Prediction: Romney Will Run In 2016


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
He probably doesn't even know it yet though.

I believe he is sincere when he says he isn't running again. I believe that Romney is well aware of the " Losers" curse that can follow a candidate into an election next time around. There are a certain number of people in any voting block who just remember the loss and don't look any further.

However Romney is polling way out in front of al the other potential candidates...could be this is a form of conservative suicide or it could be that it's time to simply stick to the guns.

Moderate Republicans...otherwise known as RINOS .... always fear the independent vote. However I submit to you that as feckless as an independent can be at times one thing they usually respect is a person who knows what he wants and produces a strong, perhaps somewhat opinionated albeit well meaning message.

Obama had such a message in both elections.... he may have been full of shixt......but he sounded like he meant it. :)...

Romney tried too hard not to hurt people's feelings. Fact is liberals are hurt just at the thought of any one else existing...nevermind disagreeing. You can't placate a liberal. Nothing you give up will ever be enough for them... You have to agree to stop breathing...then and only then will you get the left wing seal of approval.

If Romney takes the nomination and runs a Fire ball campaign.... he'll beat Swillary handily. If he tries to reach out and placate...she'll eat his lunch.


Romney was never liked by the Rank and File REpublicans. NO one is taking a third ride on that pony.

The GOP nominee will be Jeb Bush.

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