President Biden calls Masters champ Hideki Matsuyama 'Japanese boy' in odd compliment

That depends on if the 29 year old is disabled man is offended or not... However I do not believe others should be offended for him.
Have you ever read the bible?
What did Jesus say about it?

Luke 14:12-14

But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you.
Biden is old enough to be his grandfather
Great fun watching them feign outrage while adoring the juvenile orange insult machine, though :laugh:

If leftists didn't have double standards, they wouldn't have any.
That depends on if the 29 year old is disabled man is offended or not... However I do not believe others should be offended for him.
Have you ever read the bible?
Some of it.

Luke 14:12-14

But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you.
If there is a God, and he/she takes a hand in our lives... He absolutely loves my ass... I don't know why. I'll happily continue doing what I've been doing, he/she seems to approve.
Biden is old enough to be his grandfather
Great fun watching them feign outrage while adoring the juvenile orange insult machine, though :laugh:

If leftists didn't have double standards, they wouldn't have any.

Your side sets the rules and then bitches when called out on it.

Hypersensitive snowflakes are your team-mates, not ours.
Biden is old enough to be his grandfather
Great fun watching them feign outrage while adoring the juvenile orange insult machine, though :laugh:

If leftists didn't have double standards, they wouldn't have any.

Your side sets the rules and then bitches when called out on it.

Hypersensitive snowflakes are your team-mates, not ours.

My god, that's all you got because you can't actually counter what is being said.
Let's be fair.

That shell of a man in the Oval Office did NOT mean to be offensive.

By "boy," he probably meant "young man."

He has probably forgotten the history of "boy" being used to denigrate non-Caucasians.

If Mr. Biden is anything, he is a perfect example of what Ms. Hillary called "White privilege," a mediocrity who spent 40 years in the Senate simply because of his ethnicity.
Biden is old enough to be his grandfather

That certainly excuses his rude and boorish behavior as he belittles a minority. Good defense.

As a matter of fact it does

A 78 year old referring to a 29 year old as a boy is not offensive.
Instead of quoting conservative propaganda rags, why not quote a source in Japan saying they are offended
Yet a 74 year old man calling any 29 year old "boy" would have you foaming at the mouth if that man was TRUMP! Be honest for a change. As for offense, who needs that when there are plenty of woke folks around prepared to be offended for anyone and everyone?
That would be mild behavior coming from Trump

A man who mocked a disabled man

Trump openly mocked a disabled man
For him to call someone 50 years younger a boy would be a compliment
Which doesn't address the fact that you would criticize him for something you excuse Quid Pro for doing.
He has probably forgotten the history of "boy" being used to denigrate non-Caucasians.
Actually referring to white people as "boy" seems to be what they call themselves.

The Beastie boys
The Pet-shop boys
The Oakridge boys
The Proud boys
The Beach boys
The Backstreet boys

Where was the outrage?
.....that's nowhere near as bad and RACIST as what dumbass Joe did and said
Yes... pointing out the propagation of indian small business owners is racist. How dare Joe link foreigners to living the american dream.
EVERYTHING is racist and bad when a Republican does it--but not a Dem
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHh = dumbass hypocrites look very silly now
EVERYTHING is racist and bad when a Republican does it--but not a Dem
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHh = dumbass hypocrites look very silly now
The irony of claiming that Biden was being racist against East Indians, and then picks the daughter of an East Indian as his Vice President.
EVERYTHING is racist and bad when a Republican does it--but not a Dem
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHh = dumbass hypocrites look very silly now
The irony of claiming that Biden was being racist against East Indians, and then picks the daughter of an East Indian as his Vice President.

Obama picked her. Joe just did as he was told because he was so desperate to be President.
As a matter of fact it does

A 78 year old referring to a 29 year old as a boy is not offensive.
Instead of quoting conservative propaganda rags, why not quote a source in Japan saying they are offended

You're too funny.

So a 70+ Trump could do that too. Or any Republicam over 70. :auiqs.jpg:

When you are over seventy yes you can refer to anyone in their 20s as boy regardless of your political party. I am old and have a friend in his 90s calls me boy. Does not bother me.
EVERYTHING is racist and bad when a Republican does it--but not a Dem
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHh = dumbass hypocrites look very silly now
The irony of claiming that Biden was being racist against East Indians, and then picks the daughter of an East Indian as his Vice President.
hahhahahahah you STILL don't get it!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
..the irony and idiocy is the blacks and Dems calling everyone else RACIST for NOTHING!!!
..and then when the right calls Biden a racist, THEN you people whine/go apeshit/etc.......hahhahahahahahahah
..AND - the blacks are racist--I've linked much evidence in other threads
Biden is odd and bizarre in just about every way possibe.

Yet he continues to get away with it because the msm covers for him.

Biden has been trying to get Russian President Putin to engage in a summit meeting but Putin refuses to deal with the old doofus.

At a time like this when the world has so many problems we need diplomacy more than ever but biden has no diplomatic skills and in fact is so mentally incompetent even if any foreign powers agrees to a meeting biden would be a inherent national security problem as in he might mis-speak which he does all the time and ignite a war.

Lest we forget all this trouble with Russia and Ukraine started immediately after biden called putin a killer and a man with no soul.
Why would any other world leader want to deal in the open with this administration? Nobody thinks they're legit. Everyone feels they stole the election......and they're acting like a rogue regime. I wouldn't want to be associated with them if I was them. It's an embarrassment dealing with them. They always say one thing and do another.

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