President Biden gets it


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017

Time for war against the right, and President Biden has at last recognized it. Talking reason or scientific facts to that bunch just doesn't get it. They are totally tone deaf to reality and only accepting of their failed, subversive right wing ideology. They spew "freedom" as their mantra, when actually what they want is fascist control exercised by a dictatorial strongman. Disagree with them and/or their strongman and you should basically get out of "their" country.

Well, they are dead wrong and President Biden recognizes it. It's time for war against the far right using all the weapons at his disposal. He should unleash the Attorney General and the Justice Department and go after the unvaccinated , "freedom" loving far right wingers who present such a danger to our country. The far right doesn't seem to recognize that their "freedoms" do not trump the freedoms of the country as a whole.

We are in the middle of a Trump caused pandemic, and President Biden should deal with it using all the weapons at his disposal. Marginalizing the unvaccinated and making life for them as difficult and as costly as possible is absolutely necessary. The far right wing media recognizes that and that is why they are going after President Biden with such venom. Their very existence is at stake.
Fascist is as fascist does....

Science is not

Fudging data

Science is noticing dr fauXI lied about

funding wuhan
The effectiveness of the mask
Whether Covid would come and go as a normal seasonal flu

Traitor Joe is censoring the CDC. The CDC was tracking vax deaths. We had 11.9k dead from the vax mid July,plus over 1k fetus. Since then, the CDC has clammed up as the fascists tell us the murderous fraud vax is "safe and effective," when it is in reality neither....

Time for war against the right, and President Biden has at last recognized it. Talking reason or scientific facts to that bunch just doesn't get it. They are totally tone deaf to reality and only accepting of their failed, subversive right wing ideology. They spew "freedom" as their mantra, when actually what they want is fascist control exercised by a dictatorial strongman. Disagree with them and/or their strongman and you should basically get out of "their" country.

Well, they are dead wrong and President Biden recognizes it. It's time for war against the far right using all the weapons at his disposal. He should unleash the Attorney General and the Justice Department and go after the unvaccinated , "freedom" loving far right wingers who present such a danger to our country. The far right doesn't seem to recognize that their "freedoms" do not trump the freedoms of the country as a whole.

We are in the middle of a Trump caused pandemic, and President Biden should deal with it using all the weapons at his disposal. Marginalizing the unvaccinated and making life for them as difficult and as costly as possible is absolutely necessary. The far right wing media recognizes that and that is why they are going after President Biden with such venom. Their very existence is at stake.

Time for war against the right, and President Biden has at last recognized it. Talking reason or scientific facts to that bunch just doesn't get it. They are totally tone deaf to reality and only accepting of their failed, subversive right wing ideology. They spew "freedom" as their mantra, when actually what they want is fascist control exercised by a dictatorial strongman. Disagree with them and/or their strongman and you should basically get out of "their" country.

Well, they are dead wrong and President Biden recognizes it. It's time for war against the far right using all the weapons at his disposal. He should unleash the Attorney General and the Justice Department and go after the unvaccinated , "freedom" loving far right wingers who present such a danger to our country. The far right doesn't seem to recognize that their "freedoms" do not trump the freedoms of the country as a whole.

We are in the middle of a Trump caused pandemic, and President Biden should deal with it using all the weapons at his disposal. Marginalizing the unvaccinated and making life for them as difficult and as costly as possible is absolutely necessary. The far right wing media recognizes that and that is why they are going after President Biden with such venom. Their very existence is at stake.

LOL You are confused Moon Bat

The Pandemic was caused by Biden's Chinese buddies. You know, the same guys that made his family filthy rich? Remember?

You stupid uneducated Moon Bats are simply too ignorant to understand that when President Potatohead exempted the postal workers from his his filthy ass anti American vaccine mandates he totally negated the pathetic reasons for implementation he gave in his pathetic lying speech yesterday.

This asshole is a clown that has no idea what he is doing and any of you idiot Moon Bats that voted for him and then ignored the fact he stole the election are morons.

Time for war against the right, and President Biden has at last recognized it. Talking reason or scientific facts to that bunch just doesn't get it. They are totally tone deaf to reality and only accepting of their failed, subversive right wing ideology. They spew "freedom" as their mantra, when actually what they want is fascist control exercised by a dictatorial strongman. Disagree with them and/or their strongman and you should basically get out of "their" country.

Well, they are dead wrong and President Biden recognizes it. It's time for war against the far right using all the weapons at his disposal. He should unleash the Attorney General and the Justice Department and go after the unvaccinated , "freedom" loving far right wingers who present such a danger to our country. The far right doesn't seem to recognize that their "freedoms" do not trump the freedoms of the country as a whole.

We are in the middle of a Trump caused pandemic, and President Biden should deal with it using all the weapons at his disposal. Marginalizing the unvaccinated and making life for them as difficult and as costly as possible is absolutely necessary. The far right wing media recognizes that and that is why they are going after President Biden with such venom. Their very existence is at stake.
We are in the middle of a Trump caused pandemic,

No doubt you think he caused it in all those other countries as well.

Every time I see one of your posts, I'm reminded of the definition of delusional.
Why should Sleepy Joe give a shit if his opponents refuse a vax for a "deadly virus"?

After all, the libs have said the population is too high for decades and the alleged expiration of Repubs would leave a lot more room for "refugees" from Latino and Jihadi Heck Holes.

Time for war against the right, and President Biden has at last recognized it. Talking reason or scientific facts to that bunch just doesn't get it. They are totally tone deaf to reality and only accepting of their failed, subversive right wing ideology. They spew "freedom" as their mantra, when actually what they want is fascist control exercised by a dictatorial strongman. Disagree with them and/or their strongman and you should basically get out of "their" country.

Well, they are dead wrong and President Biden recognizes it. It's time for war against the far right using all the weapons at his disposal. He should unleash the Attorney General and the Justice Department and go after the unvaccinated , "freedom" loving far right wingers who present such a danger to our country. The far right doesn't seem to recognize that their "freedoms" do not trump the freedoms of the country as a whole.

We are in the middle of a Trump caused pandemic, and President Biden should deal with it using all the weapons at his disposal. Marginalizing the unvaccinated and making life for them as difficult and as costly as possible is absolutely necessary. The far right wing media recognizes that and that is why they are going after President Biden with such venom. Their very existence is at stake.
Yea, go with that. :laughing0301:
Time for war against the right
There you go again talking about war against your fellow one here will take you seriously when every post you make talks about killing Americans you disagree damn clown....I bet you are about 5 ft tall 80 years old and eat cat food to save a civil war you and cowardly scum like you would be the first to die Mfer.....
Hey asshole...if you want to see a real civil war go to Afghanistan...Biden just licked one off there....

Time for war against the right, and President Biden has at last recognized it. Talking reason or scientific facts to that bunch just doesn't get it. They are totally tone deaf to reality and only accepting of their failed, subversive right wing ideology. They spew "freedom" as their mantra, when actually what they want is fascist control exercised by a dictatorial strongman. Disagree with them and/or their strongman and you should basically get out of "their" country.

Well, they are dead wrong and President Biden recognizes it. It's time for war against the far right using all the weapons at his disposal. He should unleash the Attorney General and the Justice Department and go after the unvaccinated , "freedom" loving far right wingers who present such a danger to our country. The far right doesn't seem to recognize that their "freedoms" do not trump the freedoms of the country as a whole.

We are in the middle of a Trump caused pandemic, and President Biden should deal with it using all the weapons at his disposal. Marginalizing the unvaccinated and making life for them as difficult and as costly as possible is absolutely necessary. The far right wing media recognizes that and that is why they are going after President Biden with such venom. Their very existence is at stake.
Any time you want to bring that war to me, i am more than willing to oblige you. Fucking progressives slaves telling me what to do....Ha, i laugh at your stupidity....


Time for war against the right, and President Biden has at last recognized it. Talking reason or scientific facts to that bunch just doesn't get it. They are totally tone deaf to reality and only accepting of their failed, subversive right wing ideology. They spew "freedom" as their mantra, when actually what they want is fascist control exercised by a dictatorial strongman. Disagree with them and/or their strongman and you should basically get out of "their" country.

Well, they are dead wrong and President Biden recognizes it. It's time for war against the far right using all the weapons at his disposal. He should unleash the Attorney General and the Justice Department and go after the unvaccinated , "freedom" loving far right wingers who present such a danger to our country. The far right doesn't seem to recognize that their "freedoms" do not trump the freedoms of the country as a whole.

We are in the middle of a Trump caused pandemic, and President Biden should deal with it using all the weapons at his disposal. Marginalizing the unvaccinated and making life for them as difficult and as costly as possible is absolutely necessary. The far right wing media recognizes that and that is why they are going after President Biden with such venom. Their very existence is at stake.
Biden and Obama funded Duke-NUS Singapore, which technology vaccinated the Russian Army.
Any time you want to bring that war to me, i am more than willing to oblige you. Fucking progressives slaves telling me what to do....Ha, i laugh at your stupidity....

View attachment 537424
We “make” you wear a seatbelt and refrain from smoking in public places and a whole bunch of health conscious shit that is simply life… not some kind of bullshit loyalty test to avoid it to prove you’re not woke. Wake the fuck up.
Why should Sleepy Joe give a shit if his opponents refuse a vax for a "deadly virus"?

After all, the libs have said the population is too high for decades and the alleged expiration of Repubs would leave a lot more room for "refugees" from Latino and Jihadi Heck Holes.
Several reasons...

First, he doesn't want to see more Americans die, unnecessarily.

Second, our healthcare system for all of Americans, in hot spot areas of covid hospitalizations, prevents Americans from getting the medical care they need for all other ailments....and causes Americans to die from these other medical conditions, unnecessarily.

Third, massive and rapid spread, and hospitalizations, and deaths, keeps our economy from thriving and providing for us all.

Fourth, it puts our military capabilities of readily defending us. at risk... if the need arises.

Fifth, it hurts our children, prevents them from a consistent in person schooling.

I'm certain there are even more reasons....

Time for war against the right, and President Biden has at last recognized it. Talking reason or scientific facts to that bunch just doesn't get it. They are totally tone deaf to reality and only accepting of their failed, subversive right wing ideology. They spew "freedom" as their mantra, when actually what they want is fascist control exercised by a dictatorial strongman. Disagree with them and/or their strongman and you should basically get out of "their" country.

Well, they are dead wrong and President Biden recognizes it. It's time for war against the far right using all the weapons at his disposal. He should unleash the Attorney General and the Justice Department and go after the unvaccinated , "freedom" loving far right wingers who present such a danger to our country. The far right doesn't seem to recognize that their "freedoms" do not trump the freedoms of the country as a whole.

We are in the middle of a Trump caused pandemic, and President Biden should deal with it using all the weapons at his disposal. Marginalizing the unvaccinated and making life for them as difficult and as costly as possible is absolutely necessary. The far right wing media recognizes that and that is why they are going after President Biden with such venom. Their very existence is at stake.

Time for war...?

You mean AFTER Gain of Function Fauxi and the CCP launch a bioweapon?

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