Predict Michigan

Who wins Michigan?

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Predict Michigan?
Likely Harris with 2.2% win for her.

What do you think?

Nope. I'm on the ground here in MI. As I have posted before, going back to 2008, there have always been mixed signs in my neighborhood, though sometimes tilting one way or the other. So far this year I have not seen ONE, not ONE, Harris/Walz sign. A first since I've lived here.

Secondly, we had a black dude show up to our door canvassing. FOR TRUMP
Speaking of Michigan, and only slightly off the thrust of the thread, but........but did you see in the Jack Smith filing about that so called 'protest' at the counting center in Detroit on election night 2020?

The Trumpwingers on this sited shrilled out that the count was wrong when Trump fell behind, that the MAGA's who were at the Center were barred from the counting process, that there was fraud and folks were justifiably angry.

Well, not quite.
Turned out the count was right and when Trump's man in charge keeping score heard the Biden count was accurate he instructed his on-the-ground jackass to promote a riot. "Make them riot." And that is what the cameras showed a bunch of jackasses pounding on the glass barrier. It was all made-up. A charade. Done by the Trumploons.

And then, speaking of Michigan again: That invasion by armed Proud Boys, et al, of the Capitol in Lansing over covid regulations was foreplay, a trial run, practice .......for January 6th.

So yeah, that state does get up in the news occasionally.

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