Pre-written anti-gun speech in my pocket


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles

Americans have become so used to the idea of people attacking the Second Amendment that they don't ever realize how ghoulish these anti-gun politicians are. they LOVE IT when there's a massacre. within a couple of days they're working on their agenda.
(after Columbine, the media focused on a local politician and he reached into his coat pocket and pulled out an anti-gun speech, in hopes of furthering his career)

any American that entertains the idea of gun control is either committing treason against the country or completely ignorant of our history.
the Second Amendment says "The right to bear arms shall not be infringed", at that point politicians are done. ...have nothing to say.
whether a person uses a gun to go hunting , to shoot a horse thief on his property, or to shoot some thug wearing a Federal badge who has come to arrest him, is entirely up to that individual.

how did everything get screwed up?
because someone said "wait a minute, i'm an EXPERT in law" or "wait a minute, i'm a constitutional EXPERT" ...and you will hear a big long speech about how the right to bear arms REALLY MEANS you CANT own guns.
that is not the way the U.S. Constitution was written , James Madison said the Constitution was going to be judged by it's words.
the PUBLIC decides what the definition is, and the politicians represent the public.
it WAS NOT created, so someone names himself the leader then tells the public what to do.
James Madison himself, during his lifetime, started releasing papers from the federal convention because he thought people were twisting it the wrong way.

the ACLU claims they defend "civil liberties", yet , they don't believe in personal gun ownership, ...they try to stay silent on the subject, why?
where do our "civil liberties" come from? the answer is the Bill of Rights.
if the ACLU doesn't fully agree with the Bill of Rights then where do they get their ideas from?
the answer might surprise you, comrade!

the founders of our nation never said much about gun rights, wanna know why? because there was no organization that could march around the country and take away people's guns.
the original creation of America did not include a standing army, and the loss of rights was the exact reason why.
* originally there was no standing army, but they decided they would need a navy.
* there was no Federal Reserve
* there ws no IRS
* there was no FBI
* there was no CIA
* there was no BATF
* there was no Homeland Security

who was to take guns?
this might be a shock to you, but the government had no power to do anything to you.
the laws were pre-written by citizens, a person who was a suspect in a crime could only be detained by a deputy. only a jury made up of citizens could hand out a punishment, ...not a judge.

when police forces were created they only gave them clubs and later, .38s, so they didn't over-power the public

all this crap about "you lied to the IRS" or "you lied to a Federal agent" , "so you're going to jail", is all crap the government pulled out of it's ass, it DOES NOT have the authority to do that.

a citizen's gun ownership rights are protected by the Constitution , no police force is.
if anyone is getting gun controlled under the U.S. Constitution, it's the immigrants, Feds, and police.

there was a possibility a state might go too far. the defense of a state was the militia, AKA every male citizens over the age of 17.
the state army WAS the citizen. you had the ability to pick up and go to a different state.
the founders probably had the feeling if you couldn't control the politicians in your own state, you were screwed anyways.


the government says "we're telling everyone about your criminal record"
you say "but i can't work now"
the government says "that's your problem buddy"

you say "but i have children to support"
the government says "that's your problem buddy"

the government says "you have to go to jail because you didn't pay taxes right"
you say "but i have children to support"
the government says "that's your problem buddy"

you say "i can't afford these bills, i'm going to be homeless"
the government says "that's your problem buddy"

you say "my son got messed up on the drugs you guys refuse to take off the streets"
the government says "that's your problem buddy"

you say "Hey! my friend isn't getting the treatment he needs from the VA hospital"
the government says "we'll look into it and let you know"

the media says "the government killed an innocent man when they kicked in someone's door"
the government says "whoops"

the government kills some handicapped kid in his own back yard.
the government says "whoops"

NOW , there's a citizen on citizen massacre.
"something has to be done!"

their idea is to ban all guns.
if all the guns were gone and people were killing each other with pipe from Home Depo, would they ban pipe?
no. the government would just say , "that sucks"
why ban guns but not ban pipe.
because they don't want the public to have self defense, they don't care if people die.
it's a pure idiotic strategy to blame a murder on the tool.
and when we listen to foolish gun control ideas, we allow the government to walk away from all the problems they created in this society.

are guns the big danger to people in our society?
no they're not.
cars are far more dangerous, yet they give every moron a driver's license? why? because of socialist policy.
thanks to the DMV , car insurance, and health insurance, every time there's an accident, someone makes money.

medical malpractice is the biggest murderer in our society.
the government has full power to do something about it.
not interested. why? because there's money to be made and they don't care if people die.

when it's time to give up the Second Amendment, then when is it time to give up the First? or the Fourth?

the U.S. Constitution is a compact, if one part is broken, it's all broke

America comes closer and closer to giving up gun rights because the Socialists use emotional issues to say gun rights are bad.
the Socialist are the biggest mass murderers in human history, and we're going to give up gun rights for their promise of safety?

Hmmm........ Ever consider that most American citizens would like to see limits on certain types of weopons because they are tired of seeing their neighbors and children gunned down en masse by the likes of kooks like you?
Hmmm........ Ever consider that most American citizens would like to see limits on certain types of weopons because they are tired of seeing their neighbors and children gunned down en masse by the likes of kooks like you?

Ban the AR, the shotgun or the handguns Holmes used ?
Hmmm........ Ever consider that most American citizens would like to see limits on certain types of weopons because they are tired of seeing their neighbors and children gunned down en masse by the likes of kooks like you?

the problem is not the weapon the problem is how the government runs our cities

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