Precision in Nature: Evidence of God or Accidents?

There is a whole lot of evidence for what you call 'macro-evolution'. There are mountains of evidence for it. You don't have a clue about this stuff.

I call them different species because we're discussing Biology. You don't know what a family is do you?

Do you think that cats and lions have common ancestors?

Do you think that land snails (pulmonates) evolved from water snails? (don't kid yourself.....That's what you call "macro-evolution")

Do you think that sea slugs evolved from snails? (don't kid yourself.....That's what you call "macro-evolution")

I don't. Why are you writing that sort of bullshit about me?

What is the mechanism for evolution ?

The mechanism is in the interaction of the individuals within species. We, as race of humans are taller and more numerous than we were even 200 years ago.

That is evolution. If you are white and your children are white, that is evolution. Sameness, as well as difference is evolution. It is the path on which a species changes, but the species knows not the path nor does it know the direction or the destination.

We, as humans exist within societies and those societies swell as our ancestors contribute to evolution. The crippling illness of today was the fatal illness of yesterday. Conversely, the fatal illness of today may have been a dormant curiosity in the past.

Life is change and change is what evolution is.

If we go with your theory--I was taught that evolution is just a bit more complicated than that but we'll use your definition here--let's return to the topic of the thread. Is the evolution we can observe all strictly a process of random chance? Or are there other dynamics involved? And if there are other dynamics involved, is it within the range of rational possibility that evolution is part of a larger dynamic that could be called Intelligent Design?
This from an open mind?

I have seen nothing to believe it is possible.

Did you see the quote from DR. Crick concerning the origins of life this is an evolutionist. He is also one who worked on prebiotic evolution and pleads ignorance on the origins quetion.

Protien created outside the cell: Voila!

A new wrinkle in evolution -- man-made proteins

IMAGE: The three-dimensional structure (ribbon diagram) of protein DX as a crystallogrpahic dimer. The zinc metal ion is shown in orange and the chloride anion at the dimer interface in red,...
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A new wrinkle in evolution -- man-made proteins

Nature, through the trial and error of evolution, has discovered a vast diversity of life from what can only presumed to have been a primordial pool of building blocks. Inspired by this success, a new Biodesign Institute research team, led by John Chaput, is now trying to mimic the process of Darwinian evolution in the laboratory by evolving new proteins from scratch. Using new tricks of molecular biology, Chaput and co-workers have evolved several new proteins in a fraction of the 3 billion years it took nature.

Their most recent results, published in the May 23rd edition of the journal PLoS ONE, have led to some surprisingly new lessons on how to optimize proteins which have never existed in nature before, in a process they call ‘synthetic evolution.’

"The goal of our research is to understand certain fundamental questions regarding the origin and evolution of proteins," said Chaput, a researcher in the institute’s Center for BioOptical Nanotechnology and assistant professor in Arizona State University’s department of chemistry and biochemistry. "Would proteins that we evolve in the lab look like proteins we see today in nature or do they look totally different from the set of proteins nature ultimately chose" By gaining a better understanding of these questions, we hope to one day create new tailor-made catalysts that can be used as therapeutics in molecular medicine or biocatalysts in biotechnology."

Yep,you are ignoring it took intelligence to achieve this goal. Another problem they can't form a cell that will form other cells ,nice try.

The Cell Theory states: •All living organisms are composed of cells. They may be unicellular or multicellular.

•The cell is the basic unit of life.

•Cells arise from pre-existing cells.

Cell Theory

Thank you for playing.
There is a whole lot of evidence for what you call 'macro-evolution'. There are mountains of evidence for it. You don't have a clue about this stuff.

I call them different species because we're discussing Biology. You don't know what a family is do you?

Do you think that cats and lions have common ancestors?

Do you think that land snails (pulmonates) evolved from water snails? (don't kid yourself.....That's what you call "macro-evolution")

Do you think that sea slugs evolved from snails? (don't kid yourself.....That's what you call "macro-evolution")

I don't. Why are you writing that sort of bullshit about me?

What is the mechanism for evolution ?

The mechanism is in the interaction of the individuals within species. We, as race of humans are taller and more numerous than we were even 200 years ago.

That is evolution. If you are white and your children are white, that is evolution. Sameness, as well as difference is evolution. It is the path on which a species changes, but the species knows not the path nor does it know the direction or the destination.

We, as humans exist within societies and those societies swell as our ancestors contribute to evolution. The crippling illness of today was the fatal illness of yesterday. Conversely, the fatal illness of today may have been a dormant curiosity in the past.

Life is change and change is what evolution is.

What is the mechanism ? please don't say natural selection all that does is eliminate creatures that can't adapt to their enviornment,That happens rarely because ,the biggest culprit is man.
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What is the mechanism for evolution ?

The mechanism is in the interaction of the individuals within species. We, as race of humans are taller and more numerous than we were even 200 years ago.

That is evolution. If you are white and your children are white, that is evolution. Sameness, as well as difference is evolution. It is the path on which a species changes, but the species knows not the path nor does it know the direction or the destination.

We, as humans exist within societies and those societies swell as our ancestors contribute to evolution. The crippling illness of today was the fatal illness of yesterday. Conversely, the fatal illness of today may have been a dormant curiosity in the past.

Life is change and change is what evolution is.

If we go with your theory--I was taught that evolution is just a bit more complicated than that but we'll use your definition here--let's return to the topic of the thread. Is the evolution we can observe all strictly a process of random chance? Or are there other dynamics involved? And if there are other dynamics involved, is it within the range of rational possibility that evolution is part of a larger dynamic that could be called Intelligent Design?

If you don't mind me butting in here......I think it is, of course, possible that evolution was created or is continuously directed by an intelligence. For me, at least, my problems with ID stem only from the claim it is a scientific field of study, or perhaps some of the arguments used as evidence for a creator; I won't argue that a designer may exist.

Now, I might argue against your particular idea of what that designer is. :eusa_whistle: But accepting the possibility is part of admitting both my personal ignorance and humanity's ignorance about so many things.
The mechanism is in the interaction of the individuals within species. We, as race of humans are taller and more numerous than we were even 200 years ago.

That is evolution. If you are white and your children are white, that is evolution. Sameness, as well as difference is evolution. It is the path on which a species changes, but the species knows not the path nor does it know the direction or the destination.

We, as humans exist within societies and those societies swell as our ancestors contribute to evolution. The crippling illness of today was the fatal illness of yesterday. Conversely, the fatal illness of today may have been a dormant curiosity in the past.

Life is change and change is what evolution is.

If we go with your theory--I was taught that evolution is just a bit more complicated than that but we'll use your definition here--let's return to the topic of the thread. Is the evolution we can observe all strictly a process of random chance? Or are there other dynamics involved? And if there are other dynamics involved, is it within the range of rational possibility that evolution is part of a larger dynamic that could be called Intelligent Design?

If you don't mind me butting in here......I think it is, of course, possible that evolution was created or is continuously directed by an intelligence. For me, at least, my problems with ID stem only from the claim it is a scientific field of study, or perhaps some of the arguments used as evidence for a creator; I won't argue that a designer may exist.

Now, I might argue against your particular idea of what that designer is. :eusa_whistle: But accepting the possibility is part of admitting both my personal ignorance and humanity's ignorance about so many things.

Thank you for butting in. Seriously!!! An open mind is so rare and so refreshing in what should be a philosophical discussion of possibilities.

I agree that neither Creationism nor Intelligent Design--and I do not see that these have to be either mutually exclusive nor do they have to be the same thing--can legitimiately be taught as science. I think any scientist and any science teacher is perfectly okay with saying that there is no scientific proof or theory for Intelligent Design and there is no known scientific method that can test such a concept.

But I think nobody can truly call himself a scientist, and no science teacher is worthy to be in the classroom, who will say that Intelligent Design does not exist BECAUSE there is no scientific proof or theory and/or that there is no known scientific method that can test such a concept.
What is the mechanism for evolution ?

Genetic change.

Do you acknowledge the fact that there is no scientific evidence for creationism?

Don't lie...Don't post bullshit.....Answer the question.
Well I have posted facts that contradict your facts

You haven't. You don't know what a fact is.
So now what no serious rebuttal ?

My rebuttals are very serious. I post facts. You post bullshit.

Do you acknowledge the fact that there is no scientific evidence for creationism?

Don't lie...Don't post bullshit.....Answer the question.
Well I have posted facts that contradict your facts

You haven't. You don't know what a fact is.
So now what no serious rebuttal ?

My rebuttals are very serious. I post facts. You post bullshit.

Do you acknowledge the fact that there is no scientific evidence for creationism?

Don't lie...Don't post bullshit.....Answer the question.

Look, if you knew half as much as you pretend to know you would tell me what causes the DNA to change ?

Do you want me to help you ? hint it was my specialty for eleven years.
If you are a creationist you would be right, but you are an evolutionist try again.

That's extremely stupid.

Try to do better.

Here I will give you another hint so we can get to the meat and potatoes of this issue.

Look up Neo Darwinism and get back to me. But really your answer is correct for a creationist ,variations in a kind come through sexual reproduction because of the vast gene pool. Genes are passed from your parents and their parents. The strange thing is humans and every organism only have the DNA to reproduce what they are.
But really your answer is correct for a creationist ,variations in a kind come through sexual reproduction because of the vast gene pool.

That is very fucking stupid.

You actually "think" that genetic variation within a species isn't known to Biologists.......You're far too stupid to be in this discussion.
The strange thing is humans and every organism only have the DNA to reproduce what they are.

Speciation has been observed. You're too dishonest and too stupid to engage in reasoned discourse.
If you are a creationist you would be right, but you are an evolutionist try again.

That's extremely stupid.

Try to do better.

Here I will give you another hint so we can get to the meat and potatoes of this issue.

Look up Neo Darwinism and get back to me. But really your answer is correct for a creationist ,variations in a kind come through sexual reproduction because of the vast gene pool. Genes are passed from your parents and their parents. The strange thing is humans and every organism only have the DNA to reproduce what they are.

But it only takes one mutation in one individual to set a segment of the population on the road to being something different. How many times has that happened in a billion years? I think you have the myopia of relating everything to human or historical timeframes without grasping what a billion years really is.
What is the mechanism for evolution ?

The mechanism is in the interaction of the individuals within species. We, as race of humans are taller and more numerous than we were even 200 years ago.

That is evolution. If you are white and your children are white, that is evolution. Sameness, as well as difference is evolution. It is the path on which a species changes, but the species knows not the path nor does it know the direction or the destination.

We, as humans exist within societies and those societies swell as our ancestors contribute to evolution. The crippling illness of today was the fatal illness of yesterday. Conversely, the fatal illness of today may have been a dormant curiosity in the past.

Life is change and change is what evolution is.

If we go with your theory--I was taught that evolution is just a bit more complicated than that but we'll use your definition here--let's return to the topic of the thread. Is the evolution we can observe all strictly a process of random chance? Or are there other dynamics involved? And if there are other dynamics involved, is it within the range of rational possibility that evolution is part of a larger dynamic that could be called Intelligent Design?


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