President Biden: I proposed a minimum billionaire tax because no billionaire should be paying a lower tax rate than a school teacher or a firefighter what? They had a virus outbreak launched on them. They probably did what they thought they needed to do.
Many "R" are simply "D" light. I don't know of them and don't care. They probably did not fire Police, Fire and Teachers for not getting Vaxxed?
They did not kill tens of thousands in nursing homes intentionally like in MI or NY. Your point? They may have let the kids go to school.

When Fauci gave his edicts, Trump was always right there having his back.
When Fauci gave his edicts, Trump was always right there having his back.

OK you win. It is all Trumps fault. He should have not approved any spending bills until they cut it down to only the revenue they actually collect. 4 yrs of shutdown. I agree.

Other than that I was under the impression he was going to do something in his second and last term.....the one stolen from the American voter.//
When Fauci gave his edicts, Trump was always right there having his back.
I watched most of those press conferences. Trump actually gave up trying to get his way on COVID. He then had to 'go along to get along', while keeping his hat in the ring. It's one of the few things he has backed down from. In the end he was right, wanting to keep the economy and the schools open.
OK you win. It is all Trumps fault.

All? No. Is it also Trump's legacy? Yes.

He should have not approved any spending bills until they cut it down to only the revenue they actually collect. 4 yrs of shutdown. I agree.

Other than that I was under the impression he was going to do something in his second and last term.....the one stolen from the American voter.//

His mistake for slouching off his first 4 years.
I watched most of those press conferences. Trump actually gave up trying to get his way on COVID. He then had to 'go along to get along', while keeping his hat in the ring. It's one of the few things he has backed down from. In the end he was right, wanting to keep the economy and the schools open.

He was president. He could have insisted on anything he wanted.
And why are people suffering again? Who is the President of the United States? Oh yeah, the dickhead Joe Biteme, who raised energy prices which caused high food prices, so they pumped trillions of dollars into the economy driving up the prices even more. And letting millions of illegals in, who take our resources thus driving up prices even more. Fuck the suffering poor, they voted for ding bat Joe, let them eat cup cakes...

Lol, so Joe Biden raised energy prices huh. What a retard. How did he so that. Does he own exon? How about shell , or standard oil. Which one does he own? We have a free market economy the government doesn't set prices. The providers of goods and services do.
Bernie is right. i mean Biden is right. billionaires shouldn't exist when there are so many who are suffering with so few resources

Yes, the only way to create job opportunities and create new resources is to destroy those who can and do develop them.
Zackly. I pay taxes on a gross income of about $100,000/yr, but my effective tax rate is also 17 percent. Those that pay less are being rewarded for investing (and risking) their money in economic growth.
The Marxists/Democrats say i am unpatriotic to not pay my fair share of taxes. I say "Only stupid people, pay their fair share". If there are tax loopholes to save on not paying taxes, then use them to the best of your ability, otherwise be stupid, be poor and pay all that you think you owe.

Back under George Bush 43, the gross income of federal revenue was 3 trillion dollars, yet 3 1/2 trillion dollars was spent each year. Today the revenue coming in is 4.6 triillion dollars. Why are we not on a surplus of 1.3 trillion dollars a year. that could bring the national debt down? Oh yeah, feckless government spending on pork and worthless projects.
Lol, so Joe Biden raised energy prices huh. What a retard. How did he so that. Does he own exon? How about shell , or standard oil. Which one does he own? We have a free market economy the government doesn't set prices. The providers of goods and services do.
Okay, one more time, then you go on ignore with the other 100 retarded Marxists/Democrats who never pull their heads out of their asses.

Stopped the Keystone Pipeline.
Stopped drilling on public lands so people would have to buy up electric cars.
Bring oil for enemy countries like Venezuela and OPEC nations.
Start a war in Ukraine.
Allow millions of illegals to come into this country, that require automobiles (Not electric) which uses up fuel that was supposed to be for US citizens.
Inflate the dollar so it has less buying power then it did 2 1/2 years ago, thus making energy prices necessarily skyrocket.

Income tax won't work. No Billionaire draws a standard paycheck of enough income to worry about?

As posted will have to be a re-write of the TAX code.
Or some sort of WEALTH TAX. Could take decades to wind thru Obiden courts.
They will find....most already were taxed on accumulated Wealth.
Meaning it will be deemed Un-Constitutional to TAX them again.

Keep thinking Obiden.

p.s. No one pays less or more than the TAX code calls for.
The payee.....does not write the TAX rules.
Exactly. Most billionaires are living off the interest from their accounts and pay a capital gains tax. Completely different from income tax. Mike Huckabee went on national television and set up an account where people could send in money to the government if they thought they should pay more in taxes. It got less than $40 in a month.
Zackly. I pay taxes on a gross income of about $100,000/yr, but my effective tax rate is also 17 percent. Those that pay less are being rewarded for investing (and risking) their money in economic growth.
Gambling Is Not Growth

There's no distinguishing according to quality on this issue. Foolish risks should not be rewarded; neither should luck be ignored in judging a success.

For example, if the employee-inventors got 50% of the patent value on the products they created, it wouldn't be long before they would be the only investors. The huffy-puffy blowhard high-rollers would be driven out by those with the intelligence to analyze risks.

Second, the risk-takers are so incompetent that they have to take the lion's share of the payoff, including cutting wage and salary costs, to make up for their too-frequent losses. So the reason these parasites don't reward inventors and discourage progress is that their ilk can't succeed without huge payoffs on their few winners. It's a vicious circle, so only unionization of employee-inventors can stop this brain-drain by the brainless plutocrats, the nobility with no ability.

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