Why we shouldn't elect politicians! Because all they think of is getting re-elected!

To sum up your observations of me. According to you I’m a far left progressive liberal Trotsky communist,one world government supporter. Is that correct?
Well I've rarely read many/any of your 28,000+ ( and don't have time to waste going through such) posts so going off of the limited information I provided in the post you're replying to, that limited evidence implied such. Like a majority here, you place nothing to go by in the "About" section of your user page, so with little to "observe", and the substance and presentation provided, Yeah you give that impression, consider checking the mirror for the source of the mislead.

Note the qualifiers I mentioned, which it seems you neither read nor understood.

Click on my username at the left of this post, it will take you to my user page, and once there click on the "About" tab near the bottom and you'll see I gave more information about myself than about 90% of the others here. My experience has been that when posters provide let information on who they are, their background and qualifications, their experiences, etc. than they either;
Have something to hide ...
Lack courage to be authentic ...
May be trolls ...
Etc. ...

Also you could take the simple test here and share your score/results;
With each post you prove your loyal worship of the man.

You name a few "neagatives" and then turn around and show how they all make him an even better leader.

Then you blindly link to is own page of accomplishments....If I did the same to the Obama or Biden list, that they both have, you would dismiss it with the wave of your hand.
Since their "accomplishments" serve a Marxist-Leftist-socialist/communist agenda and objectives, that is what he many other's of us would dismiss.
To Conservatives, the "accomplishments" of Obama and Biden are largely regressive, negative, and actions going in the wrong direction.

Apples to watermelons when comparing the two sides.

Try this non-trump's list;
With each post you prove your loyal worship of the man.

You name a few "neagatives" and then turn around and show how they all make him an even better leader.

Then you blindly link to is own page of accomplishments....If I did the same to the Obama or Biden list, that they both have, you would dismiss it with the wave of your hand.
YOU are a liar! Where did I EVER list the reasons I dislike Trump "made him an even better leader"?
NO where. What I was pointing out were the accomplishments which obviously from the negative emphasis the biased MSM (gave 96% in 2016 to Hillary, 90% Biden in 2020) you and other grossly misinformed people believe. The Biased MSM is how you get your TDS symptoms.
No, they'll still have you have the tax cuts which lead to the crashed economy which Republicans love, ready to go.

Republicans have forgotten that the purpose of government is to act for the PEOPLE. The act for corporations, the economy, their donors, and to support their ideaology, but NEVER do Republicans put the PEOPLE first.
9 out of 10 who wail about "tax cuts" express an attitude that everything, all wealth and money, belongs to the government and we peons should be happy with what the Guv'mint lets us have(keep).

My union pension and 401Ks, i.e. my non-government efforts to provide for my own retirement, were all heavily invested in corporations. Most of our consumer goods and for-profit(wealth creating) employment is via corporations. Corporations, small businesses, and other forms of for-profit capitalism, and investment ARE the economy.

Having a healthy profitable economy is the best "act for the PEOPLE" there is.

Government through taxes (theft of wealth, a.k.a. "redistribution) does little to nothing for the economy and people in the long run by comparison but does support the ideology of getting the people to vote for the Guv'mint "robbin hoods".

In this regards the Republicans put the PEOPLE first, by working to assure wealth and jobs are created, whereas the DemocRATs put their re-election, cronies, and lackeys/minions first.
9 out of 10 who wail about "tax cuts" express an attitude that everything, all wealth and money, belongs to the government and we peons should be happy with what the Guv'mint lets us have(keep).

My union pension and 401Ks, i.e. my non-government efforts to provide for my own retirement, were all heavily invested in corporations. Most of our consumer goods and for-profit(wealth creating) employment is via corporations. Corporations, small businesses, and other forms of for-profit capitalism, and investment ARE the economy.

Having a healthy profitable economy is the best "act for the PEOPLE" there is.

Government through taxes (theft of wealth, a.k.a. "redistribution) does little to nothing for the economy and people in the long run by comparison but does support the ideology of getting the people to vote for the Guv'mint "robbin hoods".

In this regards the Republicans put the PEOPLE first, by working to assure wealth and jobs are created, whereas the DemocRATs put their re-election, cronies, and lackeys/minions first.
Agree with everything you said above. Thanks for pointing out the fallacies of people who evidently hate the USA, our economy and capitalism.
Until some genius comes up with an economy that beats the USA I think for human development,
capitalism has done a better job.
By the way here is the net worth of some interesting people:

Leader of China $1.2 Billion net worth
As of 2024, Xi Jinping’s net worth is estimated to be around a staggering $1.2 billion dollars. As the President of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), his yearly remuneration is $22 million.

Leader of Russia $200 billion net worth
While Putin acknowledges ownership of an 800-square-foot apartment, a trailer, and three cars, persistent rumours suggest a more extravagant reality. Reports suggest that Putin's personal wealth stood at a staggering $200 billion

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Fossil Biden has been in DC since the Nixon administration. He is the poster great-grandfather for the most despicable people of all, career politicians.
That is a lot of words to just say you worship the man.
Liking either Trump or worshiping a pedophile like Biden IS NOT THE POINT of the POST!!!
Either side if does not win in a landslide in the 5 swing states... will be a major conflict in USA.
That's the point. If the Dems continue to as Biden told illegals..."I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, " September 2019

AND so with Biden's above encouragement for illegals to "surge to the border" Biden's administration is promoting...
Voters agree: Illegal immigration is Biden’s secret to ‘permanent majority’
"With President Joe Biden refusing to explain why he is letting a record number of illegal immigrants into the United States, a majority of likely voters now agree that it is because he is trying to create a permanent Democratic Party majority.
So the point again for dummies... Biden's total border wall abandonment, his encouraging "surge to the border" and the overwhelming Mail in Balloting... It would appear the Democrats are going to have a landslide election with Biden's executive actions!

Since their "accomplishments" serve a Marxist-Leftist-socialist/communist agenda and objectives, that is what he many other's of us would dismiss.
To Conservatives, the "accomplishments" of Obama and Biden are largely regressive, negative, and actions going in the wrong direction.

Apples to watermelons when comparing the two sides.

Try this non-trump's list;
I know at least 3 accomplishments that Biden could NEVER replicate what Trump did!
1) Trump like JFK and Hoover donated his entire $1.6 million Presidential salary to charity!
2) Trump was the first president since 1957 to make The United States Was Energy Independent in 2019
3) The CBO says the following after Trump's repatriation of nearly $1 trillion offshore .


  • TrumpTaxcutsbenefitsCBO.png
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