Why we shouldn't elect politicians! Because all they think of is getting re-elected!

Well nothing is as stupid as to make assumptions about other people. How can you make your totally uninformed statements advising ME? I've worked on presidential campaigns in the campaign headquarters, have you?
The problem I've seen in my over 60 years of political awareness is the growing intrusion into
how all forms of government have allowed political influences rather than citizens requirements to
motivate their decisions.
So in my 60 years of political activities, take some advice and know a little more about what the people YOU think you are educating really are....before calling them as we said in Latin "Jack Cacas"!
1st because the "profile" on your user page here says nothing about who you are and what your qualifications are.*
Add to that these phrases in your OP; "what is good for America" & "politics before the common good" are toss out items that 9 times out of 10 are Leftist-socialist code for moving the USA into a more Marxist agenda and ideal.
Along with I only recall coming across a few posts of yours so "assumption" is based on limited evidence and that fitting the usual slanted profile.

2nd would be the apparent oversight that the government and politicians we get have been the result of the what the slight majority of voters have put there. The classic "We have have met the enemy and they is us."

3rd "politics" has been the essence of government since day one, and I'm referring to a lot further back than 1776.

4th All I had to go on is your username and rhetoric of your post that sound like it was taken from the Left's and Alinsky's playbooks. So you might want to work on your resume and PR before thinking everyone knows your background and history when it isn't shown. Otherwise expect a range of assessments when you are an unknown blank slate.

BTW and FWIW I've have been and currently are active with a local major party operation in this county and been involved in a few campaigns.

Oh yeah, "good for America" and "common good" are vague catchwords that mean different things to the two political party-divides in this nation. I'm curious what your specific definition of such would be. That will give a better gauge on where you are in the political spectrum.

Or you could share your answers and views after taking this test;
Advocates For Self-Government | World’s Smallest Political Quiz (world's shortest political test - 10 questions)
While term limits might remove defective politicians sooner than the voters might, it also removes effective, "good ones" as well. Plus there is learning curve on how to operate in an elected office and just when one gets a handle on it, their term limit bumps them out.

Sounds like a formula for even worse government.

Also, if you are on your last term in an office, there's one less restraint to not do things to enhance yourself or others. After all, what matters if the voters get pissed t you since you can't run again and don't need their votes?!

The voting citizens are supposed to be the 'term limit', but too often not enough are informed or care.
Amend the U.S. Constitution, any member of congress caught lying to the American people...10 years in Federal prison.

Why we shouldn't elect politicians! Because all they think of is getting re-elected!​

You do realize that Trump, the "non-politician" held his first official reelection rally in March of 2017, less than 3 months after taking office, right?
You do realize that Trump, the "non-politician" held his first official reelection rally in March of 2017, less than 3 months after taking office, right?
Prove it! Why should I believe you ignorant people that make comments without any substantiation?
1st because the "profile" on your user page here says nothing about who you are and what your qualifications are.*
Add to that these phrases in your OP; "what is good for America" & "politics before the common good" are toss out items that 9 times out of 10 are Leftist-socialist code for moving the USA into a more Marxist agenda and ideal.
Along with I only recall coming across a few posts of yours so "assumption" is based on limited evidence and that fitting the usual slanted profile.

2nd would be the apparent oversight that the government and politicians we get have been the result of the what the slight majority of voters have put there. The classic "We have have met the enemy and they is us."

3rd "politics" has been the essence of government since day one, and I'm referring to a lot further back than 1776.

4th All I had to go on is your username and rhetoric of your post that sound like it was taken from the Left's and Alinsky's playbooks. So you might want to work on your resume and PR before thinking everyone knows your background and history when it isn't shown. Otherwise expect a range of assessments when you are an unknown blank slate.

BTW and FWIW I've have been and currently are active with a local major party operation in this county and been involved in a few campaigns.

Oh yeah, "good for America" and "common good" are vague catchwords that mean different things to the two political party-divides in this nation. I'm curious what your specific definition of such would be. That will give a better gauge on where you are in the political spectrum.

Or you could share your answers and views after taking this test;
Advocates For Self-Government | World’s Smallest Political Quiz (world's shortest political test - 10 questions)
To sum up your observations of me. According to you I’m a far left progressive liberal Trotsky communist,one world government supporter. Is that correct?
Prove it! Why should I believe you ignorant people that make comments without any substantiation?

Oh, and he filed his paperwork for reelection in Jan of 2017

The day President Trump took the oath of office, he did something no chief executive before him had ever done on Inauguration Day, filed the paperwork to be an official candidate for reelection.
We should go back to appointments, that way the politicians will only try to buy off those that appoint them.

No need to try to buy votes on mass like with student loan forgiveness.

No, they'll still have you have the tax cuts which lead to the crashed economy which Republicans love, ready to go.

Republicans have forgotten that the purpose of government is to act for the PEOPLE. The act for corporations, the economy, their donors, and to support their ideaology, but NEVER do Republicans put the PEOPLE first.
To sum up your observations of me. According to you I’m a far left progressive liberal Trotsky communist,one world government supporter. Is that correct?

I would say you're a Stalinist. You believe the press is the "enemy of the people" and you believe in the "Deep State" - both are concepts created by Stalin, and both are authoritarian concepts, not communism. And you believe in an authoritarian government.

All of your positions are anti-democratic and you oppose rights for anyone but white males, making you a devout authoritarian fascist.

Not that it will matter. You worship the man and will never stop doing so.
Once again you make assumptions with no proof! I personally don’t like the narcissistic,braggart, idiosyncratic individual! Trump did more positive actions than most presidents since Reagan! I could provide you the substantiation but you are truly too lazy to read the voluminous material
I would say you're a Stalinist. You believe the press is the "enemy of the people" and you believe in the "Deep State" - both are concepts created by Stalin, and both are authoritarian concepts, not communism. And you believe in an authoritarian government.

All of your positions are anti-democratic and you oppose rights for anyone but white males, making you a devout authoritarian fascist.
Hmmm... I'm "opposed to rights for anyone but white males."

Let's see... I've American Indian history and have a black cousin.

MOST importantly, I don't want to see blacks being killed by people (LIKE YOU!!) that believe this:

the gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extinction, of defective stocks — those human weeds which threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization.”
“We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population,

"Planned Parenthood's racist founder racist supporter, Margaret Sanger and evidently YOU support her racist attitude as described by her...right..racist?
Once again you make assumptions with no proof! I personally don’t like the narcissistic,braggart, idiosyncratic individual! Trump did more positive actions than most presidents since Reagan! I could provide you the substantiation but you are truly too lazy to read the voluminous material

That is a lot of words to just say you worship the man.
A beneficial democracy depends on an electorate that is smart enough not to keep voting shitty people/politicians back in. We don't have that.

We do not.

Our congress has an approval rating that is normally in the teens and a reelection rate of more than 90%

that is all anyone needs to know about our electorate
Democrats are on a roll. They convicted their political opponent of complicated crimes nobody can understand and now they are going after Justices on the Supreme Court who may not agree with their skewed view of justice.
A beneficial democracy depends on an electorate that is smart enough not to keep voting shitty people/politicians back in. We don't have that.
Well I've been accused of being against the BIASED MSM but frankly that's how most voters get their information to vote.
The FACTS are the biased MSM did this:

MSM donated 96% to Hillary in 2016 and 90% to Biden in 2020.
In all, people identified in federal campaign finance filings as journalists, reporters, news editors or television news anchors — as well as other donors known to be working in journalism — have combined to give more than $396,000 to the presidential campaigns of Clinton and Trump, according to a Center for Public Integrity analysis.
Nearly all of that money — more than 96 percent — benefited Clinton: About 430 people who work in journalism have, through August, combined to give about $382,000 to the Democratic nominee, the Center for Public Integrity’s analysis indicates.
Journalists Have Donated Nearly $400K to Hillary Clinton's Campaign Journalists Have Donated Nearly $400K to Hillary Clinton's Campaign


All the while ABC,CBS,NBC gave Proof of the biased MSM that donated $2.6 billion in free advertising for Democrats calling it "NEWS"!Over 32.7 hours of coverage, from 7/29/2020-10/20/20).
Everything You Need to Know About TV Advertising Costs
The average commercial costs $105,000 for a 30 sec. spot.
Therefore in 32.7 hours , two 30 second commercials in a minute or total of 25,440 30- second commercials @ $105,000 or $2,671,200,000 In television advertising value.
ABC,CBS/NBC alone donated $2.6 billion in free advertising for Democrats calling it "NEWS"!
"What they found was, over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history — 92% negative, vs. just 8% positive.from July 29 through October 20"
Broadcast networks deliver 92% negative coverage for Trump, 66% positive for Biden: Study That was during the summer of 2020 before the election!

Now specific example: How many of you especially those suffering from TDS believe Trump
told you several times to combat COVID "drink bleach"?
Fact is Biden said this: "maybe if you drank bleach you may be okay—"

Did Trump ever suggest " if you drank bleach"?
Fact: "On COVID-19, Donald Trump said that “maybe if you drank bleach you may be okay.”

  • Joe Biden said President Donald Trump told Americans that drinking bleach could help combat the coronavirus, but that’s not correct.
  • Trump did not explicitly recommend ingesting a disinfectant like bleach.
But the majority of TDS will not believe that because the BIASED MSM keeps these types of
LYING headlines:

Raskin argues DOJ can force recusals of Alito, Thomas in Jan. 6 cases​

With all the problems of the world, here is a perfect example of how people like Raskin think of politics before the common good.

It is extremely difficult for Americans to understand, including all of the savvy political junkies here at USMB, but the problem is the three-branch formulation of government is the root of the problem.

The absolute truth is that a three-branch government only prevents any one person from
ascending to a dictatorship. The inconvenient truth is that neither the separation nor the checks and balances prevent oligarchy or corruption. The simple Three-part Separation Theory does not deter the political contest to populate the three branches with ideologically aligned personnel, which is the inevitable evolution to oligarchy declared a hundred years ago as The Iron Law of Oligarchy.

Consequently, the inadequate checks and balances adversely affect the deliberation of social
issues, the laws that are enacted, enforcement of those laws, and ultimately, the public’s perception of reality. Trickle-down economics is always in play, and it is not just about financial distribution.

It is not true that the American Founders did not expect political parties to form. The patriots
versus the loyalists was probably the first national party system. The Founders just did not know what effect partisanship might have on the judicial and executive branches, because the colonial legislatures were in contest with the King, and the Tory governors, judges, and military enforcement of law. The Founders did the best that they could with what little information they had about self-governance, and the previous theorists of the Three-part Separation Theory did not elaborate anything concerning the peer groups that are inevitably formed in legislative assemblies. Partisanship is inevitable, because of the ever-evolving dynamics of undetermined variables that
have to be coordinated to process legislation from an idea to a popular law, and political parties relieve most of that complexity. The legends of the Electoral College and the infamous Three-fifths Clause explain the effort to compromise the obvious state population alliances – big states versus the small states, and slave states versus the free states. The problem is that political science still has not
determined what control variables are missing from the governing system, and that is why the legend of the Founders not expecting political parties remains in circulation.

We need a complete overhaul of the organization of the government.

That is a lot of words to just say you worship the man.
AGAIN you don't seem to be sophisticated enough to know that I personally don't like Trump as he is:
  • a braggart
  • a narcissist
  • idiosyncratic
  • loudmouth
I also have known bosses who were like that. But the distinction is They like Trump were executives that accomplished their goals. And like Trump they have composure, confidence, compassion and charism.
And Trump is all of the above!
Including getting things done!
I'm sharing a web site with Trump's accomplishments during his presidency !

Question: Who was the LAST Perfect President, who made no errors, hit only home runs, is remembered as
the perfect human who never said the wrong thing, did the wrong thing, fought the wrong war.. i.e was a perfect human being? Who was it? Waiting....
In the meantime I personally don't like Trump as a human. He is a braggart. A narcissist. A typical Queens NY native. I wouldn't want him as a friend. I've had several bosses that were like Trump. And like Trump they got things done. They like Trump accomplished actions that were important to my survival.
The facts of Trump's accomplishments in 4 years are because he got things done!
  • America gained 7 million new jobs – more than three times government experts’ projections.
  • Middle-Class family income increased nearly $6,000 – more than five times the gains during the entire previous administration.
  • The unemployment rate reached 3.5 percent, the lowest in a half-century.
  • Achieved 40 months in a row with more job openings than job-hirings.
  • More Americans reported being employed than ever before – nearly 160 million.
  • Jobless claims hit a nearly 50-year low.
  • The number of people claiming unemployment insurance as a share of the population hit its lowest on record.
  • Incomes rose in every single metro area in the United States for the first time in nearly 3 decades.
These are just a few of the accomplishments.
So I agree with your childish attitude about Trump's personality flaws.
I am old enough in my 80s, to have worked for some people like Trump pompous, etc but I'm
evidently sophisticated enough and more patriotic than most people like you with TDS to having
seen Trump accomplishing things like only 2 other presidents have done, brought in over $1 trillion from offshore accounts by companies like Apple, etc. that created more jobs, created more dividends which INCREASED the USA GDP... while these companies paid nearly $340 billion in taxes.

Last edited:
AGAIN you don't seem to be sophisticated enough to know that I personally don't like Trump as he is:
  • a braggart
  • a narcissist
  • idiosyncratic
  • loudmouth
I also have know bosses who were like that. But the distinction is They like Trump were executives that accomplished their goals. And like Trump they have composure, confidence, compassion and charism.
And Trump is all of the above!
Including getting things done!
I'm sharing a web site with Trump's accomplishments during his presidency !

Question: Who was the LAST Perfect President, who made no errors, hit only home runs, is remembered as
the perfect human who never said the wrong thing, did the wrong thing, fought the wrong war.. i.e was a perfect human being? Who was it? Waiting....
In the meantime I personally don't like Trump as a human. He is a braggart. A narcissist. A typical Queens NY native. I wouldn't want him as a friend. I've had several bosses that were like Trump. And like Trump they got things done. They like Trump accomplished actions that were important to my survival.
The facts of Trump's accomplishments in 4 years are because he got things done!
  • America gained 7 million new jobs – more than three times government experts’ projections.
  • Middle-Class family income increased nearly $6,000 – more than five times the gains during the entire previous administration.
  • The unemployment rate reached 3.5 percent, the lowest in a half-century.
  • Achieved 40 months in a row with more job openings than job-hirings.
  • More Americans reported being employed than ever before – nearly 160 million.
  • Jobless claims hit a nearly 50-year low.
  • The number of people claiming unemployment insurance as a share of the population hit its lowest on record.
  • Incomes rose in every single metro area in the United States for the first time in nearly 3 decades.
These are just a few of the accomplishments.
So I agree with your childish attitude about Trump's personality flaws.
I am old enough in my 80s, to have worked for some people like Trump pompous, etc but I'm
evidently sophisticated enough and more patriotic than most people like you with TDS to having
seen Trump accomplishing things like only 2 other presidents have done, brought in over $1 trillion from offshore accounts by companies like Apple, etc. that created more jobs, created more dividends which INCREASED the USA GDP... while these companies paid nearly $340 billion in taxes.

View attachment 954837

With each post you prove your loyal worship of the man.

You name a few "neagatives" and then turn around and show how they all make him an even better leader.

Then you blindly link to is own page of accomplishments....If I did the same to the Obama or Biden list, that they both have, you would dismiss it with the wave of your hand.

Forum List
