President Biden: I proposed a minimum billionaire tax because no billionaire should be paying a lower tax rate than a school teacher or a firefighter

Well, it cost money if you want to be the worlds super power. Believe me, China is going to spend the money and invest in their people and country. Don't be shocked when they're kicking our asses in wwIII in a few years when they have a better and more advanced military and tools of war.
China has near a billion people who have not even entered the modern production workforce yet. There will be no unions and strikes and such. Who knows? They may try and perhaps make inroads against the communist leadership.
Biden is a republicanlite in many ways. It is fucking insane how extreme the right is in this country! It is like they want to go back to the guilded age in economics and dark ages in social belief.
Maybe they're sick and tired of people who don't have enough sense or ambition to take advantage of the economic opportunities available all over the place.

Higher taxes mean more social program spending resulting in less production, thus hurting the economy even more, and devaluing the dollar.
The whole Dem "tax rate" propaganda is intentionally dishonest and designed to foment hate for billionaires. FU Democrats, shove it up your ass!
One of the top 10 Dem LIES is claiming billionaires don't pay their fare share. They pay shit tons of taxes. Just not simple income taxes. Which the Dems know, but they are lying dishonest assholes.
Raising taxes on the rich is a way to punish them for being successful.
Yep. Man-made virus lanuch and shutdown DEBT by DEM politicians is fact. we finally agree on something!

For the 500th time. I live on the WV/Ohio border. Both states were shut down by Republican governors.
Biden is a republicanlite in many ways. It is fucking insane how extreme the right is in this country! It is like they want to go back to the guilded age in economics and dark ages in social belief.
They just want to have attention paid to them. It's damn hard to get attention in 2023. It's like we're all competing for it now. We've been brats for as long as I can remember. Pay me no mind.
Bernie is right. i mean Biden is right. billionaires shouldn't exist when there are so many who are suffering with so few resources

There is that word play again. Tax rate vs actual money paid.

My tax rate is around 17% and will pay in over $100,000 in taxes. The poor whose tax rate is 0% gets a tax credit of $500 to $2000. Tax the poor who dont contribute to the federal government...
The profits of the rich are invested in economic growth.
Much of government revenue is spent on people who are not very productive. Welfare promotes inflation as that money is less productive than a paycheck is. Perhaps we should 'starve' more of those on welfare into seeking a job.
Bernie is right. i mean Biden is right. billionaires shouldn't exist when there are so many who are suffering with so few resources

The reason this argument by Bakedbromide and President Potato is stupid can be traced back to a few simple premises:

Right or wrong, in this nation we tax income, not wealth.

And if you object to the fact that our enormously convoluted tax laws and regulation (amounting to like 80,000 pages of largely indecipherable gibberish) allo w the very wealthy to pay a lower rate than the middle or lower income earners, then by all means let’s get rid of our Byzantine taxation system. Institute a fucking flat tax.

But be aware in advance, we still only tax income year by year. Once the “basis” is established, by having paid those yearly taxes, the rest is non-taxable. (You can’t tax a person twice on the same earned dollar.) Thus, the rich will still be rich based on accumulated after-tax wealth.

And unless you seek to tax based on accumulated wealth, it is a fallacy to point to the billionaires.

Brandon’s plan is cheap theatrical pandering to the ignorant. Different Democrap President, same playbook. It should be ignored and rejected.
For the 500th time. I live on the WV/Ohio border. Both states were shut down by Republican governors. what? They had a virus outbreak launched on them. They probably did what they thought they needed to do.
Many "R" are simply "D" light. I don't know of them and don't care. They probably did not fire Police, Fire and Teachers for not getting Vaxxed?
They did not kill tens of thousands in nursing homes intentionally like in MI or NY. Your point? They may have let the kids go to school.
There is that word play again. Tax rate vs actual money paid.

My tax rate is around 17% and will pay in over $100,000 in taxes. The poor whose tax rate is 0% gets a tax credit of $500 to $2000. Tax the poor who dont contribute to the federal government...
Zackly. I pay taxes on a gross income of about $100,000/yr, but my effective tax rate is also 17 percent. Those that pay less are being rewarded for investing (and risking) their money in economic growth.

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