President Biden takes on Repubtards who seek violence

There hasn't been any leftist violence since the Vietnam War.
They were demonstrations.

Hey idiot, every riot in the last 50 years has all pretty much been by the radical left.

And those "demonstrations" over 5 months in 2020 injured and maimed thousands of cops and killed over 50 of them, not to mention doing billions in damage and property loss.

Now you idiots pretend to have a shit because of some fake thread about an alleged protest by the Right (and over egregious violations of policy, power and law!)?

It's a common theme voiced by the Trump Cult party. "If we don't get our way, we will riot in the streets!"

Trump and his Cult allies called for violence after Trump lost the 2020 election which resulted in the January 6 attempted takeover of the government of the United States.

And their leaders, Lindsey Graham and Bannon are threatening street violence when Trump is inevitably indicted for his nefarious concealment of sensitive classified documents at his crib in Florida. They know it's coming; to not indict Trump would be a dereliction of duty for Garland, and he has said no one is above the law, not even carrot top.
but what about hillaryand billy boy...they arent in jail despite their long history of criminal activity

Libtarded President Brandon takes on Republicans who seek rationality.​

There. I’ve fixed the misleading thread headline.
Because never in the history of modern warfare has a less advanced military defeated a military powerhouse...


If I thought his addled mind could retain the information, I'd suggest Biden take a refresher course in military history...

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