President Biden: I proposed a minimum billionaire tax because no billionaire should be paying a lower tax rate than a school teacher or a firefighter

Okay, one more time, then you go on ignore with the other 100 retarded Marxists/Democrats who never pull their heads out of their asses.

Stopped the Keystone Pipeline.
Stopped drilling on public lands so people would have to buy up electric cars.
Bring oil for enemy countries like Venezuela and OPEC nations.
Start a war in Ukraine.
Allow millions of illegals to come into this country, that require automobiles (Not electric) which uses up fuel that was supposed to be for US citizens.
Inflate the dollar so it has less buying power then it did 2 1/2 years ago, thus making energy prices necessarily skyrocket.

Game Plan to Make the Home Team Lose
Yes, the only way to create job opportunities and create new resources is to destroy those who can and do develop them.
Saying That the Rich Create Any of That Is Like Saying That Vampires Create Blood

Postmodern business is collectivist. The employees create the revenue, and the owners collect it from them.
I wonder does that include him and his family because neither he or his family or anyone else in Congress Democrat or Republican is living paycheck to paycheck.
Gambling Is Not Growth

There's no distinguishing according to quality on this issue. Foolish risks should not be rewarded; neither should luck be ignored in judging a success.

For example, if the employee-inventors got 50% of the patent value on the products they created, it wouldn't be long before they would be the only investors. The huffy-puffy blowhard high-rollers would be driven out by those with the intelligence to analyze risks.

Second, the risk-takers are so incompetent that they have to take the lion's share of the payoff, including cutting wage and salary costs, to make up for their too-frequent losses. So the reason these parasites don't reward inventors and discourage progress is that their ilk can't succeed without huge payoffs on their few winners. It's a vicious circle, so only unionization of employee-inventors can stop this brain-drain by the brainless plutocrats, the nobility with no ability.
Nothing comes to fruition without investment capital. Startups rarely have their own. That's where the capitalists come in. There are few sure things in business, and most eventually fail taking unsecured investment dollars down with them. The 'good' news is that those investment dollars are now in the hands of established companies whose products and services were involved in those startups. Time, effort, and materials are lost, but the dollars remain in the economy.
Saying That the Rich Create Any of That Is Like Saying That Vampires Create Blood

Postmodern business is collectivist. The employees create the revenue, and the owners collect it from them.
The person who creates the product or service is usually the owner unless he wishes to let someone else run it while he gets paid from its creation. If the product or service is something many people want, then the owner has to bring in HELP to make more of the product or service. Just because you work for someone doesnt mean you should get paid like the owner since all you have is time working for him/her. If things go bad you just lose your paycheck, the owner though loses his initial investment. That is the reason why the owner should be paid more.
Nothing comes to fruition without investment capital. Startups rarely have their own. That's where the capitalists come in. There are few sure things in business, and most eventually fail taking unsecured investment dollars down with them. The 'good' news is that those investment dollars are now in the hands of established companies whose products and services were involved in those startups. Time, effort, and materials are lost, but the dollars remain in the economy.
This Little Piggy Went to Market

Investing is throwing money at poorly thought out guesses. The inventor and the quality of the workforce create the value of the investment. The owners only own the workplace; they should not own the work. Some millionaire puts up money for a racecar, but it is the driver who is the key factor. Even the mechanics give value to that investment more than the investor does.

Thought is controlled on economic ideology. Even the socialists, all from academia, think the government, if it owns the businesses, will create jobs and national wealth. So it is the same kind of conceited and sheltered thinking from the twins parasites of power.
Bernie is right. i mean Biden is right. billionaires shouldn't exist when there are so many who are suffering with so few resources

Not a drop of Biden is genuine, so you can't tell when he's right. He often says things to entertain his base knowing full fucking well he doesn't intend to see it through.
This Little Piggy Went to Market

Investing is throwing money at poorly thought out guesses. The inventor and the quality of the workforce create the value of the investment. The owners only own the workplace; they should not own the work. Some millionaire puts up money for a racecar, but it is the driver who is the key factor. Even the mechanics give value to that investment more than the investor does.

Thought is controlled on economic ideology. Even the socialists, all from academia, think the government, if it owns the businesses, will create jobs and national wealth. So it is the same kind of conceited and sheltered thinking from the twins parasites of power.
If an employee believes they aren't paid enough they can go to work for someone else, start their own business, or find an additional source of income. However, most are happy to put in their eight hours then go home and open cold one. :)
Some millionaire puts up money for a racecar, but it is the driver who is the key factor. Even the mechanics give value to that investment more than the investor does.
Pretty sure the key factor is the CAR. Without it you have a Monty Python skit with 20 dudes in racing suits running around a banked oval.
If employees believes they aren't paid enough they can go to work for someone else, start their own business, or find an additional source of income. :)
Typical Authoritarian Logic

One-sided ethics. If the programmed attitude weren't so peasantly worshipful, employees would come right back at you by telling their boss to go find a business where he can underpay people without suffering any consequences. All the GreedHeads' slogans assume they are the only deciders.

They have a command economy over all that. They can say to us,, "If you want a good job, do this," but we can't say to them, "If you want good future employees, you do this."
Bernie is right. i mean Biden is right. billionaires shouldn't exist when there are so many who are suffering with so few resources

It is so disheartening to see the New Right saying the poor need to be punished more and to see the Left saying the rich need to be punished more.

The people raping this country are laughing their asses off.
This Little Piggy Went to Market

Investing is throwing money at poorly thought out guesses. The inventor and the quality of the workforce create the value of the investment. The owners only own the workplace; they should not own the work. Some millionaire puts up money for a racecar, but it is the driver who is the key factor. Even the mechanics give value to that investment more than the investor does.

Thought is controlled on economic ideology. Even the socialists, all from academia, think the government, if it owns the businesses, will create jobs and national wealth. So it is the same kind of conceited and sheltered thinking from the twins parasites of power.
Micromanaging the economy is a fool's errand. Best to leave a free market free.
Typical Authoritarian Logic

One-sided ethics. If the programmed attitude weren't so peasantly worshipful, employees would come right back at you by telling their boss to go find a business where he can underpay people without suffering any consequences. All the GreedHeads' slogans assume they are the only deciders.

They have a command economy over all that. They can say to us,, "If you want a good job, do this," but we can't say to them, "If you want good future employees, you do this."
Consumers command the economy. They decide which products, and thus which businesses, will be successful and largely how much they will cost.

"Nothing happens in business until something is sold." -Business truism.

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