President Biden nominates new ATF chief Steve Dettelbach, announces slate of gun reforms, will talk guns at 2:15PM ET from White House Rose Garden

Biden can't do jack shit. He's already a lame duck. When the Republicans take over Congress next year Joe Biden will become a sad asterisk in our history.

Literally NO ONE gives a fuck what Joe Biden says, including most of his own party.
With his AFT appointment he can do more unless Congress steps up and stops him.
Adam Schiff's Equal Access to Justice for Victims of Gun Violence Act would repeal a 2005 law that provides immunity to the gun industry from most civil lawsuits in state and federal court

another good common sense bill: Senators Feinstein and Menendez introduced a bill to prevent gun sellers from circumventing technology companies’ terms of service by making it illegal to fraudulently sell firearms and ammunition online

A felon or domestic abuser can go from kit to gun in as little as 30 minutes. Buyers aren’t required to pass a background check. And because the guns have no serial numbers, when they show up at crime scenes, they can’t be traced.
yeah, those ghost guns are being used for thousands and thousands of murders.
Goddamn, they are so full of shit.
The ghost gun got up all by itself and shot someone...oh wait no it's the dumb ass Dem policies, defund the police, let felons out of prison and refuse to arrest and convict people for crimes, allows millions of illegals, drugs and guns to flood across our borders...:eusa_think:
President Biden will announce a new firearm regulation meant to contain the use of privately made weapons, as he comes under pressure to take more steps to address gun violence.

Again what is the problem with Gun Owners.NONE. It's those felons with a
record who steal guns who are the problem.Couldn't be any simpler to understand.
Now we have a New gun term to deal with.A MADE-UP term.
Ghost Guns.
And a new Regulation { Not legislated } but just dreamed up as if
overnight.By Gun Haters.The same pack of clowns who apparently don't
Hate Violence.Or felons who steal guns that were legally owned.
An Americans really have to hate this Country to dig so deep as
believe this Biden pap about Ghost guns.
At best Biden is an American Ghost leader.
The LA Times recently blew a gasket when they learned the number of new gun owners had skyrocketed since COVID-19. Even though homicides rose by 250% ... the Times got their undies in a bunch because private citizens are choosing to arm themselves

You cannot separate guns from rights
Cars are killing machines, bats are killing machines, people are killing machines.
I niver saw me a gun that killed another.Like in the middle of the night some
gun saw fit to act like doing some target practicing.
Guns are inanimate objects.So are cars.But a car can roll down a driveway and
run down another.Skid off a road into a sidewalk.
Maybe If guns took up drinking when the master of the house was
sleeping.Maybe Pop Biden should tink about dat.

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