President Biden: I proposed a minimum billionaire tax because no billionaire should be paying a lower tax rate than a school teacher or a firefighter

Typical Authoritarian Logic

One-sided ethics. If the programmed attitude weren't so peasantly worshipful, employees would come right back at you by telling their boss to go find a business where he can underpay people without suffering any consequences. All the GreedHeads' slogans assume they are the only deciders.

They have a command economy over all that. They can say to us,, "If you want a good job, do this," but we can't say to them, "If you want good future employees, you do this."
Why is it professional athletes if they dont like their pay, leave the organization they play for, looking for another that will pay them more? Oh yeah, that is called free agency. "FREE" being the key word.

I started off as a minimum wage puke, make $2.10 an hour. After a year, i got a 15 cent raise, and then the government decided to raise MW to $2.25. So i was back at entry level wages, even though i was more skilled than a newbie. I realized that i needed skills in life so i could barter my way to a better salary. I learned to fix F-15s and when i went to Saudi Arabia as a contractor, i was paid $70,000 a year, plus stock, so my abilities were compensated. Too many lazy assholes of today, you know the ones who won a trophy just because they participated , think they are due prices, even though they have no skills. I agree, if you arent worth a damn, you dont get paid well.....
tax rich folks at 100 percent, confiscate all their wealth, and give it to the poor, so they become rich, then tax them when they are rich so they become poor again!
I would love to see people like you trying to confiscate my wealth......Would not end well for you...

I would love to see people like you trying to confiscate my wealth......Would not end well for you...

1)i was making a joke
2)threatening people is against the forum's rules. just letting you know so you don't get banned in the future
1)i was making a joke
2)threatening people is against the forum's rules. just letting you know so you don't get banned in the future
I would love to see people like you trying to confiscate my wealth......Would not end well for you...
I didnt see you saying it in a joking way, because Marxists dont usually joke about stealing other peoples money..

Read what i said, again, as long as you arent trying to take my wealth away, you have nothing to fear. Honesty to a Marxist is like Garlic to a vampire.

Are you going to have me banned? Because i responded not according to your likes?
tax rich folks at 100 percent, confiscate all their wealth, and give it to the poor, so they become rich, then tax them when they are rich so they become poor again!
"Who's Your Daddy?" Economy

Your thought is controlled if you don't distinguish between inherited wealth and earned wealth. That's what leads to the unearned benefits of the poor, too.
Why is it professional athletes if they dont like their pay, leave the organization they play for, looking for another that will pay them more? Oh yeah, that is called free agency. "FREE" being the key word.

I started off as a minimum wage puke, make $2.10 an hour. After a year, i got a 15 cent raise, and then the government decided to raise MW to $2.25. So i was back at entry level wages, even though i was more skilled than a newbie. I realized that i needed skills in life so i could barter my way to a better salary. I learned to fix F-15s and when i went to Saudi Arabia as a contractor, i was paid $70,000 a year, plus stock, so my abilities were compensated. Too many lazy assholes of today, you know the ones who won a trophy just because they participated , think they are due prices, even though they have no skills. I agree, if you aren't worth a damn, you don't get paid well.....
Tuition Is Bribery

The employers who benefit from it shouldn't make you buy your job. That has no relevance to being the most talented for it, so this economy is generically staffed. It shows a hidden jealousy of natural talent.

And the athletes got what they merited only because they unionized. Second, they are not generic because they are rewarded for their particular natural talent from childhood on, the only ones who are. They don't have their personal confidence sapped by constantly hearing "Dumb-jock freaks."

Derek Jeter got one million dollars to put himself through baseball's equivalent of college education. Under the economic ideology outside of sports, he would have had to get a loan to pay the minor leagues to train him. Far more important, because the ruling parasites never allow us to hear about it, he would have had to support himself on low-paying off-season jobs and lived a miserable lifestyle and clinically depressing social life.
Why is it professional athletes if they dont like their pay, leave the organization they play for, looking for another that will pay them more? Oh yeah, that is called free agency. "FREE" being the key word.

I started off as a minimum wage puke, make $2.10 an hour. After a year, i got a 15 cent raise, and then the government decided to raise MW to $2.25. So i was back at entry level wages, even though i was more skilled than a newbie. I realized that i needed skills in life so i could barter my way to a better salary. I learned to fix F-15s and when i went to Saudi Arabia as a contractor, i was paid $70,000 a year, plus stock, so my abilities were compensated. Too many lazy assholes of today, you know the ones who won a trophy just because they participated , think they are due prices, even though they have no skills. I agree, if you arent worth a damn, you dont get paid well.....
Love your story.

I worked part time at Kroger's for minimum wage, $1/hr while in HS. After gradution I went full time for $1.10/hr. or $42/week. A year later I got a meat cutter apprenticeship starting at $65/week. I finished my apprenticeship in 1 1/2 years (instead of 3 years) and now made $100/week. Five years later, thanks to a great union contract, my pay doubled with more increases on the way.

During this time I remained single and shared rent with other guys. I was rolling in dough and spent it freely on wine, women, and song. However, if I had been prudent, I could have invested in rental properties and owned several by age 30, and likely would have been a $millionaire several times over by middle age. All possible on a HS education, and semi-skilled jobs.
Love your story.

I worked part time at Kroger's for minimum wage, $1/hr while in HS. After gradution I went full time for $1.10/hr. or $42/week. A year later I got a meat cutter apprenticeship starting at $65/week. I finished my apprenticeship in 1 1/2 years (instead of 3 years) and now made $100/week. Five years later, thanks to a great union contract, my pay doubled with more increases on the way.

During this time I remained single and shared rent with other guys. I was rolling in dough and spent it freely on wine, women, and song. However, if I had been prudent, I could have invested in rental properties and owned several by age 30, and likely would have been a $millionaire several times over by middle age. All possible on a HS education, and semi-skilled jobs.
After leaving the Air Force i went to work at Home Depot for 3 years leaning about stocks. Heavily investing in Home Depot when ever i got paid. I have over 35,000 shares today, along with a few others, because they say, never put all your eggs in one baskets...
After leaving the Air Force i went to work at Home Depot for 3 years leaning about stocks. Heavily investing in Home Depot when ever i got paid. I have over 35,000 shares today, along with a few others, because they say, never put all your eggs in one baskets...

Good planning. My investments are spread out as well with most under protection.

I'm a late comer regarding wealth. Didn't hit one $million until three years ago. Since then I've made a bit over $200,000 in interest (rates very low). Rates are much better now so I'm sitting in pretty tall cotton. :)
At a certain point a business generates its own wealth without much effort on the part of the owner. I had to earn my initial wealth but now my wealth earns money for me.
The thing is, the more tax knowledge you have and the more money you have to hire the best accountants, the less tax you pay. No offence, but you're probably a regular employee so you think Bezos just gets his money on a wage slip.

You earn your money and pay tax to the level of your tax knowledge, Bezos is doing exactly the same thing, it's just that, his accountant's knowledge is beyond ours.

Even Apple, they channel their money through different countries for tax reasons, then executives receive their money in various ways other than a wage slip, for tax reasons. And it's all done to the tax laws.

So to say tax billionaires, precisely tell me, how will you achieve this?

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