President Biden: I proposed a minimum billionaire tax because no billionaire should be paying a lower tax rate than a school teacher or a firefighter

Money Going Back Where It Came From

Limiting inheritances to $100,000 will eliminate the need for all other taxes.
From the 1% alone, that brings in $4 trillion a year.
And so the government gets to take in all that inheritance money? Fuck off and die , you moron, it isnt a revenue problem it is a spending problem that the government has.
They use debt, protect your capital
Back when Slick Willie (I did not have sexual relations with that woman Clinton) was saying that Social Security was not going to be around much longer, if nothing was done about it, and his bitch wife said she was going to put a lockbox on it, yeah, my ass, i started heavily investing because i learned while working at Home Depot that there was money to be made. So instead of spending like the Jones' on stupid shit, i cut back on costs, and really put money away. Also i learned the tax codes and how to NOT pay more in taxes than i am supposed to. I make over $400,000 a year and pay around 15% in taxes.....

What is the dividend tax rate for the 2022 tax year?​

These are the rates that apply to qualified dividends, based on taxable income, for the tax return you'll file in April 2023. (We can help you determine your tax filing status.)
0% tax rate15% tax rate20% tax rate
Single$0 to $41,675.$41,676 to $459,750.$459,751 or more.
Married, filing jointly$0 to $83,350.$83,351 to $517,200.$517,201 or more.
Married, filing separately$0 to $41,675.$41,676 to $258,600.$258,601 or more.
Head of household$0 to $55,800.$55,801 to $488,500.$488,501 or more.
I don't know anyone who wouldn't be ecstatic to pay the tax rate that school teachers and firefighters pay. In fact, sign me up for making it a flat tax at that rate for everyone.
And so the government gets to take in all that inheritance money? it isn't a revenue problem it is a spending problem that the government has.

If you'd rather they tax the living than the dead, you must believe in the vengeance of ghosts. If heiristocracy is eliminated, the government won't be spending your money, so why should you care?

Half the heirs use their unearned freebee to get into the government and protect Preppydom. The other half takes over the private sector.

If you'd rather they tax the living than the dead, you must believe in the vengeance of ghosts. If heiristocracy is eliminated, the government won't be spending your money, so why should you care?

Half the heirs use their unearned freebee to get into the government and protect Preppydom. The other half takes over the private sector.
Some one who works all their lives, pay their taxes not once, but twice, shouldnt have to pay it a third time when they die. All to a corrupt government that has a spending problem. If the kids inherit a fortune it is up to the kids to use that money, not some greedy asshole politicians who wants favors from some Marxist twit.

People who work all their lives, pay their taxes not once, but twice, shouldn't have to pay it a third time when they die. All to a corrupt government that has a spending problem. If the kids inherit a fortune it is up to the kids to use that money, not some greedy asshole politicians who wants favors from some Marxist twit.

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Your Loyal-Peasant Attitude Was What Made White Immigrants' Forefathers Stuck at the Bottom

How can a dead person pay anything to anybody? That's so absurd it is proof that you're covering up for the spoiled mooching HeirHeads, who are a perpetual cancer on civilization.

You can't handle the obvious truth that you won't have to pay any taxes. Confiscating this unearned wealth will cover even the Liberals' waste, which won't happen anyway because they, too, are HeirHeads and won't get anywhere in government without Daddy's Money.
Your Loyal-Peasant Attitude Was What Made White Immigrants' Forefathers Stuck at the Bottom

How can a dead person pay anything to anybody? That's so absurd it is proof that you're covering up for the spoiled mooching HeirHeads, who are a perpetual cancer on civilization.

You can't handle the obvious truth that you won't have to pay any taxes. Confiscating this unearned wealth will cover even the Liberals' waste, which won't happen anyway because they, too, are HeirHeads and won't get anywhere in government without Daddy's Money.
What a crock of shit. Again, why should the fucking government be entitled to money that THEY didnt earn? If i want to leave a fortune to my children, that is up to me, just because you suck at life and your father sucked at life and so on and so forth, your wealth envy is quite obvious. It isnt your money, it isnt the governments money, it is my money to do with what i please, and if you dont fucking like it, suck my balls, even when i am dead.
If i want to leave a fortune to my children, that is up to me, your wealth envy is quite obvious. It isn't your money, it isn't the government's money, it is my money to do with what I please, even when i am dead.
If They Don't Have to Suffer for the Sins of Their Fathers, They Have No Right to Benefit From the Success of Their Fathers

You don't think your heirs are good enough to get ahead without setting them up halfway to the finish line. They block the way of the talented, who must be on top if this nation is to survive. This is the forbidden answer to why civilizations decline and fall, whenever success is based on birth and not worth.

Generation by generation, the HeirHeads get more dominant in both the private sector and the government, which you pretend is run by "those people" and not you people.
If They Don't Have to Suffer for the Sins of Their Fathers, They Have No Right to Benefit From the Success of Their Fathers

You don't think your heirs are good enough to get ahead without setting them up halfway to the finish line. They block the way of the talented, who must be on top if this nation is to survive. This is the forbidden answer to why civilizations decline and fall, whenever success is based on birth and not worth.

Generation by generation, the HeirHeads get more dominant in both the private sector and the government, which you pretend is run by "those people" and not you people.
Seems that you arent good enough to get ahead, without stealing money from other people?

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