid with traditional hard rock but presented in Tokyo maid Cafe outfits.

To each their own
5And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. Truly I tell you, they already have their full reward. 6But when you pray, go into your inner room, shut your door, and pray to your Father, who is unseen. And your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.
7And when you pray, do not babble on like pagans, for they think that by their many words they will be heard. 8Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.
Yet, Jesus prayed publicly. Therefore, he was speaking metaphorically. Don't be praying with the wrong heart.

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